Super Eurobeat 203

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Post by WNight » 05 May 2010, 06:49

drnrg wrote:Does any one get the feeling that Take This Way is part two to Ready Forever? Incredible song and that riff....OMG! It totally took me by surprise since it was ommited form the preview. Seeing that Ready Forever was written a while back on TIME, this new Take My Way must have been a sort of request from AVEX. It's like they told Dall Ora to make Ready Forever even better and more powerful. :!:
I totally agree. At some points, I didn't think they could get any better than "Ready Forever" but all I can say is, Time/Eurogrooves just keeps outdoing themselves these days and it's getting bad in a good way.

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Post by Jay » 05 May 2010, 07:01

I'm not sure if I'd go as far as to say that 'Take This Way' is a sequel to 'Ready Forever', but there are definite similarities. And yeah, I love the riff. Best part of the song. What's stopping me from loving the song more is that De Leo's vocals are a bit over the top in the chorus. Nonetheless, I think it's the best song on this very average album.

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Post by DarkSky » 05 May 2010, 09:52

I'm glad to hear positive reactions of the album, I will listen to the album later and give my review ;)

Anyway Im reaaally looking forward to hearing Chris Stanton's song, drnrg!
The sample sounded really awesome, and now after seeing you writing that it might be a part 2 of Ready Forever I'm really like this; wooooot!

Can't wait to hear it :D

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Post by drnrg » 05 May 2010, 10:48

try this at home. Listen to Take This Way and sing along with your Ready Forever lyrics. Even the "Don't Stop the dancing" part fits. Anyway, this is a good thing and totally my style. I'm thinking The next part will be called Take This Way Forever 8)

...and the riff, I didn't think the human hand could play that fast. Dall Ora is KING of Eurobeat!

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Post by Javy » 05 May 2010, 14:33

He could have just played it at a slower tempo and time stretched it to a faster pace.
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Post by Danko » 05 May 2010, 16:10

Wow! This album is sooo niceee! :P

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Post by drnrg » 05 May 2010, 20:18

He could have just played it at a slower tempo and time stretched it to a faster pace.
a comon man, you just burst my bubble. :P [/code]

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Post by DarkSky » 05 May 2010, 20:28

Ok this probably is my last post on this forum for a while, if you want to contact me please send me a PM.

01. David Dima - Freedom
Ok here we go, let's start this album with an awesome Dima Music production.
The great MOOG synth in the intro makes me smile, this song is full of power and aggression. The riff contains so many sounds and the vocals are a bit different from other David Dima songs, I don't mind this still sounds awesome. The only thing I don't like about this song is the strange beat, there is a bit too much bass in the song. The problem is the Thai studio.. anyway this will get better soon. This still sounds like a great song, there is a very strange part in the song too.. some people will think this is annoying, I like it. The guitar solo might be the best part of the song, so full of power and awesome sounds.. can we have a Dima Music rock son please? hhaha. Joking.. anyway Drnrg, I think David Dima is the king of Eurobeat, according to Beat Of Beats 2009 he is the best male artist and Dima Music seems to be the best label.

02. Momo - Send Me An Angel
This must have been one of my favorite songs of the samples. The intro sounds very and makes me anxious to hear what's coming next. I like the beeps and Momo's vocals that will be heard after a while. I do really adore her vocals! The riff seems to fit a bit better to the song now after listening to the whole songs. But I still have a strange feeling when listening to the riff. Some melody parts are very special, I like this kind of experimental Eurobeat music.. this is definately a song I would let me friends hear without being afraid that they won't like it. It's a real hit in my opinion, I like it.. this is great SCP stuff.

03. Ace Warrior - My Dream
Another song I liked in the samples, the guitar solo at the beginning of the song sounds awesome.. I like the synths you can hear during the guitar solo. This riff sounds a bit odd though. The vocal volume is too low! I love the kind of ''ooooooh'' Ace Warrior sings in the chorus. I already noticed this in the sample and that's why I kept playing this sample over and over again. In my opinion this is a solid A-Beat C production, I like it.

04. Daniel - Waiting For Your Hero
So this song is the most downloaded song on iTunes? I don't really understand why, because there are so many other good songs on this album in my opinion. I like the hyper techno sounding hits in the intro, and the riff is typical Delta style in my opinion. I think the vocals are really odd in this song, they sound just so weird (except in the chorus). The songs sounds ok to me.

05. Bon - Toy For Love
Ok this song, I didn't know what to think of this when listening the sample. I had some mixed-feelings about this, the one time I like it and the other time I seem to hate it. It is a very strange song, very experimental but really attractive at the same time. But what's up with the vocal volume? I don't know if this is my problem because I don't listen with headphones.. but why is the vocal volume so bad? Anyway, the song sounds like a good SinclaireStyle production, I didn't expect a good song after listening the sample. But it's quite good now after I listened to the whole song. The chorus is getting annoying after some time though haha.

06. Vicky Vale - Do With Me
Back to a song I did like in the samples, I like Vicky Vale's vocals, sometimes they're a bit boring though.
The riff sounds really ''cute'', this is the style Delta should continue with because they're good at this!
I like the song, I like the melodies, I like the vocals, I like the riff. The chorus sounds great imo. Ok I don't have more to say about this, it's not a hit for me.. but it can grow on me after listening to it some more times.

07. The Snake - The Snake Around
This is going to be my favorite song of the album according to my sample reviews, I like the guitar riff. I have the feeling I heard this song before, but I definitely haven't! I like the vocals alot, and as people on EBP might know I'm a fan of aggressive Eurobeat music. I don't think this is really aggressive but it comes close, the high tones in the chorus sound awesome as well as the guitar that's on the background all the time! The guitar solo, WOW nothing more to say this is fantastic.

08. Domino - One-O-Nine
Nice intro, but this sounds too cute for me. But please if you create a song in Japanese, make a J-Euro compilations for these songs. I don't like the song, but +6 for the riff, the riff sounds amazing!! The chorus sounds VERY annoying... 109-109 blablabla.

09. Christian - Take This Way
The one and only energy doctor on these boards told us this is an amazing song, I definitely agree with you. I like it even better than Ready Forever! I love style style of riff. The chorus is VERY aggressive. Please please we need more in this style! Go Go Christian! The riff, amazing OMG. I love it.

10. Lilly - I Am A Liar
I like that they experimented with a new style, the riff sounds good and romantic.
I'm also very happy that Hi-NRG Attack didn't pitch up the vocals as much as they usually do. I think what they need are better vocalists who have a ''normal'' voice, the melody sounds very romantic and I love the riff. Good work Hi-NRG attack crew :)

11. Diabolik - Diabolik
I bought this from Junodownload some time ago, sadly enough they haven't re-made the track, anyway I like this song. The lyric writer was a bit lazy?? I'm talking about Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh hahaha, it's very special. The song sounds very special, I like it because it's so different from normal SAIFAM songs. Good one!

12. Stephy - I Belong To You
I want this to become to future of Eurobeat..... you know why.

13. Girl Next Door - Power Of Love
In my opinion this was the 2nd best song of the Girl Next Door Eurobeat album, the riff sounds so amazing I love it. Nothing more to say.

14. Dave Rodgers - Try Me (Rock Mix)
One of the songs I was looking most forward to on this album, I like the intro which builds up some kind of a tension, it makes you anxious to hear what's coming up. And what comes next sounds great, the riff is amazing I love it! I like the drum beat and the guitar on the background, Dave's vocals are good in this song too. In my opinion this song is so much better than the original, I like the background synths in the chorus too they give a different dimension to the song. And then after you listened to the chorus, you get to hear this riff again.. I love it. As the song continues I keep smiling and smiling because in my opinion it's getting better and better, the instrumental part with the piano sounds soooooo fantastic. OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS!! And then the guitar that comes next, guitar solo for the win! Fantastic work.. after a while you think the guitar solo ended.. and then it suddenly continues again, and it gets even better! A chorus will come next, it keeps getting awesome.. On the end Dave is singing ''TRY ME'' on a different way, and then the song ends. For me this is one of the best songs of the album, it's not Eurobeat but I really love it.

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Post by #Infinity » 05 May 2010, 22:14

Javy wrote:Its been on musico for a while
It wasn't when I previously checked, but it looks like it's up now, so I'll purchase it as soon as I get home! 8)

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Post by drnrg » 06 May 2010, 02:34

TIME to review SEB 203. I have to say I ended up liking it more than the clips gave to to believe. Great cd this one. The reviews for each song will be rather long, since I really enjoyed this cd.

1. David Dima- Freedom (Dima music)
this TIME we have Dima starting off the newest installation to the SEB series. Here is a song that didn't truly grab my attention with it's preview clip, but once I heard the whole package, my feelings changed completely. IMOP this song should have carried the Dream Fighters alias. Dima is another producer that really gives it 100% on the intros. That alone makes me love this song. Yes there is a moog in this song. Bands like the iconic Cars and other 80's bands regularly inserted a bit of moog in the songs. Anyway, the moog is actually overlaying a pretty aggressive synth riff which gives the song it's aggressive mood. The verses are done Dall Ora style by adding synth parts inbetween the verse couplets. I love this style and I'm glad Dima is using it too. The chorus is one of the most important parts of the song for me and this one really lives up to it's theme. It really really has that Freedom vibe , especially with the "lets Go" shoutouts inserted throughout said chorus. Everything seems to be in perfect order for an agreesive Dima style song. Even more so with the strange, but oddly fitting effects around the 3:15 mark. these effects are giving the song even more incredible power. This kinda expirimentation is welcome by me. Minimal yet powerful enuff to give the song a sort of fresh vibe to it. I don't think I've been this hyped with a Dima track since the Duran Duran cover. Incredible!

2. Momo- Send Me An Angel (SCP)
Here is another song that sounded just above ok level with its preview. As far as SCP songs are concerned; I isten for a certain sound that grabs me from the get go. This song achieves that by it's intro alone. I love the way the piano is played and it really introduces one of the most fast Synth laced riffs I've heard for a female SCP song in quite a while. What this song has is a great melody in the verses. Kinda sounds like somthing the SCP team would have written while they were at TIME. I would call this song somthing along the lines of fast tempo aishu. Very uplifting and definately one of SCPs finer productions. A lot of wonderful syth parts are played throughout the song that really remind me of 90s style as well and for me that's always a good thing. Lets hope Momo sticks to this Aggraishu style for a while. :D

3. Ace Warrior- My Dream (ABeatC)
Up next is one of the songs that actually sounded like it could be one of my favs on this cd. I was really hyped for it's preview, especially hearing the Italo style chorus and riff. Those parts are definately present. Powerful T; himself would probobly liked to have sung this song. ..and that's my main beef here. Either Ace is losing his vocals or someone at AbeatC mixed the vocal parts in at too low a volume. The guitars and synths really drown out poor Ace up to point where the only part you can really enjoy his vocals are in the chorus. It's really kinda sux, because the melody in the verses is really great. That said; the song really does have a lot of other positive aspects. For Instance, that intro. OMG! probobly one of AbeatC's best in years. The way the bass and guitars are played together , with each instrument following it's own rhythm really gives the song it's incredible power. The riff is pure 90s style. Probobly a riff an old Corraini song would have. All systems say go, but I just can't get passed the low volume during the songs verses and bridge and it really takes about two points off the song. It would have been great if the third verse was just his vocals with raw guitar chords just as is used in that same third verse. In closing a anticipated solid 10 becomes an 8.

4.Daniel- Waiting For Your Hero (DELTA publishing co. )
When I first saw the title ,I thought it would be Luca doing vocals, since he opts for the hero songs. In the end it turns out that Marco Racanti returns to claim his title that made him such a new force to be reckoned with in Eurobeat. He is sounding better than ever and I was imediately taken back to the 170s with songs such as One More Try. What this song has is an amazing Riff. The riff alone catches the excitement of the one used in Frontal Impact very Italoesque with a hint of 2000s Eurobeat agression. The intro and break uses some Techno effects, but done the right way, The DELTA way and don't sound out of place at all. It really does stand out as one of my fav trax on the cd ,but I get a feeling that this song is missing the correct lyrics that flow easily with the song's melody. I get these Dungeons & Dragons images as I'm hearing the song. Paladins, Dragons ect..I don't know ,but Medeival and Eurobeat don't really mix for me. Still a great song and glad to hear Daniel is back. Hopefully he doesn't disapear for too long again.

5. Bon- Toy For Love (Sinclaire Style)
What Sinclaire has done here is create a simple yet effective Eurobeat retro sounding song that has quickly become a favourite among the E.P. community. It certainly has to do with the fact the Nando Bonini is back on the frontline, but take notice on all the elements that Sinclaire injected to pretty much secure himself instant Eurobeat bouncer. First you got Nando , which pretty much spelled hit after hit for TIME and early DELTA songs, but even more so you got the Boom Boom Fire melody being used in the chorus. You can't deny it cause it's right in your face and probobly the reason the song hits such a strong chord in your Eurobeat heart. Add to the fact nonsencical Toy Boy lyrics and finally a bouncy addictive riff that's just too catchy to resist, and you have what IMOP easily becomes Sinclair's first classic song. It's really kinda genious cause the song lacks any sort of stand out introf and a break that sounds almost nonexistant ,cept for a hard pounding bass and still it becomes a favourit without hardyly any effort at all. Even the monstrous distorted "Toy For Love" lines sound kinda charming. I don't know what Sinclaire did, but it sure worked. A standing ovation is at hand. 8)

6. Vicky Vale- Do With Me (Delta publishing co.)
This is really amazing cause weather you got Sinclaire and Newfield working together or not, the way these three songs are coupled on this cd took me back to the good ole days. This song likewise follows a very retro DELTA sound. A nice intro immediatley takes you to the riff that unmistakenably borrows from Wonderland just played in a more bouncy style. Those who love DELTA's old school sound will immediatley take on to this new Vicky Vale entry. Once again, simple track laced with cute vocals and a bass line that will surely remind you of all the older Sara songs as well. The best part for me is the part right after the 3:40 point, where she repeats "I Like" the jumpy little synths sound wonderful. This one even includes a really cool percussion lined break that introduces the accapella like outro. 6 songs into the cd and still going strong.

7. The Snake- The Snake Around (SCP)
the second SCP showing is actually the one I thought would be my favourite entry from the label on this cd, but it just misses the bullseye that Momo's track has. This actually becomes my second favourite Snake trax, only after Queen Of Mean, which took SCP to the next aggressive level. This song really does have an 80's retro metal sound. Guitars are everywhere and in your face and not letting you catch your breath for an instance. When I first heard the clip, I mentioned the the riff was almost nonexisitant, but that's only synth wise. It's there, just played behind the aggressive guitar work of the Snake team. Great song for SCP all the way up to it's heavt outro.

8. Domino- One-O-Nine (GoGo music)
the sole entry form Sandro and co. makes it appearance at the halfway mark of the cd and all it really did was burst my Eurobeat high I was on up untill now. I have never been a fan of Domino's japanese sung Eurobeat songs. The reason is that even if the song tries hard to be on the faster aggressive style ,it almost always takes a silly turn in the chorus. Pity cause the riff sounds rather enticing and also has that 90s retro feel to it. I'm inclined to give it points for the riff alone. Fortunately this low point only lasts 5 mins.

9. Christian- Take This Way (Eurogrooves)
Just last month I was taken ablast by the sheer power TIME's "Ready Forever and now it seems "the master" has outdone himself again. If you ever asked yourself how can Ready Forever be even more aggressive, then ladies and gents I present you "Take This Way"! Allready viewed by some of one of the highlights of this new SEB, it certainly lives up to it's name and we must give proper credit where it is due. We start off with an intro showcasing some effects that sound like someone ready to enter thier vehichle on what sounds to be a rainy scene. It's actually part of the intro, which is really one of the shortest Ive heard from Dall Ora. The kind of Halloweenish organ melody in the beggining give the song a sort of mysterious feel as the always reliable macho shoutouts get ready to introduce an mega agressive riff, which is definately the backbone of this song. I'm trying to capture the melody from another song and I'm kinda comming up with the riff from Killer In New York, but only the first part ,as the secong part of the riff is something you have to hear for yourself to believe. It's basically just running fingers over the keyboards, but at such perfect synchronicity that it never sounds distorted. Really amazing fingerwork from Dall Ora! He is not alone in creating this masterpiece. As the ever present Degani also appears and what song wouldn't ooze perfect aggression with Christian Delo in the shotgun seat.Like always; his vocals deliver all the macho aggressive that we are used to and sound even more so during the chorus; which calls for a somewhat higher pitch to his vocals. The lyrics are full of Sexual egotistical undertones and have the full throttle vibe from songs like "Superguy" and "Hurricane Man". the song takes on different directions during the break and thier verse and is really the rason a Dall Ora track should only be released in extended. So can we safely say that Dall Ora has created the ultimate testostorone feuled aggressive Eurogroove track? Only TIME will tell, but for now IMOP, it takes honours as best track of SEB 203.

10. Lilly- I Am Liar (HRG Attack)
An HRG Attack trax following a Eurogrooves track is really a treat for me. Both labels are really worlds apart in style ,but somehow have always struck an instant Eurobeat love in my heart. HRG Attack who is in fact known for thier chaotic aggressive melodies and vocals; decide to churn out an Aishu style song for the fans. Funny thing is, that I easily love this syle as much as thier faster style. This song starts off with a rather fresh and very 80's sounding intro that perfectly gets the listener ready for theme of the song. It's riff is played at slower BPMs and sounds like an old Italo bouncer form the 80s as well. I trying to remeber an old Saifam song that might have had the same synth melody; which wouldn't surprise me since Accantino did in fact had his start at ASIA. I think maybe even Flea records? So the theme here is that Lilly has cheated on her man, admits it, and now wants him to forgive her. A rehash theme that DELTA used a lot in the late 90s with a lot of Clara sung songs. The question is, does Lilly pull of the same guilty vibe in her voice? The answer is not quite. Her tone basically sounds like any other aishu style HRG Attack song, but it's the melody that convinces the listener of this theme with it's Meloncholic Italo feel. Ultimately it's that riff that hits the mark and gives this Lilly entry a sadlike sound, but gain the intro is too uplifting and we are questioned to ponder, is she really sorry? One thing for sure is that HRG Attack team shouldn't not be sorry for this hit, for it turns out to be one of the strongest on the cd.

11. Diabilik- Diabolik (Saifam)
So AVEX has realized that Saifam has quite a lot of amazing songs that are SEB worthy after all, it's just that they are from the older catalog numbers. This song really stood the test of TIME if two-three years later, it can still sound fresh enough to finally make it's SEB Appearance. Saifam's songs are really simple in the lyric department. This is actually about the character Diabolik from the old 60s crime drama series. what's funny is how for the secong TIME in a row AVEX chooses a song from thier catalog that has a rather strange structure to its chorus. Technological World followed the same pattern. Anyway, I think what makes the song such an instant succes was it's simplicity and over all vocal work, which to this date remains a mystery?. Nice to finally see it make its appearance among so many great songs.

12. Stephy- I Belong To You (Dima music)
I probobly dismissed this song too early on as a result of a really bad quality 2 min sample I heard. The songs actually isn't too bad. it's really slow in bpms when compared to the other contenders on the albume, but in the end it holds it own against songs from a similiar expirimental side. Mainly those Mari -San songs that I really never could accept as Eurobeat. What this song has is awesome soundworlds. The studio's sound quality has a lot to do with the way a song sounds to my ears and Dima has allways had a great sound quality in his music. I will say that the best part of the song is the bridge to the chorus. It sounds really uplifting and as always; the intro sounds amazing as well. What I didn't really care for was the third verse couplet. Thier were some really wierd effects that I can piture hearing in some Lady Gaga song. That for me isn't good. Also missing is her trademark yelling she used in Speed Demon and Emotions and I wish there would have been more guitars but she still over all sounds great. Not what I want the future of Eurobeat to sound like, but once in a while ,isn't too bad.

13. Girl Next Door- Power Of Love(Morris Capaldi v.s GND remix)
so we are up to the expirimental trax of the cd. Still can't get into J-Pop, but what I did enjoy was the synth riff. It definately has the DELTA sound to it. What I don't understand is the GND part of the title. I know it stands for Gilr Next Door, but is she a dee jay or something? Anyway, I wouldn't exactly skip the track, because it does have a Eurobeat feel to it, but I can't understand a fr**king word either.

14. Dave Rodgers- Try Me(Rock mix)
I don't know why Dave insists of covering songs that very distinctly have a female vibe to them? What's next on his list? "Like A Virgin" Anyway getting back to this song, It wouldn't sound out of place on any 80s retro radio station. It's actually sounds a lot more catchy than his previous remixes. This one has a really effective synth riff, which is somthing you don't hear to often in rock mixes, but why complain when it's the best part of the song? The guitars injected in the verses also give the song its backbone in power, but oddly enuff ,the piano solo is my favourit part and actually gives me the feeling that this song could easily pass off for a Expiremantal Eurobeat track during the 90's. The only differences I hear are in the drums, but basically it's a pretty efficient Eurobeat track.

A lot of competition on this cd with the magoraty being great Eurobeat tracks. Christian takes the honours as best song on the cd, but the Bon, David Dima, Lilly ,Daniel, The Snake, Diabolik and Momo tracks are just as good. and there seems to be enough versatility for every Eurobeat fan to pick out a few favs from this albume. 8)

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Post by Nine » 06 May 2010, 04:33

No blurbs because I am horrible at expressing myself. Just scores. The album wasn't that good for me. :( It should be obvious to what I liked on here. :D

1. David Dima - Tsundere Night | 0 out of 5
2. Momo - Send Me An Angel | 4 out of 5
3. Ace Warrior - Whatever it's called | 0 out of 5
4. Daniel - Waiting For Your Hero | 3 out of 5 (It reminds me of this song)
5. Bon - Toy For Love | 5 out of 5
6. Vicky Vale | 2 out of 5
7. The Snake | The Snake Around - 4 out of 5
8. The Best Song On The Album | 109 out of 5
9. Christian - Take This Way | 4 out of 5
10. Lilly - I Am A Liar | -589023423 out of 5
11. Diabolik - Diabolik | 2 out of 5
12. Stephy - I Belong To You | WhyIsThisOnASuperEurobeatAlbum out of 5 (though I will admit, this song makes me feel like I'm in a gay club)
13. Girl next door - power of love (long ass remix name) | 3 out of 5
14. Dave Rodgers - Try Me (Rock Mix?) | 0 out of 5 (Save us now Jesus)

Top 3
Domino - 109
Bon - Toy For Love
Momo - Send Me An Angel

Bottom 3
Lilly - I Am A Liar
Stephy - I Belong To You
Dave Rodgers - Try Me
Last edited by Nine on 07 May 2010, 00:19, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Jay » 06 May 2010, 09:34

As expected, my opinions have changed slightly for this album, but not for the good. I'll review the first half now and the second half at a later date.

When DarkSky said this was going to be an experimental track, I was pretty hyped. Dima has been a bit of a one-trick pony lately, so I was excited to hear something new and interesting from Dima for a change... Unfortunately, when I heard the sample, I didn't hear any of this experimental goodness I was promised, and the full version turned out to be an even greater disappointment. It sounds very much the same as every other Dima song, both in good and bad. But, honestly, what makes me want to listen to this over 'King of the World' or 'Tsundere Night'? This song isn't bad, I guess, but we were promised new tricks, and we got none!
GRADE: 6.5

I'm surprised this song is receiving glowing reviews by just about everybody so far, even from those who don't normally like this style. I ask, what's so different about this song compared to all the other "Irenesque" productions? The lack of annoying and childish sounds is a plus, but it sounds like a clone of the other female SCP songs released on 201 and 202. I suppose the hardcore fans of this trance style (and there are quite a few!) will fall in love with this, but I'm personally growing tired of this repetitive SCP female style. It was great the first time ('Let's Fly Together'), alright the second time ('Love is the Name of Love'), but it's time to give it a rest after the 50th time. At the very least, give somebody else a go at the vocals for these trancey songs. Yes, I know Momo is a different vocalist to Irene, but they may as well be the same person since they sound identical. 'Send Me An Angel' is okay, but I'm not going to cream my pants over it like some others already have.
GRADE: 5.5

...I can't even remember how this song goes, haha. I completely forgot about this song when writing this review and only just realised that something was amiss after I wrote my review for Daniel's song. That says it all pretty much. I'm struggling to find good things to say about 'My Dream'. All I can really come up with is that it's incredibly weak and unmemorable for an Ace Warrior production. I think 'White Love' offers more punch than this, and that's saying something. Nothing much else to say, except that I don't have a reason to come back to it after this review. Perhaps Ace Warrior's biggest blunder to date.

Good to see the return of the original Daniel. In some respects, 'Waiting For Your Hero' is a lighter performance than what we've been accustomed to from this vocalist, but it works out well. The riff, chorus and vocals sound great; Delta has a knack for getting the whole package to work. It might not be as memorable as some of Daniel's other songs, but it's a solid eurobeat production that ticks all the right boxes for me.

Thank fuck, a good SinclaireStyle song for a change. I was beginning to lose all hope for Sinclaire (the last time I thoroughly enjoyed one of his songs was all the way back on SEB191), but I'm pleasantly surprised with how well this song turned out. That galloping beat throughout the song is incredibly infectious. Great to see Bonini back in action too. The only thing I'm worried about is that this song could become annoying after some heavier airplay, but that hasn't happened yet. It's a bullseye for me and one of the highlights from SinclaireStyle.
GRADE: 8.5

How old is this song? Sounds like it's five-years-old at least. 'Do With Me' takes me back to the 150s and 160s, which was when Delta hit the slumps big time. Fortunately(?), 'Do With Me' is from the better end of that era. We almost never hear aishu material from Delta these days, so it's nice to hear some of it to contrast with their usual in-your-face productions. It's not a strong production, and it's not really my cup of tea, but it's not a bad song to listen to once in a while.
Last edited by Jay on 10 May 2010, 00:35, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by WNight » 06 May 2010, 09:50

1. Freedom - David Dima
Grade : B-

Short : It looks like it's going to rock the sky, too bad it doesn't. As a whole, Dima could do better. Oh yeah, This is miles better than the Dream Fighter song on 202.

Review : Aside from A-Beat-C, I can usually depend on Dima to deliver top quality production that would make my day. "Freedom" is the latest of Dima's fan-friendly production that would make any Dima fanboy/girl glee with delight. The song overall is an attractive one, It has a really (I mean really) cool intro, A really well made energetic riff, Masculine vocals and a powerful guitar solo. Given these attributes, "Freedom" should be one of the best of the album, But it really can't, The main culprit being the rather lacklustre chorus which doesn't give me any sense of "Freedom" and instead leaves me feeling rather unsatisfied and uninspired, Which is a shame considering that the rest of the song is really good. All in all, Ever saw the fastest runner of a race falling just right before the finish line ? "Freedom" is just that.

2. Send Me An Angel - Momo
Grade : B-

Short : It is a decent song, but it probably won't be one to propel Momo to fame.

Review : It is definitely good to see Momo again after a whole decade of absence. "Send Me An Angel" is an average song but is definitely better than "From Heartache To Heaven". This song's redeeming qualities lies in it's SCP-ish uplifting melody and decent vocals by Momo. The song won't be a winner to all but for anyone who goes in the same direction is definitely going to be in love with it. Personally, I fall on the formal, But hey, I am always up for another Momo production nonetheless.

3. My Dream - Ace Warrior
Grade : D

Short : It's been a while and Ace Warrior is finally back ... with a rather crappy song that could be the worst A-Beat-C song of 2010.

: Given my fanboy-ism for A-Beat-C, Ace Warrior's comeback could easily make me wet my pants considering he's one of the powerhouses of the label. Listening to the sample got me hyped but obviously the full song doesn't. This song is a mess and the melody is not even close to being catchy at all, The vocals before the chorus are too soft and this song has one of the worst chorus I have heard in a while so much to an extend that I find it a bore to listen to "My Dream". Of course, Every song is bound to have a saving grace, and this song's saving grace happens to be it's riff and the guitar backgrounds which I kinda adore but even then, It's not going to be enough to save this trainwreck. Don't get me wrong though, I still love Ace Warrior and all and I really hope that I can hear more of his productions, but this song needs to be sent an angel immediately, Like now.

4. Daniel- Waiting For Your Hero
Grade : B

Short : "Waiting For Your Hero" is pretty infectious and probably a little more for Daniel fans. Suffice to say, It is not anywhere near the level of "Frontal Impact" or "My Gasoline".

Review : Even the best artiste have their downfall. Fortunately, This isn't the time for Daniel, who have successfully delivered hits after hits even after all these time in my opinion. Add "Waiting For Your Hero" to that list as well. Sure it may not be as action packed as per say "Frontal Impact" but it holds pretty well by itself. I am probably the only one but this song does remind me so much of firefighters but I digress. What's positive about this song is the wow! vocals by Daniel as usual, The light dance tune and the bridge, where his vocals blend really well with the pop-ish background, The chorus isn't anything groundbreaking but will do. The resulting package is a pretty well done one which will definitely please those who are looking for a "Lighter" tune to shake heads on. Definitely looking forward to more from Daniel.

5. Toy For Love - Bon
Grade : C

Short : It's great to see Nando back again but that's about it. The song doesn't make much of an impression and falls short of expectations considering the hits he's got on his hands.

Review : It's frustrating, It really is, This song is full of elements that is likable yet so irritating the more I listen to it. I am definitely not a fan of this whole soundworld that this song is giving me and that could very well be the reason. The song is crazy, It has all those funny sounds pasted all over the song and what's worse is that Bon's vocals actually compliment them making this song a rather amusing one if it's not for the moans in between which I admit, are rather retarded. It's not a song I will definitely listen to a lot for sure but for what it's worth, It's passable.

6. Do With Me - Vicky Vale
Grade : B+

Short : Entertaining and upbeat, "Do With Me" is a song that seemingly gets on the nerves but is really hard not to like, No pun intended.

Review : The whole instrumental part starting at 4:49 is a tad uncalled for and is rather annoying, Look past that short part and this becomes a happy and upbeat song that would surely put most listeners in a happy mood with it's infectious dance-pop like tune and is probably perfect for any occasions which require a happy and/or dancey mood. Vocals are pretty much business as usual for Clara and in case anyone mistakes, It is a good thing.

7. The Snake Around - The Snake
Grade : A+

Short : The first "shock" of the album. Much better than it initially seemed to be.

Review : I am not exaggerating but there are virtually no real flaws to be found in this song. A guitar influenced song just like "My Dream", just miles better. SCP basically does everything right here, "The Snake Around" features a typical rock song intro and then in a typical rock song fashion burst into action and I was totally blown. The whole melody is a tad catchy, The vocals are really good and special mention needs to be given to what I think is an extremely awesome chorus. Oh, And the guitar solo just makes me go Wow! everytime I hear it and is definitely in a higher class than the previous songs. In conclusion, This is the real deal and shouldn't be missed. Well done.

8. 109 (One-o-nine) - Domino
Grade : A

Short : Everything else takes a backseat to the riff but oddly enough, This song is better than expected, Probably Domino's best song to date since the debut of GGM. What a surprise.

Review : The riff is the whole point of the song but that's not to say that everything else is bad. Everything ranging from the riff to the japanese vocals to the chorus to the verse is pleasing to my ears and I found myself liking this song quite a bit in all. To be frank, I can't really find anything that "109" actually stumbles upon or anything because it flows rather smoothly to me. In short, This is a very likeable song and I will probably listen to it more until 204 comes.

9. Take This Way - Christian
Grade : A+++

Short : Intense and nigh energetic, "Take This Way" is the perfect wake up material for anyone who thinks that eurobeat is all about dreamy, blissful aishu sounding materials starring Norma Sheffield. If this is your type of song, Then "Take This Way" will definitely be up there.

Review : They can't be for real. Just last month, Eurogrooves presented us with 2 awesome songs in the form of "Ready Forever" and "Playboy" and now they have officially murdered these two off by presenting a more powerful "Take This Way". Yes I ain't kidding, "Take This Way" is the epitomy of aggressive eurobeat. It has an overflowing amount of energy and catchyness in it's oh so awesome riff and it's oh so macho vocals by Christian blending together so well that it makes "Wonderlover" looks like babies toys. Overall, "Take This Way" is perfect stuff for anyone who are fans of such aggro. Don't miss it.

10. I Am A Liar - Lilly
Grade : B+

Short : Beautifully made and also rather pretty sounding. This is pretty good stuff that really doesn't sound all that HRG-ish.

Review : Placing this song after the intense "Take This Way" is pretty much a blessing or a fault depending on how you see it, because they are just so different in the way they present themselves. Moving on, This is a really different HRG track. This sounds more like something that would be given to Norma since she excels at these types of songs, but Lilly isn't that bad, The song gives a rather sad yet blissful feeling that can be classified as pretty classy with the highlight being the riff of the song which I found to be rather pleasing. Overall, There's not much I can say about the song besides, It's really nice and perhaps, soothing ?

11. Diabolik - Diabolik
Grade : D+

Short : I'm quite speechless

Review : Who came up with this one ? "Diabolik" is bad, awful and really amusing to listen to. The "Oh-oh-oh-oh"s are just dreadful to listen to, The vocals are sub par and the whole melody is a load of hilarity to the end and makes for one of the lower end Saifam material so far, Yes, That's how low I think of this song. Lately, Aside from "New Technological World", Saifam hasn't been up to expectations and I am getting pretty hazed about them. Hopefully, Things will get better on 204.

12. I Belong To You - Stephy
Grade : A

Short : It sounds unlike the typical eurobeat but it still rocks nonetheless.

Review : It doesn't matter if it's uneurobeat or slow, that still doesn't stop the fact that this song rocks and surprisingly, It's even better than the other Dima offering which is SUPPOSED to be better considering the features of both song. While Lilly's song gives off a blissful and soothing feeling, This one retains the dancey feel to it and technically speaking, if this needs to be booted off SEB, then perhaps the Lilly song should too. The riff and vocals are the main reason why this song rocks. This song may not be the "dream eurobeat" of everyone's mind and it is easy to see why it won't be, but if it's this good, It's just this good. For fans of slower beats, This could very well be a godsend, Do appreciate it. Another highlight of the album.

13. Power Of Love <Morris> - Girl Next Door
Grade : C+

Short : Depending on your opinions and knowledge regarding the whole J-Music scene, This could make or break.

Review : The original is definitely better, Sorry Delta! No really, I mean it, Something seems to be missing somewhere but I just can't explain it and it's pretty damn fatal. The original had a R&B pop feel to it and is probably what I like a lot that this remix fails to deliver because of it's features that resemble aggressive eurobeat more than anything else. In short, I can't really say I like the song but I guess it can be passed.

14. Try Me <Rock> - Dave Rodgers
Grade : A+++

Short : "Try Me" has many different faces. This is easily the best of the bunch and is truly the best of 203.

Review : With a song like that, It is definitely not an understatement to say that it will garner some degree of controversy considering the different vocalists on 2 different versions of "Try Me". I personally didn't see the hype about "Try Me" but seems like many do, The remix 193 was arguably a mixed bag of some sort and ultimately didn't do the original any good in making a better impression. However, This is a totally different story, Dave did a good job revisiting one of his own label classics and morphing it into a rock version. Was it necessary ? I wouldn't say so. Was it beneficial ? Yes, a hell lot more in fact. Perhaps it's just because I'm a little biased against the old stuff but I do feel that the whole song has been given a new lease of life and the new vocals by Dave was just perfect or maybe I'm bias for A-Beat-C ? Who knows ? Either way, It doesn't stop the fact that this song works on every level and although it may not have the aggressiveness of "Take This Way" or the dance elements of "I Belong To You" , this is definitely in a class of it's own and I hereby deem this as the best on 203 and am definitely looking forward to more rock covers.

Verdict : Not the best of 20x yet, but considering we still aren't even halfway past 20x, There is lots of potential for labels to showcase their gems, Hopefully, Things gets only better from here on.

Best 3 :
Try Me <Rock> - Dave Rodgers
Take This Way - Christian
The Snake Around - The Snake

Worst 3 :
My Dream - Ace Warrior
Diabolik - Diabolik
Toy For Love - Bon

HM :
I Belong To You - Stephy

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Joined: 23 Aug 2005, 02:00

Post by nullsoon » 06 May 2010, 18:39

I really lol'd at the lyrics of Stephy's song. it's like .. what?

Posts: 1942
Joined: 04 Nov 2005, 22:25
Location: Hunting down Pamsy!!

Post by the_ditz » 06 May 2010, 19:26

Jay wrote:01. DAVID DIMA / FREEDOM
Unfortunately, when I heard the sample, I didn't hear any of this experimental goodness I was promised, and the full version turned out to be an even greater disappointment.
If you're referring to DarkSky's promises before the release, he was referring to the Stephy track as being the experimental Dima song. Freedom was never intended as an experimental track from what I remember.

I'm going to take my time to write the review for this album, since it's sooooo darned amazing that I want to do it justice :)

But just to go on record for now with some thoughts on the Stephy track not being eurobeat - I say "excuse me, what??" Where exactly is there an official definition of what Eurobeat can and cannot be? Music genres are very subjective things in my mind, and I don't think you can dismiss something as belonging to another genre so easily - over the years, the Eurobeat sound evolves and incorporates new sounds and styles. I remember a time when the so-called SCP Trance style a-la Pamsy (which I still don't believe to be Trance anyway - see? Subjectivity at play :)) was frowned upon by a lot of people, but on the whole now (and I'm speaking generally as I know there may be some people that disagree), those tracks are accepted as being a sub-style within the wide umbrella of the Eurobeat genre. So who's to say that I Belong To You can't also be classified as another style of Eurobeat - to me, the production at the core remains closely aligned to the Eurobeat style, while also introducing more poppy and dance inspired sections.

[/my two cents] :P

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