This thread will serve hopefully informing people what's coming in the Japanese indie eurobeat world as well as the indie scene outside of Japan. Now, I won't hide the fact that I'm not well versed about eurobeat releases outside of Japan. So bare with me xD
So, what are the current known japanese producers / circles that make eurobeat? Let's have a look.
- A-One - Mainly Touhou focus, eurobeat main focus - Main series: Toho Eurobeat (Currently 21 releases). Just started original eurobeat series "Eurobeat Attack".
[Website] [Twitter] [Melonbooks] [Tora-no-ana] [AliceBooks] [SoundCloud] [Niconico] [Booth (Digital store, can buy from oversea)]
Crazy Beats - Touhou focus, eurobeat main focus - Main Series: Initial T T-Selection (Currently 6 releases)
[Website] [Twitter] [Melonbooks] [Tora-no-ana] [Youtube]
Digital Wing - Touhou focus, eurobeat not the main focus: 1-2 tracks each album, likes Hyper Techno more with Raver's Nest series
[Website] [Twitter] [Melonbooks] [Tora-no-ana] [SoundCloud]
Eurobeat Union - Mixed focus original and touhou, eurobeat main focus (duh) - Main series: Euro Baka Ichidai (Currently 8 releases)
[Website] [DJ Command's Twitter (Leader of EBU)] [Melonbooks] [Tora-No-Ana] [AliceBooks] [Youtube]
Sound Holic - Mostly touhou focus, eurobeat not the main focus
[Website] [Twitter] [Melonbooks] [Tora-No-Ana]
SuganoMusic - Mixed touhou and original focus, eurobeat main focus - Three series; "Touhou Arranges", "Original Eurobeat" and "Eurobeat Festival"
[Website] [Twitter] [Melonbooks] [Bandcamp] [SoundCloud]
DTXFiles.nmk - Leader is nmk, friend of Sugano. Mostly Touhou and eurobeat focus. New circle in general; Started eurobeat series "Touhou Miracle Eurobeat". [Website] (not updated since 2015), [Bandcamp], [BOOTH], [nmk on Twitter], [Touhou Miracle Eurobeat Vol. 1] and [Vol. 2] Tumblr pages
K2E Cradle - Leader is Tsuu (つぅ) - Touhou focus. [Website] - [Twitter] - [YouTube] - [Soundcloud]
TTL Sound - Leader is ??, Touhou focus? [Website] - [Twitter] [YouTube] - [Soundcloud]
Silver Forest - Leader is Nyo, Touhou Focus. Eurobeat compilation is called "Super Forest Beat". [Website] [Twitter] [YouTube]
- Anthony McBazooka [Website] [Twitter] [Facebook] [Youtube] [Bandcamp] [Patreon]
Axis Mundi Studio [Facebook] [Bandcamp] [YouTube] [SoundCloud]
BVG Music [Bandcamp] [Soundcloud] [2nd Soundcloud]
eXtaticus [Twitter] [Youtube] [Patreon] [Soundcloud]
Galaxian Recordings/Ryuko Pegasusu [Youtube] [Bandcamp], [Facebook]
Odyssey Music [Twitter] [Facebook] [Youtube] [Bandcamp]
The Paradise Last [Bandcamp] [Twitter] [SoundCloud] [Youtube] (Mostly inactive)
- Akiba Koubou (Didn't hear from label for a while)
NJK Record (Apparently revived. However, no eurobeat on sight)
Halozy - Touhou focus, eurobeat not the main focus - No particular main series, 1-2 tracks per album. Has a tendency to make their stuff only available at events. They announced that they'll be taking a break of making new doujin releases; not a complete break up. Just a break.
[Website] [Twitter] [Melonbooks] [Tora-No-Ana] [SoundCloud]
Let me know of your links. I probably missed a lot of them!