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Winner of the World Cup?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 17:56
by KiraTM
Hey there, I was just wondering about who would become the next World Cup champion. Then, I thought of Eurobeat and a question appered in my head: What do the guys (and girls? Are we having females here?) think who will become the next champion?
Well, surely it's late because the group stage ended yesterday. But maybe the speculations are more realistic now.

Well, I can't really decide. Argentinia and Chile are playing a good football but Brasil also does. Also, there's Germany. It's hard for me, but a finale with Germany and Chile would be perfect with the Germans as winners because they need their fourth championship... That are my thoughts, what about you?

Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 10:49
by KoolKool
I vote for Germany..hell yeah!