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Post by Ricfiam » 10 Jun 2010, 06:55

Lebon14 wrote:
12. "Heat Me Up" by M.O.V. Feat. Frankie (Delta)
Holy cow. This is damn good! The riff is simply INCREDIBLE with the soundworld around it. Oh man, defintely one of my fav. of the album!

Rating : 10
This happens when Roberto Gabrielli wakes up and write something good for us! I need more!
...I remember that time...

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Post by Lebon14 » 10 Jun 2010, 12:55

drnrg wrote: And LEBON, sorry to hear about your hard drive. man that sucks! I allways burn all my Eurobeat on cds. P.C.s are so unreliable now adays. Especially when 2012 comes around :D
No, no, it's still spinning... it's just that if I keep it on... it could be really bad. I've already ordered 2 new 1TB hard drives to save my music from the dying drive. According to the tracking, I'll receive them today.

@ricfaim : Yeah! I want more too!

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Post by wolftickets1969 » 12 Jun 2010, 01:35

drnrg wrote: That is by the way Melody Castellari whose vocals they hype in VKTIS, but she can also sound quite amazing like in Love Me On The Phone and Black Jack. In fact upon further investigation; I've come to realize that the songs that I'm really liking from HRG Attack at the moment, are not even Melody C., but female vocalists that HRG Attack seldom uses. "Runaway" from Karamel and Mara Nell's Crazy Disco Mania are both sung by Monica Fracchia. That one Dolly Pop song "There's Something In The Air" seems to be an unknown vocailst and "Bye Bye Portifino" could be Laura Tartuferi?
Bye Bye Portofino is definitely not Laura, it sounds more like the unidentified vocalist who did Come On Baby Light My Fire, Save Me, and possibly There's Something in the Air. BTW, Laura hasn't really done anything with HRG since 2007 (by the catalogue); either she's moved on or is on hiatus.
Also, there's the oddball singer on Space Girls - Welcome To The Moon, who has a distinctive voice like no other HRG vocalist. The Eurobeat Labels catalogue once said that Fulvia Coupe - Without You I Feel Blue was the same singer, but I doubt it; that sounds more like ?(1)(Louise - Hey Hey Dark in My Heart). And Speed Mcqueen - Speed Control sounds like Riki 1, who had been mostly silent since the end of Euromach.

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Post by Jay » 12 Jun 2010, 03:37

Hah. I can't tell apart any of HRG's female vocalists - they all sound identical after HRG has warped all of their vocals. I was under the impression that there was only 1-2 active female vocalists at HRG, but apparently there are up to 4? Wow.

Some of you seem to enjoy trying to solve the mystery of HRG's vocalists, but for those who don't analyse these things in a forensic manner, they would likely think there's only one vocalist who's constantly being pitched up and down as well. That's why I suggested that HRG should really find a female vocalist who sounds distinct from the rest of them.

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Post by drnrg » 13 Jun 2010, 05:22

Hah. I can't tell apart any of HRG's female vocalists - they all sound identical after HRG has warped all of their vocals. I was under the impression that there was only 1-2 active female vocalists at HRG, but apparently there are up to 4? Wow.
That's more than Eurogrooves and AbeatC put together :P

Anyway, jokes aside.

You are not alone. I thought the same exact thing untill recently. What interested me was the reason I would enjoy some songs over others was in fact the different female vocalists singing certain songs.

Anyway, Judy Crystal seems to be my favourite female vocalist at HRG. I believe she was one of the first?

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Post by Bore » 14 Jun 2010, 18:15

Good Love & Mystery is sooooo giddy that it makes me work out twice as hard everytime it comes on in my iPod. The few points where Elena hits those high notes it's like a flashback to the good old times á la Dreamin' Of You... Maybe we'll eventually be treated again to real blasting energy. One can hope!

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Post by the_ditz » 14 Jun 2010, 18:58

Bore wrote:Good Love & Mystery is sooooo giddy that it makes me work out twice as hard everytime it comes on in my iPod. The few points where Elena hits those high notes it's like a flashback to the good old times á la Dreamin' Of You... Maybe we'll eventually be treated again to real blasting energy. One can hope!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who loves this track. For any die-hard Lolita fans who are longing for her old screechy vocals, all you need to do is import Good Love & Mystery to a program like Goldwave and increase the speed by about 5 to 10%. Et voila - you have Ms. Gobbi as she used to sound. Personally, I prefer her more mellow, but each to their own I guess... :P

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Post by Megan188 » 15 Jun 2010, 15:15

I love Forever Fly! It's almost like a pop song combined with a eurobeat one. It's such a beautiful track! <3

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Post by drnrg » 15 Jun 2010, 18:48

Am I the only one that doesn't like the word "pop" accosiated with Eurobeat? :???:

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Post by Bore » 15 Jun 2010, 18:55

drnrg wrote:Am I the only one that doesn't like the word "pop" accosiated with Eurobeat? :???:
Why not? Eurobeat isn't exactly far from pop music. If you are familiar with the term "Europop" you could very easily confuse Eurobeat with Europop. Pop as a whole is a very loose term and includes very many different styles. The American popmusic industry versus European is a completely different field.

To me eurobeat is mostly just an extension to european popmusic (Europop in particular). Just like eurodance was. Pop is just a very mainstream term and I am guessing that's why you don't want it to be associated with eurobeat, am I right? Eurobeat is a niche genre and many of the fans (me included) like the fact that it's fairly rare and out of the general crowd's idea of good music.

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Post by para_rigby » 15 Jun 2010, 21:03

"Pop" is a catch all term these days. When you think pop, you can easily think of artists across a wide spectrum (i.e. Paramore to Lady GaGa to Smile DK) of styles. I don't think it's blasemphous to say that some eurobeat songs have a pop or dance style to them ("Emotions", "Forever Fly", "Inside Your Heart", etc.)

I pretty much like the tone that eurobeat has gone to since the beginning of the 170s. There is wide range of styles (trance, silly, aishu, pop, disco/funk, agressive macho, etc.)

So again, nothing wrong with using that term at all...

BTW, "Forever Fly" is a darn beautiful song :D

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Post by drnrg » 16 Jun 2010, 01:50

Why not? Eurobeat isn't exactly far from pop music. If you are familiar with the term "Europop" you could very easily confuse Eurobeat with Europop. Pop as a whole is a very loose term and includes very many different styles. The American popmusic industry versus European is a completely different field.

To me eurobeat is mostly just an extension to european popmusic (Europop in particular). Just like eurodance was. Pop is just a very mainstream term and I am guessing that's why you don't want it to be associated with eurobeat, am I right? Eurobeat is a niche genre and many of the fans (me included) like the fact that it's fairly rare and out of the general crowd's idea of good music.
Well, that's just it. Eurobeat is anything , but popular; which is pretty much were the term Pop music came from. even resorting as far back as M's classic "Pop Musiz" Pop as described as radio music, top 40 music, some might even say a fad of the TIMEs. Most pop songs nowadays come & go without any impact whatsoever. It's not only Eurobeat, but I also hate it when Dance and Rock songs are catagorized as POP.

Yes, I kinda diss the fact that Lady Gaga, for the sake of argument is concidered Pop music, and it bugs me to think that a Lollita or Christian de Leo song would ever be side by side with her on a radio show or countdown. For me it would bring down Eurobeat to the level of Pop Music. Which is pretty much ,lazy music made for the masses or sake of just "cashing in" Think about it, back in the 80's -90s when a rock song or rap ect.. would crossover to Pop charts, it would infact become that one song you make fun of. Here you have the Phil Collins and Brintey Spears(definate pop artists) and next to it that one Def Leppard song or now a days that one Cascada song. Even in thier own genre,those songs become sort of a mockery of themselves as well as the artists. I use Def Leppard, cuz they are a perect example of what the "Western" Pop music did to them. They started out hard Rock and before you knew it; it was ballad after ballad for cheesy soundtracks.To most of you ,the better term is "Sell Out". Now since they were never really a pop oriented group to begin with; what happens; they fall from grace from thier diehard fans and when they wanna return to thier roots, it is hard as hell to recapture that old sound ex; Creed , Green Day, countless of New Wave 80's bands ect.... besides once a Rock, New Wave or even Alt Rock band go that POp route; it isn't long before thye fall from the spotlight onto the $5 dollar bins at your local dcd shop. I use Rock, cuz that's what I listen to besides Eurobeat, but you guys can apply that to your favourite genre as well. Some of you like Cascada(one of the few dance groups I like) You can't deny the fact that since they hit top 40, thier follow up cd was full of "pop" songs that sound very close to the Britney Spears, Rihanna stuff of today.

Am I right to say that most of you; besides listening to Eurobeat, listen to dance/pop/Techno music; which as Bore stated has similiar instruments to Eurobeat. The difference is that I'm a rocker and when my favourite Rock band is tranformed into a POP band; It is 100% obvious that this bothers me alot more than most of you, cuz the difference in thier music is very noticable.

I'm just saying if you apply this to Eurobeat, and it goes the same route; pretty soon we won't be having Eurobeat as we know it, but just random Pop music. I guess It also depends on what your prefered labels are. SCP, and now even Dima can go that pop route. I think AbeatC and GGMs can go iether way. Saifam has thier own catalog for Pop covers, , but my favs Eurogrooves, DELTA and HRG Attack really don't ever go that route unless they release that Disco/SAW tune, so it even sounds odd for me to put the word "pop" in the same sentence when describing songs like "Playboy" or "Cataclysm Night"

as a final whole; I don't know too much about Euro Pop. If groups like Annie, Cascada, Keily Minougue or those Eurovision songs fall in that category; then ,I would have to say that ,no,I don't really hear to many similiarities; besides the occasinal synths. The percussion, singing style and overall melodies, that Eurobeat has sounds miles away from Pop musc to me. :???:

so now maybe you can appreciate why I have such a huge issue with this whole Eurobeat-Pop reference. It just takes away the uniquness of the genre.

and by the way, that is why I think the whole Westernizing Eurobeat is a crap idea that should have been left on the cutting room floor. I seriously doubt that one Gaga fan is gonna buy an SEB just to get that one track 14 with it's pop flava. A better example would be. Would any of you buy that one Rock compilation cd just to get that one Eurobeat or techno song? I say nay! I sure as hell wouldn't buy that Techno cd just to get my hands on the one Creed song.

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Post by DJ Mike TJG » 16 Jun 2010, 06:36

drnrg wrote:For me it would bring down Eurobeat to the level of Pop Music. Which is pretty much ,lazy music made for the masses or sake of just "cashing in"
I'm curious - exactly what part of that doesn't apply to Eurobeat?

Last I checked, we have over half a dozen labels churning out songs every month for the sake of earning a living. Doesn't seem any different to pop music.

At least pop/chart music generates brand new acts and new creative talent (whether you like them or not). Eurobeat seems to rely on many of the stale old acts and writers who haven't made a decent hit for years. And I doubt they're ever going to now, given how much the interest has dried up in Japan over the genre.

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Post by drnrg » 16 Jun 2010, 07:46

I'm curious - exactly what part of that doesn't apply to Eurobeat?

Last I checked, we have over half a dozen labels churning out songs every month for the sake of earning a living. Doesn't seem any different to pop music.
I'll be the first to admit that lately it seems that the magoraty of SEB are a bunch of older trax from the backcatalog, but you are missing the point. At least Eurobeat still sounds like Eurobeat and for lack of a better argument is the only music left stemming from the real Italo Hi NRG sound of the 80s. Comparing it to POP means sure defeat , because it's more than likely that it will resort into just another pop genre.

At least pop/chart music generates brand new acts and new creative talent (whether you like them or not).
now this part is hilarious. Last TIME I checked every song on the top 40 sounded just like the one before it. Deluro, Gaga, Rihanna, even Aguilera's and Cyrus new song sound the same. Heck even every Rock/pop band sounds like Nickelback, so where is this new creative talent you speak of? and creative is the last thing most pop artists are able to express when it comes to selling music.Pop music is just a parody of itself with each next song and artist sounding more ridiculous than the other....ex: 3 OH!3 and Ke$ha. You are not gonna tell me that is creative musical talent.
You can like Pop music if you choose, but I see it for what it really is. A way for the industry to get back at the people for all the downloading in the past. That's why every new artist is a joke, they don't even use real vocals anymore and Every song sounds the same. Pop music doesn't even try anymore and they all team up to further make a mockery of the listeners by sampling past hits.
I don't know how closely you follow the pop charts, but I listen to countless radio shows every week, just to see if a hear a spark of promise in pop music and the only group with anything fresh sounding this year is the Script.I used to like Pop music untill I realized I was being laughed at by the Music industry.

here I can say, that at least the the difference in Eurobeat songs is the sound of each label, which makes the songs sound different to one another and the farther they stay away from the pop sound ,the better.

I've written this list before.
Disco,House, Freestyle,Hair Metal,New Wave,AOR, Grunge,Rap.ect... All killed off once it was concidered POP music. :(

Anyway, that's my rant and I'm sticking to it.

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Post by Jay » 16 Jun 2010, 13:25

drnrg wrote:now this part is hilarious. Last TIME I checked every song on the top 40 sounded just like the one before it. Deluro, Gaga, Rihanna, even Aguilera's and Cyrus new song sound the same. Heck even every Rock/pop band sounds like Nickelback, so where is this new creative talent you speak of? and creative is the last thing most pop artists are able to express when it comes to selling music.Pop music is just a parody of itself with each next song and artist sounding more ridiculous than the other....ex: 3 OH!3 and Ke$ha. You are not gonna tell me that is creative musical talent.
I'm having trouble following your argument, drnrg. You say the problem with pop is that everything sounds the same... Well, isn't that the same problem that eurobeat has at the moment? Actually, you could say that every genre has this problem with sameness - it's not exclusive to pop.

It's clear that you have a vendetta against pop music, and that's fine, but the reasons you're giving are rather flimsy and can be applied to just about every single genre you can think of. Eurobeat is certainly not immune to most of the issues you've raised.
drnrg wrote:here I can say, that at least the the difference in Eurobeat songs is the sound of each label, which makes the songs sound different to one another and the farther they stay away from the pop sound ,the better.
I wouldn't say that each label has their own sound, but rather each producer has their own sound. Delta is the obvious example; you simply can't place Capaldi's productions in the same category as Newfield's, for example. Each of them have distinct sounds. And, as shocking as this might be, every producer, no matter which genre we're talking about, has their own distinctive sound that distinguishes them from the rest. If you listened to enough pop music by certain producers, you'd be able to pick these distinctions up. SAW, anyone?

You're not doing a very good job of rationalising why you hate pop music. Really, most of the issues you've raised are applicable to eurobeat as well. What I find particularly ironic is how you consider HRG to be one of your favourite eurobeat labels, yet that label is the frontrunner in what most of us would consider generic and repetitious eurobeat. Go figure?

Surely you can think of better reasons why you think pop sucks and eurobeat rocks; the sameness argument really isn't going to cut it. I can think of a few other reasons why you might think this, but I'm interested in hearing what else you have to say.

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