Happy birthday to Eurobeat Prime.com 🥳

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Happy birthday to Eurobeat Prime.com 🥳

Post by SuperEuroJimmy » 26 May 2023, 09:55

Today, May 26, marks the 19th birthday of Eurobeat-Prime.com. That means we have been the prime source for your eurobeat needs for almost two decades. And we're still going strong.

Congatulations to all members of Eurobeat-Prime.com!!

This is not just a simple announcement though, as for the first time, we are opening positions in the moderation team. You may have noticed the database is missing a lot of things, and information may even be wrong. To keep everything up to date is a big task, that we can't do ourselves anymore. That's why we are asking you: do you want to join our team and make Eurobeat-Prime even more Prime?
Are you interested, contact SuperEuroJimmy on Discord (link in the sidebar). And maybe you will be part of the Database Moderation team!!

EDIT: Right now we have expanded our team, and are not looking for extra help anymore. But, feel free to join the Discord and chat with all other super euro fans.

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