Sealed. With OBI. No OBI. What's your collecting preference?

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Sealed. With OBI. No OBI. What's your collecting preference?

Post by flying_corridor » 03 Nov 2020, 14:15

So this is something I think about a lot. It's not common in the west for CDs to come with any kind of OBI strip, so in regards to collecting it leaves a lot of questions when it comes to Japanese CDs, as well as other media.

For me I'm probably a bit over the top, maybe too OCD, but I usually prefer to buy things new and sealed when it comes to collecting, maybe just because I like the copy to be mine. Even with games and things, I always found the used market even though it's cheaper to sometimes be quite dirty, people don't look after their stuff, things get damaged or sun faded, and so on. Not that it's always bad but I think every used buyer has experienced this at some time or another in their life.

When it comes to SEB in particular and other Japanese CDs it's an expensive hobby, especially when it comes to specific CDs used in average condition. I've mostly been buying new, and I know that if I bought used I could quickly double my collection for the same amount of money, but I get some satisfaction out of being able to open it my self, and I like things to be in minty condition, as I always use the seal it comes in to protect the case and the OBI.

But at some time or other I'll have to stop buying new as seemingly and quite expectedly the older the CDs get the more expensive those CDs become, at which point I really see no point in even bothering with the OBI. Buying a used CD with a potentially scuffed case and scratched CD, you're really just paying for the music at that point, it's still nice to own the physical media and it's better to have CD quality audio instead of compressed MP3 files. But at that point what use is a potentially worn OBI when the spine of the CD still serves its purpose on your shelf?

There are still some really nice SEB CDs that are very cool to display, SEB 94-99 comes to mind, it's nice to see the six CDs all displayed together with the logo. It's something I've actually considered getting framed when I buy them and hanging it on the wall, as it's a really nice artistic representation of the series. But me trying to justify buying those CDs new at insane prices just to display is beyond most people's budgets and probably beyond most people's sanity as well.

So what kind of collector are you and what do you like to buy and why?

For me I've kind of set my self a rule, that if the CD is roughly 10 years old and it's at a decent price, I'm just going to buy it new. I might be paying more money and I might be making a loss on what I could potentially add to my collection, but I do enjoy having them to open. However I think once you get lower than say SEB 150 I'm just not even going to bother. To spend a couple of hundred and get a large batch of CDs regardless of whether they have the OBI or not just becomes the most sensible thing to do. And the older the CDs are the less likely any used copy is going to be in any kind of new like condition.

It makes me question that if half of your collection is going to be new and the other half is going to be used, what was the point in buying new in the first place? I don't know but that's just me.

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Re: Sealed. With OBI. No OBI. What's your collecting preference?

Post by Bonkers » 04 Nov 2020, 10:32

I use to be like you, but over the years, I've learned to live with used copies. I look at it is, I'm getting something that someone else enjoyed. All the joy this individual had with the product is now being passed to me. Granted, if I can find a new copy at a fair price, I'll go for the new copy.

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Re: Sealed. With OBI. No OBI. What's your collecting preference?

Post by flying_corridor » 07 Nov 2020, 02:35

That's a nice way of looking at it. I guess I'm kind of the opposite, whoever gets my things after I ever let them go, I enjoy the fact that someone is getting something used that I know have been well looked after. Kind of like my enjoyment of owning something new and keeping them nice is someone else's enjoyment of receiving something beyond their expectations. Even though it's boarderline excessive hoarding on my part lol, the sentiment is there. But I do like the nostalgia you have, you never know how many hands used CDs have passed by and gave people enjoyment before they get to you.

Phil Jay Falcon

Re: Sealed. With OBI. No OBI. What's your collecting preference?

Post by Phil Jay Falcon » 27 Nov 2020, 21:32

Well, to be honest, I still haven't bought that many Eurobeat-CDs, my collection is still growing, but for me one thing is sure! I want to listen to the Eurobeat-Tracks. So it doesn't matter, if the CD ist brand new or second hand, as long as the condition of the CD, Cover, Jewelcase and so on is good. My very few Eurobeat-Volumes were all already in use, but they still look good and I can listen to it without any shortcomings or defects or whatever. Maybe I should update my Eurobeat-Collection in the other thread, then you can see.

Oh, and I still don't know, what's so special about the Obis. My Eurobeat-CDs had never an Obi, but for me that's OK. It's not absolutely necessary for me. But I already heard about some people, who make a big fuss about it, when the Eurobeat-CD has no Obi. And I don't understand, why, lol.
And before you ask, why I don't buy brand new sealed Eurobeat-CDs with Obis. The reason is very simple: Because new CDs are very expensive. Yes, of course, go shopping in Japan and your wallet will hate you for sure, haha. :grin:

Yeah, I know, what's coming now! "Oh, Phil, you're not true", right? :mrgreen:

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