Super Eurobeat 204

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Post by ryosuke63 » 06 Jun 2010, 09:33

Nice review there, Dr!

Here we are again, with this month's issue of Super Eurobeat Magazi-- er... Series.
Seriously, with volumes coming out each month, it's like a magazine. It's been this way for so long, I can't believe I haven't heard anyone make the comparison!
Anyway volume 203 was so good, it confirmed my feelings for this SEB decade, and so I listened to this volume with high hopes.
Sadly, (like 202 was, compared to 201) although this was a great album as a whole, there weren't really many standouts.
Don't let that give you the wrong idea about my views on this album, though! I think it's great, so let's just get on with the review now.

01. Jager - I Won't Fall Apart
Rating: 9.5/10

Woah, now this is a strong start! I'd never heard of Jager before, so this was a pleasant surprise.
The synth riff is pretty nice and driving. The bridge is very nice and the chorus is one of the catchiest I've come across in a while!
It's absolutely amazing, and the production value is very high here too. I love the drum break when it goes from bridge to chorus, it just fits so perfectly!
The second half of the chorus is also a welcome surprise, since it breaks just a little bit from the traditional eurobeat formula.
If there's one thing I can give today's eurobeat, it's that it's not afraid to get a bit experimental, and that's a very good thing, especially when most of these songs end up sounding great!
This is an amazing song, and a great way to start the album.



02. Stella - Forever Fly
Rating: 7/10

Very good intro here, first of all. Gives you a good idea about the dreamy mood of the song.
It's not really anything special, at least not until the chorus comes along, which is pretty great.
Vocals here are pretty amazing too, especially in the chorus. Stella really shines in this song.
Despite how good the chorus is, and the great mood, though, it's not really anything I would listen to very often. I wish I had more to say.



03. Powerful T. - Face The Race
Rating: 7.25/10

"WOO Powerful T.! WOO nice intro! WOO-- wait that's kinda generic."
Even though (for the most part) this has "typical A-Beat C" all over it, it's still a great and strong song.
Great verse, and the bridge leads the way to the chorus nicely. Great guitar solo, as usual for A-Beat, and T's vocals are still top notch!
Long story short, I approve of this song. Not many deserve the name Powerful T. on them, you know.



04. Lolita - Good Love & Mystery
Rating: 6.5/10

Haha, man, her voice hasn't lost it at all.
This is pretty good, and keeps with Lolita's style totally. I find that you really have to be a fan of that style to like (or at least appreciate) her songs.
It's a pretty interesting song, but not really something that'd make it on my non-stop playlist.
That said, I wouldn't mind coming across this song on a megamix or something in the future.
It's pretty good, and production value is high too, so that's nice.



05. Manuel - All Is Magic
Rating: 8/10

Wow, now THAT'S a good intro! If there's one word that could describe Manuel's voice, it's WILD. In fact, I think that describes it perfectly.
Pretty great synth riff, awesome verse, decent bridge, but the chorus seems like it's from a different song!
It's pretty awkward, but I really like it somehow. It's strange, but this song comes together nicely.
This is Manuel's first song at Dima Music, and I'd say it's a very nice start. I can't wait to hear more!



06. Mela - Sandy
Rating: 7.75/10

AMAZING INTRO. Just oozes awesome.
I love the bridge so much, and the chorus is nice and enjoyable.
Considering Boom Boom Beat's style and, well, BOOM BOOM BEATS, it seems a bit off in a song like this that focuses on melody, rather than rhythm.
The synths (riff and background) are a GREAT fit for this song though, and I love the break about three and a half minutes in.
If this song were produced twenty years ago, it'd still sound this good. Mainly because Asia Records' sound was perfect for this back then.
Now, I'll be honest, as far as the name Mela goes, this is no "Help Me". But then again, it's not 1989 now is it?



07. Danny Rock - Rainbow
Rating: 8.25/10

"What's this? Even MORE BoomBoomBeat?! And this time it's Farina? F**k yeah!"
Compared to a song like Sandy, this song is much more suited for the style and hardcore beats that BBB has to offer.
Great verse and bridge, and an amazing chorus are all accompanied by Farina's rough-n-tough vocals, which (unlike a few artists who have been around as long as him) haven't diminished once in over twenty years.
There's so many things about this song to like... it's just so likable, what can I say - just another great SAIFAM production like most of the others.



08. Cindy - Squeeze Me
Rating: 7/10

"Something HRG this way comes... please for the love of all that is holy, don't lose the sanity you had last time with I Am A Liar...!"
Luckily, they didn't. That's not to say I don't like insanity. It's perfectly fine, as long as it's a good song. It's just that a lot of HRG's stuff seems to be crazy for the sake of crazy, without too much regard for variety in melodies.
Anyway, this is a pretty good song. I really love the bridge, and the chorus isn't too bad either.
Nothing TOO special, but I can appreciate this song for what it's worth completely, and it's pretty darn good.



09. Paul Harris - Bang Bang
Rating: 8.25/10

Well I think it's official - I'm no fan of those synths.
More specifically, whatever kind of synth they're using in that riff. It's a good riff, but I don't like that saw-like synth, or whatever it is.
Anyway, Paul Harris has always been pretty good in my opinion, and Delta's very strong right now, so I went into this song with some hopes.
I have no idea why, but they weren't met the first time I listened to this song. I couldn't appreciate just how epic the chorus is, I guess.
Compared to the chorus, not much else about this song is anything to write home about, but really it's not bad at all.
It's just that the chorus... is so awesome. And Paul's vocals are crisp as usual, too. He's perfect for this song, in every way.



10. Melissa White - Promised Discoland
Rating: 7/10

Heh, I kinda went into this song expecting it to be one of the best tracks on the album, because it had Disco in the title (I'm a big fan of Disco-infused Eurobeat).
Sadly this has absolutely nothing on Phil & Linda, so I was a bit disappointed. That said, this is a pretty great song anyway!
It's just Melissa White's style, and is another song I wouldn't mind hearing on a megamix sometime.
But even still, this song doesn't do anything to venture too far from traditional formula, so I wish I had more to say about this track, but I don't.



11. Joe Banana - Cataclysm Night
Rating: 8.5/10

Remember when I said HRG tends to be crazy for the sake of crazy? Throw that out the window on this track. This is a controlled blaze here.
Man, I'm really impressed by this song. The bridge is chaotic, awesome, and epic all at the same time.
Mr. Banana's vocals in the chorus are just plain unbelievable! I love that style so much, in this type of song. I mean, when his voice does that wobbly-or-whatever-thing at "A new era for the world", it's just great.
Come to think of it, Joe Banana tracks have always been pretty great, especially Dum Dum Pistol, so it's good to see that trend continuing.
This song joins that small, exclusive list of HRG Attack songs that I'll listen to non-stop any day! Just amazing.



12. M.O.V. featuring Frankie - Heat Me Up
Rating: 9/10

"Another newcomer, eh? This could be good, if Jager's any indication." Boy was I right.
I don't know much about this artist, but his voice (and honestly, the whole verse) reminds me so much of Dead Or Alive, it's scary... but more importantly, cool.
And "cool" describes the chorus to a T. This song is awesome, and production value is sky-high. I'm loving the instruments being used here.
It's only five minutes long, but it could be ten and I'd love it just as much.



13. MAX - Tora Tora Tora (2010 Year of the Tiger Remix)
Rating: 6/10

*sigh* And I thought Good Love And Mystery was the low point of this album.
I was never a big fan of Tora Tora Tora. It's a decent enough song, but just so damn overplayed, I can't even enjoy it's awesome synth riff anymore.
At any rate, this remake is VERY nicely done. If only all remakes were produced this well.
This isn't what TTT would sound like if it were produced now, it's the real TTT, just recreated and updated with today's instruments. Now that's how it's done.



14. Ace - Don't Stop The Dance (Vintage 2001 Deluxe Version)
Rating: 10/10

This song... is just heaven. I think that's exactly the way to put it. The mood, and Ace's clear vocals... yeah that sounds right.
This song is a shining example of why we NEED the return of Eurobeat SINGLES. Vinyl, CD, MP3, I don't care! Just imagine if we had this song almost a decade ago when it was made! Unreal.
Anyway, I LOVE the piano, and the percussion is a really great touch. The melody of this song is so amazing, I'm speechless. I could listen to this song for an hour.
As long as it can be pulled of as well as this one was, I would love to see more ARR-N-BEE remixes of eurobeat songs. I mean, this is a shining example of how great a lot of eurobeat songs can sound when slowed down!
This, like Diabolik on 203, is another "perfect" song. I wouldn't do anything to this. An mindblowing way to end the album, for sure.



TOTAL SCORE: 110/140

At first, I was somewhat disappointed in the volume as a whole, but (especially compared to past volumes) this is still a great album with plenty of gems and not many low points at all.
I'm definitely still optimistic about the SEB decade, and will be looking forward to hearing 205 for sure.
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AquaBawks wrote:You can't spell very xenophobic douchebags without a-v-e-x.

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Post by drnrg » 06 Jun 2010, 11:34

Hey is that a pic of Anthony Stewart Head from the Buffy the Vampire series under the Joe Banana review? It kinda looks like him gone vamp. :D

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Post by Javy » 06 Jun 2010, 14:39

I wanna say that's Anthony Head as Headmaster Finch from the Doctor Who episode School Reunion.
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Post by ryosuke63 » 06 Jun 2010, 19:21

Sorry guys, wish I knew what it was from. Just saved it off of /a/ one day. :D
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AquaBawks wrote:You can't spell very xenophobic douchebags without a-v-e-x.

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Post by drnrg » 06 Jun 2010, 21:13

I wanna say that's Anthony Head as Headmaster Finch from the Doctor Who episode School Reunion.
Holy Crap! How could I miss That? He even gots on the same suit. All hail the "Legal Assasin"

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Post by Jay » 07 Jun 2010, 00:51

ryosuke63 wrote:04. Lolita - Good Love & Mystery
Rating: 6.5/10

Haha, man, her voice hasn't lost it at all.
This is pretty good, and keeps with Lolita's style totally. I find that you really have to be a fan of that style to like (or at least appreciate) her songs.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, based on your join date on IDW, it appears you discovered eurobeat much later than most of us (the 170s or 180s). So how would you know if her voice has "lost it" or not?

When was the last time Gobbi actually sung a quasi-screechy song? Many of us knew Gobbi was going downhill when "Screaming" was released on SEB173 (because, well, "Screaming" was anything but). Heck, even Bore and Ninetales thought so. You can also hear Gobbi trying to sing those higher notes in "Stop the Time Tonight" but she clearly couldn't manage it as easily as she once did. I just listened to "Loving Tonight" from SEB159, one of Gobbi's mellower songs under A-Beat C, and her voice sounds so much better and screechier than anything she has released in recent years. That seems to be when the shrieky Lolita died. I shouldn't care about this as much as I'm making it out to be, but I really do miss the older Lolita. It's a shame that there really is no other vocalist like her who could naturally reach those extraordinarily high notes. HRG can try all they like with their unimpressive vocal distortions, but that sounds far too mechanistic and unnatural to have the same impact on me.

All I'm saying to you, ryosuke63, is that it's impossible to appreciate the true impact Gobbi originally had on us if you weren't around during the 130s, 140s and 150s, or even much earlier than that. You grew up with eurobeat during a time when her voice had already lost it. I'm sure you've downloaded those albums and listened to them, since you seem to be this forum's biggest pirate, but even then it's difficult to evaluate the impact her voice had on the community if you didn't participate with us back then. At the very least, I hope these comments qualify what I meant in the SEB202 thread when I said that Lolita sounded aged in "My Hot Guitar", which can be applied to "Good Love & Mystery" as well.

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Post by Lebon14 » 07 Jun 2010, 02:24

*bangs his head on the desk*
I want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copy

Did I say that I want my copy? Because I think I forgot to tell that I want my copy. So, I can review my copy that I don't have at the moment.

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Post by Brisk » 07 Jun 2010, 07:25

Jay wrote:When was the last time Gobbi actually sung a quasi-screechy song? Many of us knew Gobbi was going downhill when "Screaming" was released on SEB173 (because, well, "Screaming" was anything but). Heck, even Bore and Ninetales thought so. You can also hear Gobbi trying to sing those higher notes in "Stop the Time Tonight" but she clearly couldn't manage it as easily as she once did.
For me personally, Stop The Time Tonight was perfect old school style Lolita where she sounds just the same, just done GGM's way. Basically, what Hurry Up Hurry Up was to Jorge. Everything else after hasn't which is fine for me. Though I am starting to miss the same screaming we heard pre-GGM.

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Post by Densetsu13 » 07 Jun 2010, 14:10

Lebon14 wrote:*bangs his head on the desk*
I want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copyI want my copy

Did I say that I want my copy? Because I think I forgot to tell that I want my copy. So, I can review my copy that I don't have at the moment.
Fait tes commandes avec Amazon Japan. Ils sont ben plus vite que CDJapan. Je recois les nouveaux SEBs meme la journée avant la date officiel des fois! :P

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Post by #Infinity » 07 Jun 2010, 15:10

Jay wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong but, based on your join date on IDW, it appears you discovered eurobeat much later than most of us (the 170s or 180s). So how would you know if her voice has "lost it" or not?
Well, just because he started listening to eurobeat later doesn't mean he's completely unfamiliar with older songs. I actually started following the series pretty much the exact same time he did - on SEB 172, with Once Upon A Time being the standout track. If anything though, he doesn't seem nearly as interested in older eurobeat as other members here, such as myself are.

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Post by the_ditz » 07 Jun 2010, 20:55

Jay wrote:
ryosuke63 wrote:04. Lolita - Good Love & Mystery
Rating: 6.5/10

Haha, man, her voice hasn't lost it at all.
This is pretty good, and keeps with Lolita's style totally. I find that you really have to be a fan of that style to like (or at least appreciate) her songs.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, based on your join date on IDW, it appears you discovered eurobeat much later than most of us (the 170s or 180s). So how would you know if her voice has "lost it" or not?

When was the last time Gobbi actually sung a quasi-screechy song? Many of us knew Gobbi was going downhill when "Screaming" was released on SEB173 (because, well, "Screaming" was anything but). Heck, even Bore and Ninetales thought so. You can also hear Gobbi trying to sing those higher notes in "Stop the Time Tonight" but she clearly couldn't manage it as easily as she once did. I just listened to "Loving Tonight" from SEB159, one of Gobbi's mellower songs under A-Beat C, and her voice sounds so much better and screechier than anything she has released in recent years. That seems to be when the shrieky Lolita died. I shouldn't care about this as much as I'm making it out to be, but I really do miss the older Lolita. It's a shame that there really is no other vocalist like her who could naturally reach those extraordinarily high notes. HRG can try all they like with their unimpressive vocal distortions, but that sounds far too mechanistic and unnatural to have the same impact on me.

All I'm saying to you, ryosuke63, is that it's impossible to appreciate the true impact Gobbi originally had on us if you weren't around during the 130s, 140s and 150s, or even much earlier than that. You grew up with eurobeat during a time when her voice had already lost it. I'm sure you've downloaded those albums and listened to them, since you seem to be this forum's biggest pirate, but even then it's difficult to evaluate the impact her voice had on the community if you didn't participate with us back then. At the very least, I hope these comments qualify what I meant in the SEB202 thread when I said that Lolita sounded aged in "My Hot Guitar", which can be applied to "Good Love & Mystery" as well.
You see, this is my point. I don't want an artist to necessarily sound and act the same on every song they ever perform. Elena Gobbi's vocals have evolved over time to the present day where we find her far less screechy yet still maintaining that unique Lolita "twang". The reason I adore Good Love & Mystery is because of the song itself - it is a really, really catchy piece of song-writing with a killer melody.

I can't convince people to like the song if they can't get over the fact that everyone's vocals age, but for those that can see past this I hope you can appreciate the song for what it is.

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Post by DarkSky » 07 Jun 2010, 21:30

Btw did anybody notice that the lyrics of Cataclysm Night actually did make sense? It goes about 2012 !

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Post by ryosuke63 » 07 Jun 2010, 21:50

DarkSky wrote:Btw did anybody notice that the lyrics of Cataclysm Night actually did make sense? It goes about 2012 !
Yes, I did! I had to look to the booklet to understand them though. :D

Yeah, despite my join date, I've technically been into eurobeat since 2005 and yes I have have heard almost all her songs, from Walkie Talkie in '93 to this latest one.
Don't get me wrong, I certainly think she's past her prime in the musical department (hasn't many great songs in a long while, the last really good one probably being Heart Attack, I think), but you might be right about her voice too, and I just didn't notice it.

I didn't need a hard copy to do my review, did I? :P
Unless you're going to comment on the album art/packaging, why not just review it now?

Oh and Infinity, I completely agree, and you're right about all but one thing: I'm a BIG old-school euro/italo fan. Eurobeat in the early '90s was one of the best times for the genre, in my opinion.
How old-school do I go? Ever hear "Fear" by Easy Going? Maybe not, cause that's from 1979. :P
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AquaBawks wrote:You can't spell very xenophobic douchebags without a-v-e-x.

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Post by drnrg » 08 Jun 2010, 01:18

Btw did anybody notice that the lyrics of Cataclysm Night actually did make sense? It goes about 2012 !
Well it's not the first TIME they take on similiar lyrics. Danger by Franz Tornado followed the same path.

For those of you who like cool armagedon lyrics.

Joe Banana- Cataclysm Night (HRG Attack)

intro (robots):Two thousand and twelve it's a boom bang bang x8

1st verse:
Looking around us, We feel the danger
Reading newspaper, I feel only depression
Watching around me, I live a bad dream
I see the tension on the face of the people

World's gonna die
If we love the power
World, never die! Let's pray to the Lord!
All the mankind, lead them to salvation
Why can't you see tey(they) cry?

Chorus x2:
Two thousand and twelve it's a boom bang bang
The cataclysm night has begun and then
The new spirit of fire will come through the night
A new era for the world

2nd verse:
I look around now, Living a nightmare
Fearing the future I can see no tomorrow
Criminal power,Cruel devastation
Violence, blood and paranoid destruction

(chorusx2)+ intro(robots)x4

I might submit the rest of the lyrics, depending on how it takes to update my weekly countdown 8)

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Post by Jay » 08 Jun 2010, 06:56

"Cataclysm Night" just sounds like a shitty rehash of "Get the Dark Side Into My Brain" to me.

I always have a tough time following the words to just about any eurobeat song but HRG takes the cake for their sheer incomprehensibility. Even with those lyrics in front of me, I still have a difficult time following along with Joe Banana singing about the end of the world. Oh well. At least the lyrics in "Cataclysm Night" make sense for once, which is more than we can say about "Squeeze Me".
Last edited by Jay on 08 Jun 2010, 07:08, edited 1 time in total.

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