Random Song Suggestions

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Random Song Suggestions

Post by SuperEuroJimmy » 02 Aug 2020, 19:40

Sometimes you just don't know what to listen to. There are so many eurobeat songs, and they are all great. And your playlist? You've probably heard those at least a thousand times. You stil enjoy those songs, but also want something fresh. But, what should you listen to?

To help you look for new songs you may have never heard of, we introduce you the <a href=/games/randomizer.php>Eurobeat-Prime Song Suggestor</a> (you can find it under the 'Games' page). This nifty tool randomly grabs 3 songs from the database and lets you know where to find them. Looking for new suggestions? Just try the page again and it'll show you new songs to listen to.

Let us know what you think of this feature in the forums. If you have any other suggestions for Eurobeat-Prime - you know where to find us.

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