Shy Gun beats Fly

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Shy Gun beats Fly

Post by drnrg » 20 Sep 2006, 08:22

I myself like ODA- Shy Gun better, but how you figure ODA beat Helena since they both scored with two votes? :shock: Explain how that worked out thet way.

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Post by Bore » 20 Sep 2006, 15:47

As said before, if it's a tie between votes, the track that first got the votes wins. The system hasn't been worked on for a while so don't think things have changed at all.
Not sure if there'll be improvements to it.

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Post by drnrg » 25 Sep 2006, 03:19

So I guess the same goes for "Even If You Say" v.s "Everybody's Warming" If I would have voted a few hours ealier ,Tension would have won? Somehow that seems unethical :shock: Obviously I was the one who voted for Tension(1 Vote).

How In the world do you explain Shy Gun v.s Shy Gun? That is just ridiculous! :shock:

I think this rules cause that not many people have been participating this TIME around and TIME has gotten screwed due to mediocre rules. Just my thoughts! :cry:

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Post by drnrg » 25 Sep 2006, 03:20

So I guess the same goes for "Even If You Say" v.s "Everybody's Warming" If I would have voted a few hours ealier ,Tension would have won? Somehow that seems unethical :shock: Obviously I was the one who voted for Tension(1 Vote).

How In the world do you explain Shy Gun v.s Shy Gun? That is just ridiculous! :shock:

I think this rules cause that not many people have been participating this TIME around and TIME could have had two songs in semi- finals. Just my thoughts! :cry:

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Post by Bore » 25 Sep 2006, 10:19

Hahaha okay this Shy Gun vs. Shy Gun thing is totally fuxx0red... no clue how that has happened, there should've only been one Shy Gun entry in the tournament!

Will see what I can about that =o

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Post by Densetsu13 » 26 Sep 2006, 00:16

Ugh, I hate how I don't get to vote for a day or two and the song I want to win gets beat by one vote. Superdance R.I.P.

Shy Gun is still in the running though (although it's a bit fucked with the double shy gun thing :roll: )

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Post by Nine » 26 Sep 2006, 00:20

OMG Shy Gun vs. Shy Gun! I hope Shy Gun wins and Shy Gun loses... I HATE SHY GUN SO I VOTED FOR SHY GUN. :)

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Post by Takarou » 26 Sep 2006, 03:01

W00t, Shy Gun was so awesome it was in there twice. :3

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Post by drnrg » 26 Sep 2006, 07:29

Shy Gun will probobly beat Go Godzilla. I think this be the first TIME a TIME song is in final two battle. I Vote for Shy Gun, because of Dead Or Alive beat it has. :D


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