Hi-nrg attack releases

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Post by rufflegarden » 03 Feb 2011, 10:13

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Post by Tiger » 03 Feb 2011, 22:19

Only songs that interest me are Cross My Heart and Chemical Boy from Super Duper :(

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Post by Megan188 » 04 Feb 2011, 00:53

Yeah, I'm honestly not that impressed by Super Duper Eurobeat Vol. 1. It's kind of a continuation of the Eurobeat Cool series, which sought to release everything that never came out before, in chronological order. After hearing the samples, I'm not too surprised why. Still, it's great to see Hi-NRG Attack continuing to release the rest of their catalogue.

On another note, Eurobeat Fresh Collection 4 is actually quite appealing to me, since it includes a bunch of the songs that I was disappointed were left out of the Vintage Parapara series. It also has Jeff Driller's Bad Girl.

By the way, this doesn't really have to do a whole lot with the topic, but the website in the link apparently used SEB 62's cover to represent SEB 212! :razz:

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Post by wolftickets1969 » 04 Feb 2011, 02:36

Some vocalists, like Laura Tartuferi, just do not work well pitched up. The squeaky distortion that is added onto that doesn't help.

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Post by drnrg » 04 Feb 2011, 05:20

I can't say I'm blown away by this Supa Dupa compilation. Most songs are from Laura Tartuferi ,but not really from her strong end. The best parts of these songs are the intros. A few of them sounded great on first listen and I'll spin a few others untill they grow on me, like Never Ending Flame and Baby Don't Break My Heart , but the rest are pretty forgettable, especially the male counterparts. and those 400 min songs need some a dose of extended power. I've been dying to review something Eurobeat related for months, so here goes my first review of the year.

Louise- Never Ending Flame (HRG Attack)
Nice intro and break. There is a little music box to start things off. The riff itself isn't bad at all. Has a romantic feel ,as does the song as a whole, but as hear the song, I can't help but to wonder why It feels like I'm really just waiting for the break and intro sounds to return without really anticipating the rest of the production. A nice start, but weird style for Louise.

Miss Joke- Don't Get Around Anymore (HRG Attack)
The first of way too many songs, on this compilation, with the word Don't in the title. I wonder if that helped choose these songs? I guess the theme here is Laura Tartuferi sung songs. This is the perfect example of HRG Attack material that makes no impact on me whatsoever and a song I will probobly never revisit again.

Dee Dee Wonder- When The Children Say Wow (HRG Attack)
What's That song On DELTA catalog? "Goodbye Japan" I get flashbacks to that song when I hear the riff. The DELTA song was ok and didn't sound half as buisy as this song does. Add to the fact those squeaky vocals and you get a song that really isn't grabbing my attention in any way.

Maddy Layne- One For You, One For Me (HRG Attack)
More high pitched vocals. This song is super fast. In fact, most of these songs sound too fast for thier own vibe. The verses and bridge go by unnoticed. It's not the melody, which are quite nice, but the way she rushes through them with her way of singing is a real Turn Off. The chorus actually sparks a bit of originality into the song and has a more aggressive feel then the rest of the song. It's actually pretty confusing as a whole production and probobly not gonna get too much airplay.

Nikka Tosta- Cross My Heart (HRG Attack)
It sould have been spelled Toaster. As in Joe. At least then thier would be some comparison to an alleady big name on the label. I like the intro and the riff isn't too shabby either. The verse and bridge flow by with little offense and by the third listen, they actually sound pretty catchy. What really puts me off is the chorus itself. It also sounds like it's too rushed. BTW, I tried slowing down a few of these songs and it really had no effect at all. Another mismatched idea of chorus and intros, ectss that belong onto totally different songs.

Miss Joke- Bye Bye Valentina (HRG Attack)
I guess this release was meant to spark interest for the February month. This is actually one of my favourit songs of this compilation. It has a different feel and doesn't sound too rushed at all. Her singing is more spaced out and I can get a feel for the lyrics, which kinda have a cute best girl friend vibe to them. The third verse is especially nice to hear with the different instrument drops here and there. Could make an appearence on my top songs this month.

Frank Casino- Baby Please Don't Go (HRG Attack)
The first of a few male sung songs on this compilation is easily the best one too. I don't know if this is Festari trying to sound a bit like Rick Castle or what, but the vocal style seems to fit well with the song's overall feel. My bet is that it's Rick or Nick. They both sound great.To tell the truth, I actually envisioned this song sounding a lot better , but upon hearing it, I can't say I'm dissapointed at all. The song's legnth reminds me how inadequate 4 mins is for Eurobeat music, but what are you gonna do? Anyway, this song is romantic and pretty fast in melody, but not hard to digest in Musical terms. It flows nicely and the female back up actually adds a little spark to the vocals. My favourite part is the riff and the beginning of the verses when it says "No, Please Don't Go". I think they go along nicely together. I really wish this song was longer for a full HRG Attack effect.

Boogaboo- Chemical Boy (HRG Attack)
Boy, this song sounds like a real mess. Nick sounds like in top form, but I think he relies too much in the shouting effect to spark life onto the song, instead of letting the melody guide the listener. I can't even say that the riff is good. In fact, I would say it's one of the most generic sounding riffs in an HRG Attack song ever. It's a shame ,cuz it might have looked good on paper? It has all the fire, desire and even bang bang bangs, but it feels so desperate and at TIMEs, even embarressing when even those fool proof ingredients don't work. If I had to choose a favourite part, it would be the verses and the way Festari sings them. The problem here is that I will probobly play this song and shout along to it for about a week for it's pure agressive value alone, but then it will fizzle away just as fast as it appeared. It's just too over the top chaotic. Even for HRG Attack an song.
8/10(first week)
6/10(by next week)

Mika La Do- Shock The Donkey (HRG Attack)
WOW! Here we go! I like this song on all levels. Even the out of place riff sounds damn fresh on a song like this. Laura? sounds so much better on normal vocal mode. Le's get to that intro. Showcasing synths is always a great ideas and this song capitalizes on them all the way through. The melody and lyrical work on the verses and bridge sound really full of life and NRG. The chorus; as wacky as it may sound, works marvelously. I get weird comaprisons to the mythical Donky dance they have her in the strip clubs, which I have yet to see or meet someone who has actually witnessed it. :P This song also has the rushed through effect , but that's only because of it's song legnth. The rest of the production really is Euromach worthy. And that riff, which has a strange Medieval tone or whatever is actually pretty charming. Hands down, my favourite song on this collection and should make some waves on my Eurobeat list.

Frengo- Baby Don't Say (HRG Attack)
Allready this sounds like half a title and again the word don't.. Frengo sounds like a cross between Andrea and Roberto and a strange alias at that. The musical style is definately Rick Castle or Starkly Ice. Even the riff gives that impression. This is actually also one of my favs and flows by with an easy to accept romatic vibe. Kinda generic, but that has never been one of my main concerns. I'm much rather concerned with the song's legnth , which gives the impression of it just being a preview to the actual song. Anyway, as with Frank Casino's song, this one also features female backup. It sounds rather pleasent, but really didn't need it, as the song offers enough melody to carry itself on Andrea's/Festari's vocals alone.

Lady Truffle- Baby, Don't Break my Heart (HRG Attack)
Let's hear it one more TIME for the word "Don't". let's start off with what sounds like an edited version of the song's actual intro. It's just too short. I really liked the direction that intro was going and feel kinda "jipped".The riff is really nice sounding and the accompanying guitars during the verses really give the song an upbeat energetic vibe. I really like the melody in the verses and bridge. It kinda has a poppy feel to it during the chorus. What I didn't really care for is the way it tries to fit too many words into that same chorus. I'll give it a few more spins and see what happens, but for now it's just an o.k. song.

This sounds like a rushed compilation. The song legnths are horrid for Eurobeat music. Ther are a few gems, but wat too few as I am used to hearing from HRG Attack material. Here is something strange. It might just be those short song legnths that cause me to hear this compilation more than usual and thus making me like it more in the end.

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Post by Megan188 » 05 Feb 2011, 06:29

drnrg wrote:Frank Casino- Baby Please Don't Go (HRG Attack)
The first of a few male sung songs on this compilation is easily the best one too. I don't know if this is Festari trying to sound a bit like Rick Castle or what, but the vocal style seems to fit well with the song's overall feel. My bet is that it's Rick.
It's actually the same vocalist as Speed McQueen. His singing style isn't too different from other males at the label, but he wasn't at the label very long, so it's easy to get confused.

Another really interesting note - Take My Gum actually sounds different on Eurobeat Fresh Collection 4 than it did originally. It still has the same feel as before, but the mastering was reworked, and a few new synths were added in here and there. It sounds a bit more electronic and up-to-date.

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Post by drnrg » 05 Feb 2011, 06:34

Another really interesting note - Take My Gum actually sounds different on Eurobeat Fresh Collection 4 than it did originally. It still has the same feel as before, but the mastering was reworked, and a few new synths were added in here and there. It sounds a bit more electronic and up-to-date.
They have done this before with songs like Movin Up- Giorgia barrows and Push Me Boom Boom- Cindy. Toatlly different versions on the Eurobeat Flash cds than the vinyl ones. You could really tell this on the intros and breaks. They sounded sorta weak. The worst was the EB Flash version of Remy Panther- Try Me. Too watered down.

I'¿m gonna have to purchase that Dolly Pop song to hear that version you mentioned

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Post by wolftickets1969 » 06 Feb 2011, 02:10

Anyone think the Speed McQueen/Frank Casino guy is Alessio Novi, aka Riki 1? He sounded like that (Festari-style) in "She's My Baby Chevrolet", and apparently he has returned according to the catalogue (as "Ricky 1").

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Post by Megan188 » 06 Feb 2011, 02:23

Nah, Alessio Novi's voice is a little more nasal, and he doesn't sing with that heavy vibrato tone, ala Fabio Lione, that Frank Casino has.

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Post by EurothunderNL » 06 Feb 2011, 13:50

Great to see new hi nrg attack!

Strange however that Eurobeat Fresh 4 contains the Eurobeat Flash version of Cy-ro's Bad illusion (4:20 min) instead of the real extended version which clocks 5:23 min.

Perhaps something to be fixed :)

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Post by EurothunderNL » 14 Feb 2011, 20:42

Super-Duper Eurobeat Vol.2 is up on I-Tunes NOW :D

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Post by drnrg » 15 Feb 2011, 08:08

Super-Duper Eurobeat Vol.2 is up on I-Tunes NOW
tracklist please :)

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Post by EurothunderNL » 15 Feb 2011, 17:33

01 FRANK CASINO who is eloise
02 JUNGLE BILL crazy kamikaaze
03 LAURA VOX wishing upon a star
04 CIAO CIAO ciao ciao
05 RICK CASTLE annebelle
06 JUNGLE BILL I wanna be your dog
07 DEE DEE WONDER no control in my soul
08 LOUISE leaving in my hand
09 MARTINA DRY everybody gonna get my body
10 NICK TURBO like a baby gigolo
11 LOUISE a melody in the stars

Apart from the fact that I don't really like the sleeves of super-duper (most of the other sleeves are great) the music is very good.

Curious if Super-Duper will appear on Juno as well.

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Post by EurothunderNL » 15 Feb 2011, 18:27

Curious if Super-Duper will appear on Juno as well.
Yes Super-Duper 1 already appeared On Juno :P

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Post by drnrg » 16 Feb 2011, 12:00

The track list looks really wild and the titles look really funky to top it off. I wonder if the two Jungle Bill songs are sung by Rimonti or Festari?

08 LOUISE leaving in my hand

just what is it that is left on her hand :!:

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