Review Of Super Eurobeat Volume 157

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Review Of Super Eurobeat Volume 157

Post by Jion » 23 Apr 2005, 23:22

Review Of Super Eurobeat Volume 157

It feels just like yesterday when I was reviewing 147 with Go 2 and David Ropa. Here we are 10 SEBs later reviewing a new style of Eurobeat! Lets get to it!

<G> - Gold
<P> - Platinum

Track 01 - Lolita - My Heart Burns Like A Fire

Siginificantly better than the version Vivace gave us last year with ‘Flame Love’. This song though has and old school style and feel to it mixed in with contemporary Lolita. Great great song. Nothing too mind blowing but very very nice!

9 out of 10 <G>

Track 02 - Mega NRG Man - Supertonic Lady

Not since Express Love have I been hit so hard by a Mega NRG Man song! Tomas Marin comes back (hopefully not for the last time) with a song that is perhaps a contender for the best Mega NRG Man song made! Express Love finally has competition! The entire song is just filled with such great singing, such great energy that it’s hard to not repeat the song!

10 out of 10 <P>

Track 03 - Cherry - She's All Right

Some of the best lyrics ever in a Delta song, hands down. Beautiful melodies, beautiful music, beautiful singing. This song is just plain awesome. The bass is powerful and strong complimenting the somberness of the song. Yet as strong as the lyrics are and powerful, the song is extremely easy to dance to. One of my favorite songs by Clara easily…

10 out of 10 <P>

Track 04 - Mr.M - No Reason To Cry

After a great past few SEBs for Time, Time kinda goes down a bit delivering stuff we’ve heard before. They changed the keys a little bit but the singing is something we’ve heard before. The vocals really don’t impress at all and the music isn’t too thrilling. Overall the song isn’t too bad just not up to snuff compared to what we’ve heard from Time the past few SEBs.

7 out of 10

Track 05 - Nuage - Let's Go Dee Jay

Those of you who loved the speedy style of Nuage from Carry On Carry On and fans that love her slower stuff will have to mix both styles here. This song is just too nice! The vocals are strong (Nuage to me is like a female version of Mega NRG Man; never too overpowering vocally, just plain strong and smooth). The scratching is very cool and lyrics make sense! Nuage is really one of the best singers out there in Eurobeat right now. Like her or not, she knows how to get it done.

10 out of 10 <P>

Track 06 - Leslie Parrish - Falling Free

Beautiful beginning that slowly deteriorates from the synths that just don’t match the piano style that they had in the beginning. The synths are just too sharp. The singing and the song is solid and very nice. Smooth and beautiful. I’m guessing that’s Davide Budriesi (Buddy Bo, Kevin Johnson) supplying the male backups in the song. Great song all around which incorporates the synths in the end, but in the beginning it comes off too sharp.

9 out of 10 <G>

Track 07 - J.Storm - Vision Of Paradise

J.Storm comes back with another song! Great singing as always though his vibrato may not impress many as it used to in this song. The most noticeable thing with this song compared to other J.Storm songs is the tone at which he sings this song. It’s not as high as he usually hits with other songs. Good song but nothing too mind blowing. The guitars are nice and the synths are powerful. I love though the level that he sings at in this song though. Great singing!

9 out of 10 <G>

Track 08 - Elisa - The Way You Love Me

Welcome to Europanic! Amazing singing highlights this amazing song. It almost seems like they turned down the volume on this song in production to push that female vocal more forward than in a lot of songs. For good reason too. Her vocals can’t be denied. They are just too good and too beautiful. The song as a whole sounds like it takes place within an opera house. Much like a lot of Vibration’s songs they have a very Italian feeling (They do produce the music in Italy but if you listen to Italian music, the tones and way the song progresses is very much like this song). I was extremely impressed by this Vibration song. Extremely blown away.

10 out of 10 <P>

Track 09 - Priscilla - I Don't Wanna Stop

This song almost seems like it could be played at a carnival. It’s very happy and upbeat. Though the singing really doesn’t impress much. It’s okay (the keys are pretty smooth and as a whole the song is done well) but it just doesn’t really impress nor should it. It’s rather boring. Other people may like this song a lot, but to me it just doesn’t bring much to the table.

7 out of 10

Track 10 - Boogaboo - Bugabuga Chew Chew

For the first time in SEB, the name Boogaboo shows up. Sung by Nick Festari (who’s also the singer behind Garcon and Joe D. Toaster who showed up on 153) this song is significantly better than the previous male song on SEB, Rambo Demolition on 155. I’m glad that at least the female backup doesn’t overpower the main vocals (a problem that I’ve noticed on quite a few HI-NRG Attack songs that don’t have Federico Rimonti as the singer). Nick’s vocals are quite strong and quite solid. The train sound effects fit the song rather well too as the song gives you the feeling of a train chugging along. Nonsensical lyrics (much like any HI-NRG Attack song that isn’t sung by Rick Castle and even then be careful haha). Very good all around but in the end it is something that I have heard before in previous songs by HI-NRG Attack.

9 out of 10 <G>

Track 11. - Overload – Terminator

This really shouldn’t have been given the artist “Overload” since it really doesn’t follow the great songs this name has had in the past. It sounds like something Dave Simon or to a certain extent Jackson O’ (without Michael Jackson elements) would sing. Most Overload songs are filled with synths and energy, this one is really really bland. The singing isn’t too solid either. Time has dropped the ball also by providing us with stuff we’ve heard before… I don’t feel like this song could terminate anything!

6 out of 10

Track 12 - Delta Queens – Satisfaction

Another Delta Queens song here. The bass line is very cool and the music is pretty strong. There’s a ton of special effects going in the background but the song just doesn’t feel like it would go anywhere. It’s really nothing that we haven’t heard from Delta before. It just doesn’t do much. The singing is very clean and clear. The song though suffers from the “have heard it before” syndrome though. Give it a try but don’t expect too much.

7 out of 10

Track 13 - Casanova - The Hero

I’ve been a huge fan of the Casanova songs released (not the Casanova song on 151 since that was Time’s Kasanova misspelt) but this song really doesn’t seem like it should have this name. This is something that sounds like it would fit more with the name Morris or Marko Polo. Anyway the song is still very very nice and beautiful. It just seems to fit right with all the elements in the song. The lyrics are beautiful and impactful. While I just don’t associate this song with the name, I can recognize the beauty it has! Great job Delta on this song!

10 out of 10 <P>

Track 14 - Lisa Lion - Wonderful Feelin'

By far, in my honest opinion, the best SCP song released on SEB. I am so totally blown away by its quality, its sheer brilliance, the lyrical work, the singing, the trancy dark feeling and amazing guitar solo. There is so much I could say about this song to get people to believe me but its just something that needs to be heard and not told what to love. I have never done this before but I believe it must be done.

11 out of 10 <P>

Track 15 - Freddy R. - R U Ready

This song is just plain shocking… How can a 12 – 13 year old seem so scary! The music is a mix of Digital Planet’s and Spock’s stuff The music is great and strong, Freddy’s vocals steal the show here as they are just scary and powerful for such a young boy. I love his singing and being so young can only mean that they’ll get better! The lyrics are also very very cool. All in all a very successful successor to Dance To The Music!

10 out of 10 <P>

Track 16 - Helena - Melodies And Rain

Wow! Finally! Elena Ferretti has a song that really delivers! Whiile always plagued by using the same words in her song, the music and singing fit together very well here. I’m very impressed by the quality of this song. Time has slightly redeemed itself!

9 out of 10 <G>

Track 17 - Dusty - Midnight Lover

Ennio Zanini is Ennio. There’s just no other way to describe this artist! Amazing and powerful vocals, excellent music, powerful feeling is what you should expect from everyone of his songs! SCP delivers yet again with this song and shows us why Dusty/Fastway is one of the most popular artists out there now! The lyrics are just incredible and the music is classic Dusty stuff. Initial D is lucky to have this in its soundtrack!

10 out of 10 <P>

Track 18 - Sticky Tricky And Bang - Sticky Tricky And Bang

What we have here, is one of the happiest and most ingenious songs out there. I laughed so much listening to this song but never felt down at all! It’s fresh, new and cute at the same time. While Sticky, Tricky And Bang aren’t the new Kiki & Kika/Fancy, they are really cute, funny and happy! Great feeling and I was just taken aback by how silly and happy it is!

10 out of 10 <P>

Overall Score – 9 out 10 <G>

Best songs:

Supertonic Lady by Mega NRG Man
She's All Right by Cherry
Let's Go Dee Jay by Nuage
The Way You Love Me by Elisa
The Hero by Casanova
Wonderful Feelin' by Lisa Lion
R U Ready by Freddy R.
Midnight Lover by Dusty
Sticky Tricky And Bang by Sticky, Tricky And Bang

The CD is extremely strong and has amazing hits! But by the same token, it has songs that aren’t all that impressive. The songs that are good though are amazingly well put together and make you want to press that repeat button! Time and Delta though need to work on their stuff as they seem to be slipping quite a bit. Freddy, Lisa, Nuage, NRG Man, Cherry, Elisa, Casanova, Sticky Tricky And Bang and Dusty are amazing!
You can hate me but you know you have quality issues =p

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Post by taQ » 24 Apr 2005, 19:09

how can you say sticky tricky and bang is original when the melody sounds exactly like Cocoa Bill slowed down?

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Post by Nine » 26 Apr 2005, 19:51

Sorry for whoring out your review thread Jion, but I just got the CD (after finding out it's been in the post office for like 3 days -_-) and I'd like to put in my input. :)

I'm changing the way I do my reviews though. I will grade songs I can give a fair, unbias grade to - and for those I can't will just recieve a "no mark." Songs I really don't care for will not recieve a write up and simply get a no opinion. ;)

1. Lolita - My Heart Burns Like A Fire (10 out of 10)
I never liked the Japanese version of this song - mostly because I really hate jeuro music. XD I am very pleased with this version, because even though the original was bad in my opinion, the melody is very nice and it fits Lolita very well. You know, fire. XD

2. Mega NRG Man - Supertonic Lady (No opinion)

3. Cherry - She's All Right (7 out of 10)
This song is pretty cheesy, especially with the creepy intro. What sucks is that this is a "Cherry" song, which in my opinion would have fit better as a "Leslie Parrish" track. I think Clara is having an identity crisis these days. Though, the song is still nice - but again something I wouldn't listen to a lot.

4. Mr. M - No Reason To Cry (No Opinion)

5. Nuage - Let's Go Dee Jay (no mark)
I was scanning through the booklet for anything "Domino," and noticed under the blurb for this song, Domino was mentioned. It was like "blblbl NUAGE blblblblblblblbl Domino bllbbl GO GO GIRLS blblblblbl" XD This song is pretty boring, especially compaired to her other tracks released. I guess it is a good song for fans of her, as her last SEB songs were just rehashed from her album - but those all were new to me during the time those SEBS were released because I never listened to her album.

6. Leslie Parrish - Falling Free (10 out of 10)
EXCELLENT SONG! I so feeling this track~ I love the catchy, happy sound to it. It's one of those songs that can be drilled into your head. I feel like bouncing up and down and RAAAA!!!! XD I still think this should have been a "Cherry" song, and She's All Right should have been the "Leslie Parrish" track - but when it comes to it, it's all Clara Moroni so it doesn't really matter. XD

7. J. Storm - Vision of Paradise (no opinion)

8. Elisa - The Way You Love Me (no mark)
It sounds like a crap filler Eurobeat song that we all had the pleasure of not having on the previous SEBs. A big disappointment.

9. Priscilla - I Don't Wanna Stop (7 out of 10)
Cute. That's all I really have to say about it. XD Clara is so edited here which is sad - but I guess that is the "Priscilla" sound.

10. Boogaboo - Bugabuga Chew Chew (5 out of 10)
WTF. It's a chew chew trane. XD This song is not the best hi-nrg attack song ever. I wish they could think of a different "sound" for their music. It sounds too common. ;_;

11. Overload - Terminator (no opinion)

12. Delta Queens - Satisfaction (5 out of 10)
Jesus christ, all this SEB is belong to Clara. As a Delta Queens song, it doesn't capture that dramatic feel. I still prefer Goodbye My Love out of any current Delta Queens song.

13. Casanova - The Hero (no opinion)

14. Lisa Lion - Wonderful Feelin' (2.124 out of 10)
At least this song isn't as crappy as Lionheart. XD It capture's Lisa Lion's GRR IM EMOTION @#*$(!@*$!@$(@# DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! style - which is great. This is her third song right? Well, it hasn't beat her original so I'm losing what little liking I had for her. Good try Lisa Lion *patpat*

15. Freddy R. - R U Ready (11 out of 10)
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 This is the closest thing I'm going to have to a Domino song for a while, and he has a great style and way of singing - so I am VERY pleased. This song totally rocks over his last, which is very awesome. YAY!!!

16. Helena - Melodies and Rain (0 out of 10)
Yay, I know what song I will listen to when I need to get to sleep later on. *yawn*

17. Dusty - Midnight Lover (8 out of 10)
Great SCP song. Not "fastway's" best, but it's still pretty neat!

18. Sticky Tricky and Bang - Sticky, Tricky and Bang (SHIT)
WTF. This is the worse Eurobeat song ever created. This is like... I can't even put my thoughts into words acceptable to post here. XD It's just so horrible. Maybe if this song didn't want me to go take a shovel and bash these kid's faces in, I'd like it. Please hide the shovels from me. XD

- There is a new Freddy song that didn't disappoint - and actually pwned his first one.
- There is a song from Lolita since "Heart Attack" that's actually good.

- This SEB is the host of the most horrible song ever made in the Eurobeat genre - from since the Italo Disco thing happened till now.

- Nuage. I'm sick of her, but seeing this is a "new" song it's not that bad. of a sickness.
- Too much Clara Moroni. I understand she is the only female vocalist from Delta, but does Avex really need to throw in 3982342 of her songs per album? Though, I do like her music so I'm not really complaining - I just don't want to be sick of her.

Random thoughts:
Though this CD is one of the better ones from the 150 era, it still was a small disappointment. I am not that much of a fan of male vocalists, so it takes a lot to impress me if you are a guy singing. That's why I had "no opinion" for the majoirty of the male artists. I just skip their songs now a days unless it's a name I like, like Matt Land and to some extent Manuel. Though, Freddy's song just blew my mind. It is definately the best song on this album in my opinion. He has an awesome voice, and what do you expect when both of your parents have the best voice in the industry? :D

Total Album Mark : 5 out of 10

Please excuse any typos or bad grammar - I haven't slept yet because WoW is consuming my life. XD

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Post by aXu » 26 Apr 2005, 20:31

damn, Nine. Your review was HORRIBLE! :x. But it's just your oppinion :)
157 includes a lots of great songs, like NRG Man, Nuage, Lisa Lion etc. etc.
But again that is just my oppinion :D

Hope that well see Dark Angels on next SEB and more NRG Man, but i don't think they'll end up there, so sad.. :cry:
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Post by Jion » 27 Apr 2005, 00:14

Nine wrote:Sorry for whoring out your review thread Jion, but I just got the CD (after finding out it's been in the post office for like 3 days -_-) and I'd like to put in my input. :)
You said whore lol...

I understand you like different stuff too Nine so I'm glad to get someone elses opinions on this album. Clara gets too many songs but I loved the Falling Free song. It was awesome. Personally I super enjoyed Lisa Lion's song but I also understand that it's not gonna be everyones forte.
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Post by orochi » 05 May 2005, 02:01


Very nice album, not as bad as all reviews point it out to be.

1. Lolita's song may be a remake, but it is not as good as the remake of Far & Away with Love. This song does not stick and yet poor Lolita can sing her heart out, this song does not do it for me.

2. Cherry, Leslie Parrish & Delta Queens
- I believe that Clara has found her forte. All 3 songs are catchy, slower and way way much better than some of her previous efforts. Cherry's song has a great intro and ending, very cute.. and Leslie's song is just beautiful. And Delta Queens song is very surprising. It is not Delta queen-like (unexperimental) is sounds like a beautiful ballad.
Clara can stay! Go Clara!

3. Mr. M - Did they put a mr.M song from the previous seb title and rename the title? I'm confused

4. Nuage - This is NOT the be all and end all of Nuage. Carry On Carry On is still way better. How many times Nuage can go Let's Go Dee Jay before screaming herself to repetition hell?

5. J. STORM - If I am a woman, I will marry this guy.
Hands down the best song in this album and better than Shout. He cannot sing that high but he sounds like he is doing his best. Very catchy melody and very very good 3rd part of the song. The energy level of this song is very high.
If this guy stops singing eurobeat, i will stop buying SEB albums definitely.

6. Boogaboo - If not for that Choo Choo, it is very similar to all hi-NRG songs. But it is that Choo Choo magic that makes this song irresistible.

7. Casanova - Good song but the repetitive melody dooms it to no more than 10 listens.

8. Lisa Lion - Sorry, just not memorable for me.

9. Freddy! - redtarzan you are right! How can 12-13 year old seem so scary?
_ With his high pitch girly voice and this unmemorable song.
I was listening about half way and only realise that it was a boy singing.

10. Sticky, Tricky Band - Much like Baby Bazooka, very cute cute cute. This is what kids should be singing and sounds like something out of playschool or Sesame Street. Freddy, please look here.

Conclusion : SEB157 overall is good and going to draw different opinions from every listener, much like every single album since 151.

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Post by KitsuneStar » 06 May 2005, 01:37

Considering how much the Lisa Lion track instantly jumped to being one of my favorite songs EVER, I'm not surprised that the majority of people hate it, ehehe. That's always the way.

157 is still the best of the 150s by a LONG shot. :)

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