Super Eurobeat Vol.208

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Post by Vadim » 07 Sep 2010, 21:25

drnrg wrote: How about bringing back Moltocarina.
awesome thought... and the original MC sound too, while they are at it!

I wish they would hire proper eurobeat arrangers, 'cause Saifam arranging
used in present SEBs is mostly extremely uneurobeat, unimaginative, horribly techno..

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Post by DarkSky » 07 Sep 2010, 21:32

You guys know how i think about it..
Last edited by DarkSky on 08 Sep 2010, 13:17, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by SuperEuroJimmy » 07 Sep 2010, 21:37

DarkSky wrote:New Vivi track, I immediately sent a text message to MK hahahha
Indeed you did. Thanks! I jizzed my pants while in class... which was a bit awkward. :')!!!
drnrg wrote:11.EYES OF SKY / VIVI
Boy was I wrong on this one. Mudkip man should be ecstatic!!!


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Post by Vadim » 07 Sep 2010, 21:38

DS, no crystal balling future tense...

Just generalizing and talkin' 'bout all the important stuff and all 'em tendencies.

See, I haven't expressed any opinion about tracks of SEB 208.


I think it is great that our community is honest and outspoken..we tell what we
feel 'cause we believe that we can help to preserve true eurobeat and make it better for all of us. Do they really want us to just become chearleaders..?!

I know for a fact that some producers give up on eurobeat fully or partially
for fully different reasons (than those DS outlined). Reasons that have nothing to do with fan opinion.

Avex gives teams no desired level of financial encouragement, so as to say...
It has nothing to do with what Nine said or whatever... :!:

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Post by Lebon14 » 07 Sep 2010, 23:13

As for myself, I actually see a lot of negativity these days on these forum. Yes, it happened to me too to be harsh on certains songs. You can be critical, there is no problem here, it's the way you say it. Then, if you feel so depressed about the current Eurobeat, don't listen to it and enjoy listening to your bad US pop music. If you are not able to leave constructive criticism, just don't speak at all : you will avoid people getting hurt by what you will be saying.

About the overload of Dima music, I also feel that there is too much of it. The CD has only 14 tracks and I feel that the other labels doesn't have enough of spotlight. Same for SCP and Hi-NRG Attack.

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Post by STJ » 07 Sep 2010, 23:59

I don't comment realy on this forum. But i was realy thinking about the whole dima having a big presence on the SEB issue, that people have been talking about.

First of i don't mind it because i haven't heard a bad Dima song in like ... don't know when:) And with the other labels like Delta and AbeatC (or what ever its called these days) hardly introducing any new artists or making innovative tracks, its not a wonder Avex isn't ordering tracks from them.

We should be should be happy with what we get and try to be realistic. I mean i hope with every new SEB that there is gonna be a new Nuage or Matt Land track, but no sense in whining about it because i know its not happening:(

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Post by zoupzuop2 » 08 Sep 2010, 01:45

Remember that it's constructive criticism when an artist or producer can learn fr--
Dima, Cherry, Fastway
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Post by Jay » 08 Sep 2010, 04:08

Well Lebon14, I don't think I should stop listening to eurobeat because there's issues with some of the labels. As listeners, we have the power to change things if we want to.

If you recall, I used to be very vocal about my criticisms of Hi-NRG Attack for the longest time. My criticisms weren't merely cheap shots but were legitimate complaints that, if the problems were fixed, could improve the label altogether. As of late, HRG have, in fact, rectified nearly all of those problems I previously identified and I'm finally enjoying their music again. I can't know for certain if my criticisms spurred the HRG producers to make those changes but I like to think they did.

If nobody ever voiced a single criticism of a certain label's music, how will the producers ever know what aspects of their sound people aren't enjoying and should, thus, change? Giving a certain label an enormous wealth of praise when hardly anybody is enjoying their music is giving off the wrong message to them, which is just as bad as being brutally harsh. And DarkSky, just remember, the producers are all grown-up; they're more than capable of handling a few sharp criticisms from the listeners. If (and a very hypothetical if, at that) some producers have actually quit eurobeat altogether due to these complaints, that's extremely immature on their behalf. If they're willing to give up so easily, that says more about their dedication (or lack thereof) to the genre, and less about the force of the complaints directed at them.

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Post by DJ Mike TJG » 08 Sep 2010, 06:14

Maybe the producers should take a step back and stop taking forums like these so seriously if they're offended by harsh comments. I shouldn't have to tell you, but this is the internet, where the flames are wild, the comments senseless, and the authors are behind that beautiful shield known as 'anonymity' (at least many believe they are).

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Post by Shawaazu » 08 Sep 2010, 06:43

I can understand they might get offended by the comments, but in reality these are usually made up of comments made by less than 20 people (even then thats probably over estimating the numbers...). If this is the Eurobeat community then there is a much bigger problem than getting offended by peoples negative comments XD

Id suggest to never look at the disco forum on 2ch if these comments offend you XD

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Post by drnrg » 08 Sep 2010, 08:06

Because is that what you call feedback? I'd prefer to call it humiliation. This is for many people on this forum: I talked with producers and they don't like your attitude. I can easily understand if there are producers who don't enjoy making Eurobeat music anymore, the way their music on here is being described can be explained in just one word: TERRIBLE. And people like Nine and Vadim are making it even worse with their harsh judgements about specific labels, songs and albums.


''Oh, and no artist or producer deserves it to feel dramatically criticized because that's what you do. You literally offend them.

Tss.. prejudices Get lost'
The producers should take criticism with a grain of salt. Not too seriously. What they should really remeber is the praises they get for certain songs. I'm one of the memebers that can shoot a song down in flames if I don't like it, but at the same TIME, can praise the hell out of it, if I do like it. The thing with Dima is that of late some of his songs are kinda sounding samey. There is little difference between a Dream Fighter and a David Dima song. The reaction on the forum is disbelief, cuz we all know what Dee Dee is capable of. He has a very impressive roster when it comes to Eurobeat. Hero Of Desire, Hot Love Games, Millenium, Beautiful Day, Be One, One Week,One Day, the brand new ;Stadust and probobly his best to date; Save A Prayer. Even surpassed the Duran Duran classic. I could go on for hours praising his works, so it kinda turns us off when one of his productions sounds, for lack of a better word, uninspired.

I don't know, maybe Dee Dee is feeling generous and giving the better songs to his labelmates. You gotts to remeber not everyone is gonna like every song that a producer submits. When one label submits 2+ songs per cd, you are gonna get preferences. I've been on this forum for more that 5 years and nothing has changed. It's the way it's allways been. Praises and criticisms thrown at you left and right.

Anyway, Dee Dee has been around the Eurobeat scene for a while now. he's a big boy and knows what he can bring to the table. A couple of criticisms are't gonna knock him out. So lets not make too big of a deal about it.

..and darksky you are on the other side with the labels now, so you gotta learn to start taking the criticims along with the praises. It's all part of the territory. I mean you never see any producers aplogizing or defending thier works. It's just not professional. So here is my question to you? When you ; for lack of a better word,report to Dima what you read on the formats. are you only telling him the criticisms or are you balencing it out with the praises.


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Post by DarkSky » 08 Sep 2010, 13:36

Okay people, I have a strong feeling that this discussion could go wrong once again. Let this be clear, what I wanted to say is that some people are just far too harsh. I am sure that producers and artists would appreciate constructive criticism much more than criticism that is just useless for them. I hope that I made my point of view clear.

Ah and drnrg, I report almost everything to Dima. Negative and positive things. And don't forget there are loads of artists and producers who are actively reading Eurobeat-Prime but just don't post.

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Post by Nine » 08 Sep 2010, 14:59

Darksky, this is classic you isn't it. You ruffle some feathers and when things start getting heated you try to end the conflict. I wasn't even going to bother to join in the conversation but since you dragged my name into this thread (which pisses me off because I hadn't said one bad thing in this thread) I might as well just say what I wanted to say.

I would think that artists and producers would be professional enough to not take criticism so poorly. If you report almost everything to Dima, I have a feeling that since English isn't your first language, you're misinterpreting and misunderstanding how and why things are said the way they are. (Trust me, being married to someone who has only been speaking English for a small amount of time, things like this get misunderstood and misinterpreted very easily.) Also, this is the Internet, sarcasm is really difficult to pick up on and people can take things the wrong way really easily.

Do you think everyone on these forums will be like "Oh, I'm sorry everyone but when I listened to this song I didn't really like it. It doesn't mean it's a bad song, I just didn't enjoy it. Don't feel offended and just because I don't like it doesn't mean you can't." Of course not. These things should go unsaid whenever someone thinks a song is "crap" or "garbage."

drnrg is also right on so many levels. We put such a high standard on the music we listen to because these producers and singers are able to put out the most amazing music we've ever heard - so when a song is released that obviously doesn't sound like it had as much effort put into it than others it is gravely disappointing. By the way, this isn't a knock against the producers - everyone here knows there are songs like that from every producer making this music.

You gotta remember DarkSky, at the end of the day we are the consumer. We're buying this music. If we don't like it, what do you want us to do, spend our time writing on the forums voicing how much we disliked a song or do you want us to just stop buying the music? Trust me, it will be one or the other and what do you think Dima would be more offended by, some words on a screen or the fact that his music made someone stop buying SEB?

You must have had some major talent to offer, DarkSky, because Dima sure didn't put you on for your public relation skills. Now that's for sure.

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Post by wolftickets1969 » 08 Sep 2010, 15:07

The tracklist is up on SEPH. Jungle of Fire is ...(drumroll) Laura Vox!

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Post by WNight » 08 Sep 2010, 15:17

wolftickets1969 wrote:The tracklist is up on SEPH. Jungle of Fire is ...(drumroll) Laura Vox!
Thanks for the information, Do you mind if I tell you that you're probably the last one to know this as well ?
You and me like a fire tonight
Me and you 2 guardian angels
Now I feel your touch into my heart
A ray of sun~

- Guardian Angels / Oceania

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