Super Eurobeat 184

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Post by DJ Mike TJG » 01 Feb 2008, 15:32

Still taking it all in, but I can say far and away my absolute highlight is:

Pamsy / My Sweet Forever

I'm surprised by the comments I've been hearing about it based only on previews, because this song for me is a rare gem. Solid vocals from Pamsy; a sublime, dreamy chorus; an awesome grungy piano/electric guitar sound in the intro; and to top it off a golden saxophone solo near the end! :D 9/10 from me, easily! Perhaps the only detractor is the fade-out ending, which feels a little too sudden for my taste... Is the Extended any different, I wonder?

Other strong highlights:

King & Queen / Come On Up
Nuage / Everybody Shake
Jay Lehr / Imagine
Annie / No Borders
Ester / Never Gonna Give Up
Ace Warrior / White Love
Annalise / Valentino's Day
Daniel / Full Metal Cars
Cherry / Yes I Will
The Snake / Speed Of Light

So it's some especially quality output from A-Beat C, SCP and Delta this month! ;) Nice job! Especially A-Beat C, who've really hit the rebound with a strong line-up this month - I think only the Mega NRG Man track failed to strike a chord with me - all the other tracks were awesome! Valentino's Day especially has a surprisingly dramatic and sombre, yet hopeful tone.

However, what the heck is going on with Just A Game 2008??? If I'm not mistaken, that intro is a complete rip-off of the Vanity remake of Take A Look In My Heart! Not impressed. At all.

But let's not have me ending with a bash on Time - No Borders was a fantastic track, and I still enjoy Love For Money 2008, but that wasn't a new track so I'm not including it as a highlight. Great to see so many high quality tracks all round this month - and this further strengthens the theory that it really isn't worth judging these albums from their previews, since you really do build the wrong kind of picture in many cases!
Last edited by DJ Mike TJG on 01 Feb 2008, 19:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ricfiam » 01 Feb 2008, 17:10

"Is the Extended any different, I wonder? "
-Is this a question?
...I remember that time...

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Post by DJ Mike TJG » 01 Feb 2008, 17:23

Ricfiam wrote:"Is the Extended any different, I wonder? "
-Is this a question?
Well I don't buy the extendeds from Mu-Mo but if someone else has maybe they can answer it ;)

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Post by Jay » 01 Feb 2008, 19:43

DJ Mike TJG wrote:Is the Extended any different, I wonder?
Most of the newer SCP releases fade out, even in extended. One Touch faded out quite abruptly in extended for example (Avex added an ending to it with their SEB-edit). So I wouldn't be surprised if My Sweet Forever is meant to fade-out; I don't (and can't, at the moment) buy the extendeds anymore to make sure, but it's an educated guess.

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Post by #Infinity » 01 Feb 2008, 21:17

If anyone else notices, it seems that SCP is the only label left aside from Time that still applies fadeouts to their cuts. It's clearly a thing of the past for everyone else. A-beat, Delta, and Hi-NRG Attack all had a fair amount of fading cuts in their earlier productions, but lately they seem to have abandoned it completely.

SCP needs to STOP that habit. Fadeouts work sometimes in regular pop music, but they always sound horrible when applied to eurobeat. :(

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Post by Ricfiam » 02 Feb 2008, 07:41

DJ Mike TJG wrote:
Ricfiam wrote:"Is the Extended any different, I wonder? "
-Is this a question?
Well I don't buy the extendeds from Mu-Mo but if someone else has maybe they can answer it ;)
Well, I'm not buying them either, I hate shit quality.
I buy the cds to get quality, but get angry about the cutted songs.
Nothing's good.... My only hope is Juno wav.
...I remember that time...

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Post by drnrg » 02 Feb 2008, 18:59

I agree with the fade outs comments. They totally suck, but I wonder if it's AVEX who butcher the songs in the end? Night Fighter, On My Radio , Planet Love all have proper endings. It's usually the remakes that fade out. SCP also sounds much better with proper endings. Jay Lehr's -I'm Alive comes to mind.

Someone sent me the extended of Alexis- Just A Game, but I'm pretty sure where it came from. :P None the less, I'll review that one for now.

Alexis- Just A Game 2008- The first thing I notice is completely rehash intro form Vanity- Take A Look In My Heart 2007. Really I'm not joking. The only thing missing is the little "Here We Go" Not too happy with that, because it doesn't go at all with the vibe of the song. It would have been much better with an accapella start like the original and the male rap would have sounded good too. However I find the "Riff" growing on me more and more with each listen. Elena's vocals really carry out the melody and her Opera-like singing style really push the song's power forward. . Oh no ,here comes the rehashed intro again. I swear you could just start singing Take A Look in My Heart..and it would fit perfectly. In my opinion that break rips the life out of the song. :( There is one mini break instead of a third verse and in my opinion probly would have sounded better added to the intro. In the end, being the classic that it is, I will give it one point a higher , but mainly for Elena. She is incredible! 8)
8-/10 for song 10/10 for Elena vocals

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Post by the_ditz » 03 Feb 2008, 14:08

Okay, so a took the plunge and purchased the extended versions from mu-mo...and man, am I glad I did!! This album has single-handedly restored my love for Eurobeat and is much catchier and more accomplished that the past three albums put together.

Here's a review (thoughts so far...)

Quite fitting that the longest extended version of Disc 1 is the best track! This awesome song starts with an almost hyper-techno style synth riff with frantic drum breaks adding to the energy and tension. The obligatory car sound effects are also present. And as the vocals distort and the sabi looms, you just know that you're in for a thrilling ride. The sabi itself took a few listens to get used to but now it sounds fresh and sprightly. However, the best element of the whole song is the main vocal melody - particularly the bridge section just before the chorus that serves to build up to the awesome climax of the anthemic sing-a-long chorus. I love this song even more than "Iron Man" and it is by far my highlight of the 180's so far...
Score: 10/10

02. MIKE WEST - WILD NIGHT (05:24)
The stuttering synths in the intro to this track remind me a lot of "Mission Impossible" by Nick Mansell. Much like Super Rider, the intro is a slow-burning cauldron of drums and deep synths, but this time they combine nicely with the gravelly vocals to give an electric feel. The beat is extremely powerful when it drops, and it actually serves to tame the vocals a little before the now trademark "modern" Time synths break into the frantic sabi. The vocal melody harks back to the golden days of old, but I can also hear structural elements based around the likes of recent remake "Perfect Time 2007". All in all, this song will definitely grow on people but it won't reach the heights of Bad Bad Bad in my eyes.
Score: 8/10

As much as I hate to admit it, the Jeff Driller is really starting to sound a little tired. I loved Control Alt Delete & Blow and insanity of Super Guts was a welcome diversion for the standard formula, but unfortunately Spin Spin Baby sounds way too much like the not-so-well-engineered offspring of so many other Hi-NRG Attack songs. From the vocal stutterings during the intro, to the way the beat comes in and out at modified intervals, to the chord progression during the sabi, to the vocal melody structure - we've all heard this song done many times before. The main problem is, it's been done miles better and Jeff Driller deserves much better in my opinion.
Score: 6/10

04. KING & QUEEN - COME ON UP (04:39)
What an empty sounding intro this track has. It also seems to have an identity crisis, as the amount of different sound effects and drum loops that are used in the first 18 seconds or so is unbelievable! The vocals sound a little nasally for my liking as well. However, the sabi is an explosive slice of cheery Eurobeat gold and when the vocals truly kick in, I am pleased to say that they sound clear and bright. This track is going to appeal most to those that enjoy the speedier, lighter, happier style of Eurobeat a-la Kiki & Fancy, but perhaps with slightly less squeaky vocals. The perfect antidote to brighten up a cold winter's day!
Score: 8/10

Everybody probably expects kind of middle-of-the-road bland Eurobeat ballads from Nuage nowadays, but this track proves that she can still pack a punch when given the challenge. The clever thing is that the intro lulls you into a gentle, relaxed state of mind, with it's soothing synths and muted bass. But at precisely 00:37, Nuage throws away her dull, dreary overcoat and shows us her brand new stunning party dress. The sabi is one of those great moments that A-beat C used to produce all the time - a combination of unique rasping synths and powerful beats. Nuage does take a little time to settle into this speedier and more powerful guise again, but by the time the chorus comes in she's right back in the zone, just as she was with "Sunday" and "Let's Go Deejay". If only someone could convince her to come out a party more often...
Score: 8.5/10

DJ Mike TJG already touched on this, but I have to reiterate the point. The awesome grungy piano intro in this track give it a completely unique edge that did not come across at all in the sample. And from this amazing and captivating start, somehow the rest of the song now seems to have much more energy and drive. Pamsy's vocals are as beautiful and polished as ever, but the true stars here are the fantastic production techniques and choices that SCP have made. The saxophone interlude at 03:31 gives the whole track another different point of view, while the ever-present riff introduced by that piano ties the whole song together giving it an incomparable flow. If only that fadeout had been ditched for a completed ending, things would be perfect! It's not So Fragile or Babyface, but it comes darn close!
Score: 9.5/10

07. ALEXIS - JUST A GAME 2008 (05:51)
The intro in this feels like such a waste and bit like Time just wanted to pad out the first 37 seconds before the catchy chorus melody made its first appearance. To be honest, like the vast majority of remakes, the thing that makes the whole track more appealing is the catchy vocal melody. The production going on in the background just seems a little too contrived - like someone was trying a bit too hard to impress the boss and they forgot to take true advantage of the track's biggest asset. Don't get me wrong, I could quite happily listen to this track, but I just feel that overall it is another opportunity missed to do something more focused with a remake.
Score: 7/10

08. JAY LEHR - IMAGINE (05:29)
Oddly, the first 18 seconds of this track remind make of a sublime combination of "Make Your Move" and "Take Another Chance". In fact, the whole track sounds like a song that could easily have been produced under the Van TK alias. And although a lot of people would see that as a bad thing, I actually had a bit of a soft spot for his tracks. Sure, the vocal melody is often a little whimsical and the chorus clashes with the feel of the verse and sabi for the first few listens, I still enjoy the optimistic outlook on life that this track has. It really makes that the listener feel more positive about the day ahead - so I reckon everyone should get this track on their iPod on the way to work/school/college/university every morning!
Score: 8.5/10

What is going on with those goofy squeaky synths in the intro? This track pretty much shows the wrong way for Hi-NRG Attack to approach a female-led track under one of their "baby" or "junior" aliases. Everything is just a bit too twee and tra-la-la for my tastes, and the vocals during the chorus are just a little tuneless. The whole emphasis here is more on the beat stutters and speed than on the vocal structure or synth production, which is a shame as when Hi-NRG Attack concentrate on those elements instead, they can hit the jackpot. Sadly, this track doesn't even come close...
Score: 4/10

10. ANNIE - NO BORDERS (05:36)
Annie continues to bring a sort of edgy rock-pop vibe to the Eurobeat arena with this track. The vocal melody is pure mainstream pop, while the production does its best to add some edge with that great guitar solo during the intro. This is one of those tracks that a lot of people may find a little messy or lacking in direction at first, but I'm pleased to report that with repeat listens, you will probably start to hear the progression and flow of the track a lot easier. Annie is probably one of the most unique female aliases in the Eurobeat scene at the moment, and this track cements her place at the more experimental end of the community.
Score: 7.5/10

The intro synths to this track sound like they were inspired by a combination of the current hyper-techno scene and the style of synths that Naoki Maeda used to great effect in the DDR games. Ester can often sound like she is struggling to keep up with the frantic pace and atmosphere of the song but overall she does a very admirable job. The more I listen to this track, the more it reminds me of an Ace Warrior track, and I would love to hear one of the male metal A-beat C vocalists attempting it. Having said that, there are elements that only really work with female vocalists (e.g. around the 03:20 with the gentle interplay between main vocalist and backing singers) and so overall, I think the right choice of vocalist has probably been made.
Score: 8/10

Okay, here we have an intro with a real split personality. Up until about 00:24, we have nothing interesting at all - just glistening layers of synths. After this we have about 12 seconds of a guitar riff that suggests that things may be on the up - you feel like a big explosive sabi is coming and then....*pfffst* everything fizzles out again. The sabi sounds weak and lacking a true focus or emphasis. The vocals do a little to redeem the situation, but the fact remains that the song on the whole isn't very appealing. The melody is just okay, and synths are just okay, the muted guitar wailing in the background sounds a little feeble. Another opportunity missed from the A-beat C stable it would seem...
Score: 5/10

I knew I would hate this song from the title, so it didn't really have much going for it right from the start. The intro is really ugly - I could have constructed something more appealing myself in FL Studio after only a few hours of messing around with the software. The tinkling bells during the sabi seem to oddly hark back to Christmas. The vocal quality is what really saddens me about this song - it's just way too accomplished and polished for a rubbish song like this. I'm afraid this is a definite skipper for me...
Score: 2/10

14. MONEY MAN - LOVE FOR MONEY 2008 (05:24)
Okay, #Infinity tried to convince me that this track is the new Bad Bad Bad (which is my favourite track from the 170's incidentally) so although the sample didn't wow me at all, I decided to give it a fair listen. I can hear little glimmers of the production techniques that shone in Bad Bad Bad during the intro, and the vocal melody does its best to capture the energy of the track, but overall I'm just not as captured by the structure, progression or overall production values used in this. I do still enjoy this sound that Time has developed, as it has a real depth and power that other labels find hard to match, but I still think this sounds a little like an out-take from the production process of Bad Bad Bad that was deemed just not good enough to make it into that awesome production. Points for effort and soul...
Score: 7.5/10

To fully appreciate this track, I honestly believe that you must be sitting in the seat of a Japanese sports car having just been smoked by some nerd in a souped up Evo blasting Hyper Techno! This track was clearly made for Initial-D - not just inspired by the spirit or influenced by the theme, but actually made specifically to feature in Initial-D. How else do you explain the aspirational story contained within the melody? I do quite enjoy this track, although somehow it feels like I shouldn't enjoy it as it is really quite corny. The sabi is a little shrieky for my liking, and with more effort it could have raised the song to another level. However, this track will always be a song engineered for a racing game/anime rather than a Super Eurobeat hit for me.
Score: 8/10

16. CHERRY - YES I WILL (05:09)
Yes, ladies and gentleman. It is with great honour that I present to all the triumphant return of Saifam to SEB! Wait...oh no, my mistake. It's just Delta doing their best tribute to Saifam with Clara doing herbest tribute to Pink. No, but seriously - from the banging beat to the synth production techniques, I honestly believe that this track plugs the empty void still felt by many after the departure of Saifam from the SEB series. As for the song itself, I loved U + Ur Hand by Pink and as this track borrows the essence from that track for the chorus, I love it too! There are subtle Eurodance production values underlying all of the hyper synths and vocals melodies too, which makes me very happy. This track would be the highlight of the album for me had it not been for that naughty Mark Astley stealing its thunder!
Score: 10/10

17. MEGA NRG MAN - LET IT OUT (04:39)
The muted synths during the intro sound a little odd and not very Eurobeat to my ears. That's a big problem with A-beat C for me - they just don't seem to put a lot of effort into making their intros sound like they belong with the rest of the song. Hack this intro off and splice it onto any one of the other recent A-beat C productions and I bet it wouldn't sound any different. Much like the Ace Warrior track, this song doesn't have a good enough melody or production process to support the strength of the vocalist, which is a shame. Jeff Driller deserves better, Ace Warrior deserves better, and it would seem that Mega NRG Man now joins that sorry pattern for this album.
Score: 5/10

This track starts off like a typical Go2 song - all roaring, squealing, angsty guitars and bass thumps, but with little else to give it any reall warmth. Go2 always annoyed me when they focused too much on the shouting and guitars and neglected the core melodies that should be at the hear of a song, and that's more or less how I feel about this song. The vocals even sound like an amalgamation of Fastway and Ace, which makes me think it was a track written for them but they didn't have the time to record. To be honest, I have a feeling this track may grow on me a little, as it isn't as offensive as the likes of NRG, but I still feel like it represents the less creative side of SCP that is content with just adding blazing guitars and loud vocals.
Score: 7/10

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Post by Lebon14 » 04 Feb 2008, 02:34

I have been somehow been able to get a free copy before getting myself involve with a purchase...

So, here is my review.

1. Super Rider / Mark Astley (Delta) BPM : 157

The album starts off with a really kick-ass intro, then, the sabi kicks off in style, yet, trancish styled. Then, the song is really a piece with a lot of energy. The song is a really a pure genius of-a-piece. Good job Delta!

2. Wild Night / Mike West (Time) BPM : 156

Is it me or this song is only a big rehash of Love For Money 2007?? The intro, well, the entire song has the same sounds (here is the background). Anyway, the rehash seems really effective because it's a really good song. Good job on this one!

3. Spin Spin Baby / Jeff Driller (Hi-NRG Attack) BPM : 157

Jeff Driller come back with a irrigular title for a Hi-NRG Attack title. Yet, it's super effective! The song is packed with pure energy from the beginning to the end and, yet, the chorus really shows it. Right in my favorites!

4. Come On Up / King & Queen (A-Beat-C) BPM : 154

Until this song, the album is perfect. But, King And Queen kinda destroy the atmosphere with this song. The intro is kinda the quiet style with standard synth style. The sabi pops out of nowhere and it's the standard A-Beat-C style, the rest of the song is just as standard as the sabi is unfortunately. The score is standard also......

5. Everybody Shake / Nuage (A-Beat-C) BPM : 155

Speaking of standard, I thought earlier, when I was listening to the samples, that this song would be good. With the full edit, I gave it a second thought. The intro is yet, another calm start with a sabi that pops up of nowhere like I dislike them. The sabi itself is good with no plus. The couplets are good. The bridge kills the song to me. The real energy is only showing up in the chorus. Too bad. This song is only average to me.

6. My Sweet Forever / Pamsy (SCP) BPM : 147

:!: :!:
Oh wow... just wow... I always loved Pamsy and yet, she rarely disapoints me. The guitar at the beginning shows exactly my point. Every thing in that song is purely genius. Her vocal, the melody, the nergy... everything... This song really rivals with Once Upon A Time. That means, pure PWNAGE!

7. Just A Game 2008 / Alexis (Time) BPM : 156

First remake of the CD. Well, this song is sweet. My point here is not saying that the song merits a perfect score. No. The intro is the kind of -bizarre-. No real expectation here. The sabi is the balladish style that Time loves to use, the one I don't really like. But, Time figures out that people won't have a kick on the sabi so they put more efforts on the rest of the song. Indeed, it's really worth it because it's great.

8. Imagine / Jay Lehr (SCP) BPM : 151

I adore "I'm Alive". So, when I saw this new title, I was waiting for the best. The intro kicks off with energy and shows off immediately Jay Lehr's effective vocals and melody. I don't want to pass the whole evening describing how awesome this song is. However, I still have a big part of my heart into "I'm Alive". But it does not mean that this song is bad. The opposite! It's great!

9. Happy Snappy Valentine / Nikita Jr. (Hi-NRG Attack) BPM : 165*

Kiki & Fancy #2? Well, that's my thought with this song. The song is really great with funky lyrics. The best is great in the style of Kiki & Fancy. I really love this song XD Words are missing!

10. No Borders / Annie (Time) BPM : 154

The song starts off with beautiful guitars and a great beat full of energy. The sabi is a standard agressive Time style. I don't care about it though. Annie's vocal is just awesome and the melody is just melodious. Everything in the song fits perfectly together, which is great.

11. Never Gonna Give Up / Ester (Go Go's Music) BPM : 150

Go Go's?? Well, I was surprised when I look for the same name in reviews for the label which produced it. The intro kicks off with great synth and great vocal. The sabi is just great in a Manuel style. Then, the melody in the song is just really good, vocals included. I can't really believe that it's the best song ever though...

12. White Love / Ace Warrior (A-Beat-C) BPM : 156

OK. Ace Warrior deceived me a lot since "No Religion" (which I liked). So, I am waiting for a song that will give me hope in Ace Warrior once again. The intro starts off calmly with a guitar riff. Then, a while after, the sabi come. But, not so good. However, Ace Warrior's vocals kinda get the energy back in the couplet but...... the chorus...... sorry. I give up here.

13. Valentino's Day / Annalise (A-Beat-C) BPM : 152

Annalise... damn. Really... I'm kinda starting to believe that there's no SEB albums without her. I don't like her neither. The intro kinda has a sucky calm intro with some strange sounds. Then, the sabi... ok... I'm asking myself if it's the best Annalise riff ever... yes it is. Anyway, her vocals destroys the show once again. I'm giving up here because I can't really give words when I'm on the verge of saying bad words.

14. Love For Money 2007 / Money Man (Time) BPM : 156

2007 not 2008 damn Avex. It does not mean that we are in 2008 that the song has been recorded in 2008. In fact, it's out since last September with Initial D Battle Stage 2 (which I own). Anyway, this song is the base melody for "Wild Night" by Mike West. But all of the sounds used in Mike West'song are gone... why? It's not the same song! LOL. Anyway, I loved the song a lot. I even prefer this song over SEB 1's version. Sometime, Time can make things so catchy. I think that is the song's strong point. The chorus is the great example!

15. Full Metal Cars / Daniel (Delta) BPM : 155

I won't be the Daniel ass-kicker here. The intro starts off with some packed energy. I never seen that energy in the last Daniel songs. The riff is the example. Also, it seems that Daniel's vocals improved because it seems more melodic with the melody. The chorus is energic. Great! Anyway, it is by FAR the best Daniel song.

16. Yes I Will / Cherry (Delta) BPM : 157

The last Cherry song really kicked some serious asses with "Set Me Free". I was waiting another song like this one. So, when the sample went out, my worries ended! The song is still really the hard and fast type once again! The intro is kinda making some "sur place" but the riff is great and the melody in the couplets, bridge and chorus is even more!! Really, a big thumb up for you Cherry!

17. Let It Go / Mega NRG Man (A-Beat-C) BPM : 155

Mega NRG Man was kinda sucky in the last song and constantly waiting for a song that will please me linke some songs on the CD here. It starts slowly with a synth line as a base. The riff is STILL coming up from nowhere. But good though. The overall melody is pretty good. The chorus finally give me some hope in Mega NRG Man. Only if the intro was less sucky, it would have been a better song to listen.

18. Speed Of Light / The Snake (SCP) BPM : 157

Fastway? Ace? New male SCP singer? There is the question. That aside, the intro is really catchy and so is the sabi with all those guitars! I just can't let go the word "energy" of my vocabulary!! This song is just that! Great album ender!

Overall, this album is pure genius! A pure chef-d'oeuvre! Can't get enough! *Buys the album, regardless of CD 2*

Overall : 9½/10

Best :
- Speed Of Light / The Snake
- My Sweet Forever / Pamsy
- Super Rider / Mark Astley
- Wild Night / Mike West
- Yes I Will / Cherry
... more

Honorable Mentions :
- Full Metal Cars / Daniel
- Happy Snappy Valentine / Nikita Jr.
- Love For Money 2007 / Money Man

Worst :
- Valentino's Day / Annalise
- White Love / Ace Warrior
- Come On Up / King & Queen

*For the BPM of this song, MixMeister BPM Analyser shows 82.5 BPM... it's a false one indeed. It's because it caches only a beat on two divising the BPM by 2. So, a *2 is necessary. This song is the fastest of the album then!

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Post by Sadie » 04 Feb 2008, 02:52

Lebon14 wrote:I have been somehow been able to get a free copy before getting myself involve with a purchase...
And you're proud to share that? >_>
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Post by Lebon14 » 04 Feb 2008, 03:01

Sadie wrote:
Lebon14 wrote:I have been somehow been able to get a free copy before getting myself involve with a purchase...
And you're proud to share that? >_>
Now, I'm proud to say that I bought it on CDJapan.


Be happy producers.


Removed the image because it's too f**king big.
Last edited by Lebon14 on 04 Feb 2008, 11:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by drnrg » 04 Feb 2008, 07:17

So you proved your point. You previewed it. You liked it and you bought it. I guess now we should give you a F**king medal? :D

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Post by Jay » 04 Feb 2008, 13:26

Everyone seems to be up in arms about 'Just A Game 2008' ripping off the Vanity introduction. Did nobody else notice that the introduction to 'Wild Night' was rehashing 'Love For Money 2008' (if you ignore the vocals)? I'm just surprised nobody picked this up consider those two songs are on this album. TIME must be running out of ideas.

I believe this is the third time this decade so far that Annerley has the worst song on the album (in my opinion, of course). Not an impressive losing streak, that's for sure. I'll make a more productive review later, just found that amusing.

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Post by Lebon14 » 04 Feb 2008, 13:38

Jay wrote:Did nobody else notice that the introduction to 'Wild Night' was rehashing 'Love For Money 2008'? I'm just surprised nobody picked this up consider those two songs are on this album. TIME must be running out of ideas.
You didn't check my review, huh. I did hear that rehashing.

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Post by Jay » 04 Feb 2008, 13:43

I didn't check your review; I only read Bore's and the ones I read yesterday complaining about Just A Game 2008. But yeah. They're both exactly the same length in SEB-edit and extended, so the songs have the same structure and BPM as well, heh.

While I appreciate Dall'Ora and his productions, dare I say that it might be time for a new producer to bring new life to the label? The abundance of TIME remakes and rehashing the structure of other songs is a sign of dwindling creativity. While it is understandable, considering that he's been in business for a long, long time, it won't do anything to boost the label's credibility in the long run. I'm always welcome to unique hits like "No Borders" though, which was refreshing.

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