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Post by drnrg » 24 Sep 2013, 09:00

The Karen track is inoffensive but far from classic A-Beat C as far as I'm concerned. Really don't get why everyone is going gaga over it!
Me neither man. Doesn't do much for me, but then again, I'm not a big Karen fan. I do like that last line of the chorus that says"Crush Me baby" if that is what she says? I don't have lyrics yet.

Review TIME. I'll copy and paste lebon's song title formatt, because it's complete and I dig that. Best way to do reviews is at the same TIME I?m listeing to songs, so here goes.

01. "Never Say Never" by Manuel (Go Go's Music) [4:26]
Damn! What A way to start off the cd. I like Manuel's songs. I've allways concidered him a free agent; the way he jumps from label to label. His vocals surely stand out above the best. Quirky at TIME's, but the good strong accent and the opera feel is just perfect. This song has sometjhing I crave with desire in songs and that's an appropriate powerful intro. Manuel is in a class of his own when it comes to intros. They have a sort of haunting feel with a touch of epic vibe. Those same effects return right after the last line of the chorus. You hear them right before the riff kicks in. It sounds like he gives off some sort of scream. With all this praising of the intro; the song has won me over and the melodies just fall into place. The epic vibe returns in the chorus melody. This song has not one female backup, but Manuel's vocals are strong enough to carry the song on his own. Loving the "comon comons" in the chorus. easily one of my top tunes and easily one of the catchiest NRG etic Synth riffs this year. Jumpy, but powerful. very old school. What a treat it is to give out my first 10 to the first track and nice to see a GGGms label return with a blast! BTW, did Mauel have a hand in writing the t5rack? Sounds like he might have?

02. "Adrenaline" by Ace (SCP) [4:24]
I probobly like this song more than most of you. It's a very good intro. I like the spoken effect and Accapella intro and drum beats right before the synth riff. That really makes the track stand out. The riff itself is quite catchy. The melody in the chorus is safe sounding Eurobeat, but works great with the sort of off tune melody in the verses. What I mean is that they sound like different songs, but come together naturally with the bridge, so in the end, the bridge is doing its job perfectly. I'm allready enjoying this one more than "Dance In The Starlight" It just excells in adding many more special parts in its TIME legnth than his other songs. Mid break= check and with an added acapella effect returning in the last final verse and chorus. Seems Ace really put those extra toppings in the right places. Not quite as epic as Manuel, but that's because I prefer Manuel's vocals about 10x more. Final verdict is that for me this is one of Ace's best songs in a long TIME.

03. "Maybe One Day" by Karen (A-Beat-C) [4:05]
The song everyone is creaming for? Well I'm trying to get into it. I love the intro, but falls short of something. The stuttering effect shines, but seems a little rushed. I'm not the biggest Karen fan. Her biggest songs for me were the first she sang at AbeatC, but seriously, I have trouble remebering anything from her after that. Maybe "You Really Are The Man I Love" and that's going back a ways back. maybe it's the fact that her vocals kinda remind me a little bit of those English singers from C.O.R.O.N.A , ect.. I don't know, but honestly the one line that really stands out for me is where she says "Crush Me Baby" or is it "Trust Me baby" I prefer "Crush Me" because of the double meaning, but I should be so lucky. Anyway, I've heard it enough x to know it won't recieve more than a...

04. "Magic Sunday" by Dave Rodgers Feat. Futura (SunFire) [4:03]
O.k. I just realized this song allready started and thought it was still Karen's song. A bad sign? This song needs some listening to get used to. It really does have a catchy synth riff and Dave sounds great in duet mode. Futura does her part, but lets be honest; it's Dave who carries the tune from start to finish. Dave however is a smart man and knows the importance of female backup and how it can add power to the song, especially in the chorus. The bridge is especially a shiner in this song. This song falls nicely inbetween "Like A Video" and "Sun Fire" meaning it carries the best ingredients fromboth types of songs. What hurts the song in my view is that intro. The sort of Indian tones don't mesh well and since he never brings them back they don't stand out like they should. Again the importance of a break is to again introduce that intro, but It's hard to do so when your song barely touches the 4:00 min mark. and why so short anyway? Was he in a hurry to submit something? I can see why WNight takes this song higher, but for me it falls short on some very important parts that I look for in my Eurobeat.

05. "Baby Tonight" by Tipsy & Tipsy (Asia/BBB) [5:31]
Seeing a Boom Boom Beat entry once in a while should be a bigger treat than this song proves to be. I was completely blown away with "Last Of Eurobeat" A super aggressive slam dunk, but this one falls in the cutsie department and what leaves it there, is the way the synths are played. Its a good melody, but the effects sound too "happy" sounding for my likes. I someTIME's find myself singing along to the chorus, but then here comes those sythns and just blow it. My favourit part arrives right at the 4:min mark. That reminds me of the style of "Sandy", A song I always come back to when playing Saifam favourites of the last few years. I like the good song legnth. Nothing is missing, but the synths.. They remind me of some HRG Attack song about lemonade or something like that. Not too good.

06. "I Just Wanna Stay With You" by Dream Fighters (Dima) [5:01]
I'm still in awe about "You Could Be Mine" That was a song that almost got lost among the countless of Dima alias songs this year. That one wasn't even him singing was it? Anyway, this song; regrettably doesn't stand above the last two or so songs from DIMA. mainly "Heart's On Fire" and "Dancing In The Streets". It does have an epic intro, but that doesn't surprise me whan it comes to Dima. He could write the book on epic intros. Plus he brings back that intro effect in the first couplet of the verses. I like the way he incorporated that into the song. Everything about this song pushes me to give a point higher. At the 3 min mark; the song just screams epicness and the outro is something only he could dream up. It hits the mark. Almost somthing New Wave sounding. I just wish he would have let the song be carried more into that intro's realm. It's kinda mystic sounding and when you mesh Epic with Mystic; you usually get an incredible fusion. I think he fell short in exploring that realm and turning this song into something truly remarkable. As it stands; I enjoy it, but not to it's full potential.

07. "Fairy Tale" by Cherry (Delta) [5:24]
The disc took a break from the high marked songs, but thankfully the super high quality returns with this song. It's Clara Moroni's third this year. I like Reborn My Fire and Overjoy, but this one hits a mark that was missing from those other two. The intro is quick and to the point, then goes into a cool stuttering effect that really makes your intro stand out when used properly. The synth riff is from DELTA's best side, but what really catches the attention is the way the verses are sung. Music drops and you get the feel of a calmer vibe. The soft pianos keys give a nice Italo feel as well. What follows; the bridge, is really putting that melody in synch with the chorus; which wonderfully brings us that well known Italo "Galloping" style. It Works wonders for the song. Clara could use some backing vocals. meaning her own powerful vocals used more often throughout the vesrses and bridge as her own backup. As it is; it doesn't take any enjoymant away from the experienc, but could give her vocals that extra "umph" some of us notice is a bit absent now adays. The song also has two nice breaks. It's hard to choose from the mini stuttering one or the one with the pinaos and guitars as they are both integral parts of the song and at the same TIME giving it a nice dose of Power. For me this in many ways, this DELTA entry, is the Mirror effect song for Daniel's "Poison" on SEB 224. Meaning, the most Powerful female sung from DELTA label this year, which up utill song, was pretty vacant. So with pleasure I give Cherry...

08. "Kool Kitten" by Franz Tornado (Hi-NRG Attack) [5:15]
"HOLY SHIT. This is the track where I rape the repeat button." I love this phrase form Lebon's review! I gave it a little gang bang raping myself :!: First thing's first. Franz is sounding as stellar as ever. It was certainly worth the wait. The last song that blew me away from Franz was "Flying Over The Sky" and that was Jeff Driller; so technically it's been a long TIME since Franz hit the beat on the button. I imagined Kool Kitten to be something sort of a mess, but man, this one really brings back the hype sound of HRG Attack. Franz and Nick really are two worlds apart. Both from DOA's agressive side of Eurobeat, but both inject a certain sound to thier songs that make them special and this one is definately a Rimonti production. Everything is check. Chaotic Intro , complete with funky cat meows is just what to expect from Franz. I already mentioned the DOA flavoured chorus melody,but this song adds something completely unexpected in the chorus. Especially in the last line. KKKKKKoool Kitten! Yes! That's what I'm talking about. Somthing to catch you with your pants down. Meaning; completely by surprise.The rest of the melodies just flow perfectly onto each other. I don't have lyrics; so as this moment ,I'm hearing things like "Kool Kitten thriller" and "keep It Cool" in the break, but that's ok, since I'm pretty sure the real lyrics are just wacky enough to keep me satified as well. Magnificant comeback from the original Agresso Master of HRG Attack.

09. "You Got Me Boom! Boom!" by Tora (SinclaireStyle) [4:49]
So what I'm hearing is that this song isn't blowing the rest of you away? I must still be on a Sinclaire High, cause I'm loving every hyper aspect of this song and Tora gots me min "Boom Boom" mode. Right off the start; the riff is super fast and reminds me of "Love As a Weapon" . You hear the "Boom Boom" in the intro? I get flashbacks to "Boom Boom Girl". Songs with the words "Boom Boom" just take me to another Eurobeat level. Tora is without a doubt a softer sounding vocalist. Her vocals are not as powerful, but on this song she uses the sort of cutsieness that meshes well this sort of themed song. The chorus is my favourite part. It's catchy, but if you really listen to that synth riff, you can hear it was born from the those Vicky Vale classics like "Dancing". BTW, I listen to my songs on my big sound stereo system and they really blare throuhgout my house. So in other words; I'm really digging on this new Tora song and it's hyper level.

10. "Don't Forget" by Paul Harris (Delta) [5:04]
I won't forget that we just had a Paul Harris song on SEB 224 that was way better than this one. Paul Harris back so soon. This song; upon first listen strikes me as, very good decent Eurobeat song, but not from Paul's best side of things. There are many ingredients that tell me it could easily be "Dreamers" part 2. The problem is; that I don't necessarly want, "Dreamers" part 2. He could have at least used the Luke or Mark Astly alias and shake up the rhythm a bit. It's a good song, but even the intro sounds too too much like "Turbo Disco" I allready milked "Turbo Disco" for all it's magnificant glory and was expecting somthing really groundbreaking. At TIMEs the melody in the verses touches the boring aspect. I think someone else mentions this in another review? The lyrics themselves do not have a very interesting theme when compared to the other contenders on the disc. In the end, A good song, but I think I'll give "Dreamers" a few 100 more spins before this one.

11. "Moonlight Hero" by Ultraviolet (Dima) [5:06]
New aliases always get my blood pumping. This is a cool sounding song. You could take your car for a moonlight drive and just put it on cruise control with this song playing on the stereo. It has a different vibe than the last few Stephy songs. What's trippy, is that the synth riff comes right out of DIMA 101. Just been used to death, but that's ok, because this round it's being sung over female vocals. You can distinctly hear David in there as well. He is doing some very good backups in the chorus. For me gives it a much more pleasurable listening expirience. What really stands out is the melody in the chorus. It brought me back for quite a few plays and I always go back to the 3:45 min mark. Its good accapella style over a constant high hat that I always enjoy in Dima's productions. Not ecaxtly a groundbreaking effcet for a midbreak, but it does break away from his traditional guitars; which in fact do comeback towards the end of the song, but placing them in a different spot makes the song more interesting. My one regret is that it kinda feels like the song goes by too quickly. It needed a littlle more flavouring around the edges. I hope Ultravioñet's next song is from the agressive side of something like "Speed Demon" ooh Lala!

12. "Give Me Your Heaven" by Ciao Ciao (Hi-NRG Attack) [5:16]
Ciao Ciao One of my favourite acts in HRG Attack or from the Eurobeat genre ever. This song is no exception. It has the wonderful stylings of a Cindy song. I'll get out of the way and the reason for not giving it a 10, is that I feel the synth riff could have been a bit more intersting than it is on the song. With that out of the way; I can now begin to praise the song. I'll start with the title. pefect for Ciao Ciao alias. What really is born from that name is the melody in the verse. It's just fits so perfect for the song. It fits like a new Wave melody that even Kim Wilde herself could have sung. Maybe Dale Bozzio from Missing Persons, but up untill thiere 1986 Windows LP. What ever, you guys are probobly getting lost with this groups. So back to Ciao Ciao. HRG Attack can never really fall into the aishu side of Eurobeat, nor do I feel they intend to. Italo is what they aim for and this song has it very evident in the chorus. Ok. favourite part , besides the intro and break is that instrumental part at min 3.11. They opt it for the first part of the chorus and sounds 100% old school. I love it. by the TIME it breaks into that last break down, you know weather you love it or hate it. In the end and after a few more listens I'll come to appreciate the synth riff a bit more than I do now, but in no way does that take away any enjoymant from the song It's up there, just not a perfect 10 like say; "Don't Cry Tonight" was. At least not for me.

13. "Fantasy Car" by Powerful T. (SunFire) [4:26]
We are up to one of my top 3 songs on the disc. I can't belive its not getting the attention it deserves. Not even the big Powerful T. fans are drooling like me. It's the riff that shoots this song to the top tyre of my Eurobeat skyscraper. The itro is tough as love as it stands. Added guitar for flavouring and it's not short. These are all aspects of a Eurobeat song that I crave. then BAM!! that old style riff kicks in and it's classic ABEATC. Powerful T. has got his vocals in 5th gear, but in that chorus ,he squeezes that 6th gear out of nowhere. He comes very close to Manuel; which seems to be shining aspects of this disc. He even holds that note at the 2:45 min of the song. It's a fast song that goes by you like a Corvette, so if you can't keep up, you'll probobly be left in the dust. Blink and you will miss the special parts. See when I hear that riff; I like to imagine Dave playing the first part and Poweful T. adding those synth inserts with his guitar; which in the end gave birth to that awesome sounding synth riff. What also shot this song to the top of my likes is that outro. best one for me. very Powerful and very Dave Rodgers old school.

14. "Beat Around" by Les & Megan (SinclaireStyle) [5:00]
Another Sinclaire treat is what is playing next. What a stellar idea to have a duet with his two most powerful female vocalists. Megan and Les is the answer to Dejo & Bon. Sinclaire is easily the king of duets at the moment. He is on a high and nothing seeme to stop him. This song has one important aspect going for it and that is the intro. That is a one hell of an intro. Those jumpy synths that introduce the main synth riff are just music to my ears. Immediatly a song that came to mind was Toby Ash- "Dr. Of Deams" or "Casino" I havn't exactly heard that style played in a while that so much reminds me of those TIME classics gone be, so I'm immediately shooting this song side by side with Powerful T. and Manuel. Sinclaire's style is Hyper Eurobeat. You either have gotten used to it or again your left behind scratching your head wondering why you can't get into it with ease.. It took me a while to get used to it, but I came full circle. Like I said before I'm giving multiple plays to his other songs before "Walking Alone In London" and "Tearful Eyes" and really appreciate his style even more. The man doesn't once let me down, for he also includes my longed for breakdown in a Eurobeat song. Hard guitars like he used in "Rocky Dance" and once again that fabulous intro style. are proof that he is up to his old tricks again. This song is definetly from his best side. He is on a roll!

15. "Hot Hot Racin' Car" by Go 2 (SCP) [4:30]
This CD just manages to keep the super high level of Eurobeat quality going up untill the end. Go 2 a name I havn't seen a while. Samurai Blue was cool , but way too short to enjoy. This song is a comeback. I havn't enjoyed a Go2 song as much since either "Purple Emotion" or "Don't Turn It Off", whichever came last. This song highlights all the reasons why SCP should start doing songs that run at least 4:30 mins or more. You see what they can do with a proper TIME legnth. So this song is just awsome. The glitch is; that about 5 more songs on this cd, are even more awesomer, but it stands on its own two feet, because it's Go 2's classic sound. That melody in the verses is really differnt for a Go2 song. Almost having a Jay Lehr feel to it. I love it, but that traditional melody in the chrus and riff is all Go 2 and that's the main reason to fall head over heals. Now; this song, showcases some mind blowing effect that really knocked my shade off. Someone mentions they don't like it. Shit, That's the best part. How great was that effect when they speed up the riff and than ease into the breakdown. That's classic Go2. At least that's what I like about Go 2. So they comfortably slot and end the disc with a much deserved bang.

This cd was full of some really powerful music. I havn't even finished the 224 review yet and I'm allready finished with this one. t really hyped me to a great Eurobeat level, which I concider my perfect listening zone. My top 3 are probobly different from the majoraty, but that's just perfect, because I've always been in a class my own that craves diffeent sounds and effects. A bit from the traditional side, but that's what I listen for and these batch of songs have a lot of that old flavour in them.Great comebacks all around. In fact this disc could very easily be themed the comeback edition. I'm hyped for 226, but can it really top this one? I'm always hoping so, cause that means even mnore amazing music comming my way.

TOP 3 songs.
tied, as I cannot truly pick a sure favourite.
Never Say Never- Manuel
Beat Around- Les & Megan
Fantasy Car- Powerful T.

Honourable mention for brining back the wackyness
Kool Kitten- Franz Tornado

226...bring it on!!!

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Post by Matteo Rizzi » 24 Sep 2013, 13:04

Time of gifts from Delta staff.

When the Jungle is on fire, the animals (............) ?
1) die :cry:
2) survive :!:

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Post by SuperEuroJimmy » 24 Sep 2013, 13:25

They die, sadly. :(!

Also, thanks for the gift! :D

Am I the only one who thinks Kool Kitten is just a rehash of Super Guts by Jeff Driller? :S

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Post by Mindsweeper » 24 Sep 2013, 19:32

Many animals die, but the predators that survive get a free barbecue!

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Post by WNight » 26 Sep 2013, 08:57

My turn for a review, I am not too good with describing every single detail out there, so I'll try to keep it bare bones.

Perhaps the most noticeable aspect of this track is it's actual lack of any low key parts, except for maybe the verse. If it isn't DAT RIFF pounding you silly with it's heavy yet catchy beats, it's Manuel himself belting with everything he's got, and if that wasn't enough already, the track also features effective use of guitars, rounding out everything with a kick ass guitar solo that will certainly seal the deal for anyone who enjoys powerful eurobeat in all it's glory. Still, I can't help but feel that there may be some who will knock this track off due to it's over the top nature but there's certainly no denying just how haunting this track really is. If this track is truly written by Manuel himself under GGM, then the label really needs to give the man his own room for creativity, as this track easily puts all his other GGM tracks to shame. A solid 5 track.
Grade : 5/5

Who wants to play it safe? Ace does apparently, because this is so traditional Ace it's not even funny. What that means to me is that while it never disappoints, it doesn't really have room to soar either. In short : It's good, but as good as 10 of his other tracks. If I were to name a favourite part, it would be the chorus. In conclusion, it's a song that doesn't strive for anything out of the ordinary but still manages to be effective as it's a tested and proven method.
Grade : 3.5/5

The first real filler of the album. I am a Karen fan just like most, but this track certainly isn't from the high end of her rich discography as it essentially sounds insipid for the most part sans the chorus. WNight prefers to skip out on this one altogether to gear up for upcoming tracks.
Grade : 1.5/5

This track is easily one of my top tracks on the album. The melody is uplifting, cute and the duo sings so well on this track, albeit heavy on Dave side, but at least Futura is there to keep things in check in case it becomes too much of a manly affair. Light guitars during the chorus also serve as a good buffer so that the track never actually has a chance to experience a dip in energy. It's quite easy to knock off this track due to it's eccentric sounding productions and will certainly alienate anyone who isn't at least positive of the label already. Me personally, I still stand by the fact there's nothing in the current eurobeat like their tunes. In conclusion, I think it's certainly one of the most interesting Dave & Futura track next to my all time favourite "Sun Fire".
Grade : 5/5

I think that the main issue I have with most of their recent female sung tracks is just how it sounds so much like something someone would do if we were to go back in time into the 50s. Hardly a worthy track to waste anytime on and manages to be an outright filler on this album next to Karen's track. I refrain from commenting any further.
Grade : 1/5

The obligatory Dima track of the album. Like Ace's track before, this track hardly pushes any boundaries unlike the Dima track on 224. Still, the opening itself is all it took to show that this track is one of his darker and more melancholic tracks since 221, which is certainly right up my alley. Slick and smooth melody coupled with impressive vocals from Dima. I am actually having trouble finding any actual flaws in the details.
Grade : 4/5

I think this is one of the most impressive track from Clara in a long time since the already deified "Yes I Will". The beautiful melody, the calm yet heavy sounding verse, the mega catchy chorus - seriously, tell me the "YOU DEDICATE TO ME!" doesn't get to you, and Clara's endearing vocals all show that she is still a force to be reckoned with in the world of eurobeat. Still, I have an even better idea for a better track, why not rope in Queen 26 or Eliza to boost this track's impact even further? As I see it, this track is a perfect way to showcase girl power & if this was billed as an actual Delta Queens track, shit, it could trump all the other female tracks on this album. Wishful thinking aside, this track is still pretty damn impressive and totally worthy of a high grade.
Grade : 5/5

Hilarious song title. Song wise, tracks like this from the label just isn't my cup of tea, and truthfully, aside from the chorus, I find this track quite hard to stomach but I don't necessarily see it as a travesty altogether. I think it's best to leave this track untouched as it would just be unfair to give this track a low score.
Grade : -/5

This is one of those misfit tracks that could potentially weasel it's way onto another genre or something along the lines yet still remains so eurobeat. This track wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be. Sure the singing is happy and cheerful, but the shrillness of this track's production feels a bit too much and annoys me quite a bit. Thanks, but no thanks Sinclaire.
Grade : 2/5

Because of the opening and the riff, I was ready for something a bit more action oriented, only to be utterly let down when Paul starts singing. Now it's nothing got to do with his voice or anything - He is an okay singer, but I feel that the singing parts just feels way too boring overall, and I can't help but feel like they are merely along for the ride until the riff hits, which in the big picture, is more of a chore than enjoyment so I can't promise about not forgetting this track entirely.
Grade : 2/5

The opener may not be the best sounding thing ever, and certain parts of the song could be easily passed over and knocked on for general laziness - I.E. The riff, it all sounds too familiar to anyone who has followed Dima for a long time. Thankfully, Ms Ultraviolet is here to save the day with her gentle and pleasant tone, just who exactly is she? Anyways, great vocal parts are what I liked the most about this track, anything else is just underwhelming.
Grade : 2/5

"Together" still remains one of my favourite tracks from this alias, and she doesn't exactly stick to a particular type so it's no surprise I haven't found a spiritual successor to that song yet. What this song does good : I feel that the chorus is a particular highlight of the track, and the break somewhere at the 3 minute mark wasn't too bad either. The track occasionally feels a bit less well thought out, especially the bridge. Overall, it's quite an average track.
Grade : 2.5/5

Tiranti is sooooo back after the wasted potential that was "Magic Car". I always have my ears on the lookout for impressive openings, so right off the bat, this track already had me half sold even before the actual track begins. That's something about the label that I dearly love, so I truly hope that Dave doesn't lose his fire or just get lazy with them. Unlike some of the other users around, I was highly impressed with this track not mainly because of it's riff, but more for it's va-va-voom chorus that makes a Powerful T song well, his. The beat on anything besides the riff also sounds more danceable so that's something I take into consideration as well. When compared to "Magic Car", this track also feels a lot more complete because of the clever inserts especially during the bridge and shortly before the chorus and of course the much needed guitars and especially, the guitar solo that just cannot be absent when talking about a Tiranti track. Again, like every Sun Fire track, it's not going to be for everyone, but for those who can, hop on and let Tiranti take you for a ride in his Fantasy Car!
Grade : 5/5

The opening begins with a shout out, which quite honestly shocked me a little the first time I heard it. That being said, this is one of the tracks I play on heavy rotation a lot as well. It's simply amazing how most of the Sinclaire female tracks are a completely different animal nowadays compared to the pre 221 times, where pretty much everything just kind of ... underwhelms. With this track, the melody remains at a high level all throughout, but probably the most impressive part about this track is just the chemistry between the two vocalists, they just seem to complement and melt into each other so smoothly. This IS the much needed female track we need after a slew of disappointments, and I don't think I have much else to say regarding this track but it's a solid 5 and no other.
Grade : 5/5

The last Go 2 track I truly enjoyed was Superstar. Samurai Blue had potential but was quickly wasted due to poor execution. This track thus, marks a real triumphant comeback for the beloved duo. It has everything a good GO 2 track needs to have - great harmony between Ace & Fastway and testoterone laden melody. This track even manages to inject humour into itself, at the part where the song just speeds up so much and then stops, not sure why but I just found that humourous. It's also a prelude to a very effective break, so think of that part as the song bringing back my attention to just how much more awesomeness it has to offer. I cannot think of any reasons why I wouldn't give this track a full score, as it's quite clearly one of the best Go 2 tracks in a long, long, LONG time. Welcome back!
Grade : 5/5

Top 3:
Fantasy Car / Powerful T
Beat Around / Les & Megan
Hot Hot Racin' Car / Go 2

Bottom 3:
Baby Tonight / Tipsy & Tipsy
Maybe One Day / Karen
You Got Me Boom Boom! / Tora

Magic Sunday / Dave Rodgers feat Futura

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Post by drnrg » 27 Sep 2013, 06:23

AWESOME! Finally some love for a much deserved Powwrful T. track.

Great review. Pretty much the only stuff that we don't see eye to is on the HRG Attack material.

Keep em comming...

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Post by Darkholme » 27 Sep 2013, 13:32

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Post by Lebon14 » 27 Sep 2013, 23:03

Darkholme wrote:

Been waiting for this one :D
Me too. I've been wondering where it has been.

Mixing wise, I think quite a bit of those tracks were forced together. I don't really want to brag but my mix actually sound much better than Avex's...

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Post by the_ditz » 27 Sep 2013, 23:54

They don't treat these like professional non-stop mixes, but rather just promo videos with short snippets of each song in one continuous stream and very little actual mixing.

I also have to add my updated thoughts on this album having had a couple more listens. Both Beat Around and Never Say Never are still riding high in my estimations - they are definitely the two best tracks for me by a long way. Beat Around in particular just has the most killer intro and background synth hooks (the word "orgasmic" comes to mind with all those raunchy moans and screams at the start!) and Never Say Never is just a perfect piece of operatic exuberance like only my Manuel can do. Does anyone else think that the mini-breaks between the chorus and synth hook sound like a Hallowe'en-themed song? ;)

Adrenaline is wearing off for me a little. It's most unique feature (the repeated chord progression in the synth hook and the chorus) is actually the thing that I'm finding most irritating as it gives the overall song a stagnant feel. I still enjoy it, but something tells me that it would sound better and more dynamic with Jager on vocal duties...

As for the other tracks, Hot Hot Racin' Car is a great burst of old school SCP which is well-produced, Fairy Tale has a cute melody overall despite the slightly dodgy vocal work from Clara in places, and I also really enjoy Give Me Your Heaven - it has a bit more style and pinache than your standard HRG female track.

The others are still to make a massive impression on me at the moment, but that may change. I might do a review at a later date if anyone is interested in reading more about my thoughts ;)

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Post by Bonkers » 28 Sep 2013, 00:12

Lebon14 wrote:
Darkholme wrote:

Been waiting for this one :D
Me too. I've been wondering where it has been.

Mixing wise, I think quite a bit of those tracks were forced together. I don't really want to brag but my mix actually sound much better than Avex's...
Your's was continuous.

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Post by #Infinity » 28 Sep 2013, 01:14

the_ditz wrote:Does anyone else think that the mini-breaks between the chorus and synth hook sound like a Hallowe'en-themed song? ;)
Yes! That was totally the first type of thought that swept into my mind upon hearing the track! That dark interlude gives quite a launch into the busy synthline.

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Post by Bonkers » 28 Sep 2013, 15:02

I love Baby Tonight! The melody makes me think of a happy hardcore melody, and I love the stretchy sound on the high note.

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Post by KiraTM » 28 Sep 2013, 18:33

I got my copy of 225 today. My favorites are Baby Tonight, Kool Kitten and Moonlight Hero, a little review will come later.

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Post by Lebon14 » 28 Sep 2013, 22:04

@Bonkers I know but still, even if it's a trailer, putting a bit of effort into making a decent mix could make it look even more profesional.

@KiraTM Yes! Another one in the Kool Kitten gang!

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Post by the_ditz » 28 Sep 2013, 22:58

Lebon14 wrote:@Bonkers I know but still, even if it's a trailer, putting a bit of effort into making a decent mix could make it look even more profesional.

@KiraTM Yes! Another one in the Kool Kitten gang!
Like I said in my post above Lebon, these are more promo adverts. Think of them like extended versions of the ads you get on TV for compilation albums that just play unmixed clips of the featured songs to highlight the included songs. The sole aim is to encourage people to buy the full album ;)

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