SEB 176

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Post by Schiznik » 31 Mar 2007, 20:01

taQ wrote:I think Fighting! is the first Cody song to have a different vocalist :? I didn't like the vocals in the song at all, but the music is great. The CD as a whole is pretty good.
Yeah I thought it was a different vocalist judging from the demo version. I also dont really like the vocalist, he doesnt have that "mature" tone that the other Cody vocalist had, whoever he is, apparently.

Anyways, my package was supposed to arrive yesterday, but the mail service screwed up and didnt deliver it, so im going to go pick it up now!
Review probably up later today.
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Post by Jion » 31 Mar 2007, 23:20

Review For Super Eurobeat Volume 176

*Note - Based on extended versions*
Based on a 5 ★ system

1.Ace Feat. La Gatta - One Touch

Welcome back to the disco! SCP in my opinion is at their best in this territory, at least to me. This song is pure gold and just amazing. The quick sharp singing by Ace accompanied by La Gatta's rapping works really well and it only gets better when both really show their vocal power in the chorus. The lyrics are fun and sweet and this is perhaps one of the best choruses in Eurobeat in a long while. The disco instrumentation in the background really evokes the feeling of old school Eurobeat mixed with Kylie Minogue disco and SCP flavor. A classic.


2.Cody - Fighting!

Fast and powerful. The music reminds me so much of a few songs in the Mega Man X series (I'm still debating whether its X2 or X4, I'll have to replay them later). Anyway, the guitar in particular is amazing. This is easily Cody's best vocal performance. I love the simple, yet aggressive and powerful sabi. At around the 4:21 mark, when the chorus music hits without the vocals, you really get a feeling of the strength of the music. Almost a hint of Maximum Power with Mega Man style music in a energetic charged trip!


3.Annalise - Loverboy

The beginning of the song is eerie and sounds almost like an industrial track in the low points. Only when you hear Annalise's voice do you get a feeling of Eurobeat. This is classic style Eurobeat in A-Beat C's old days. In retrospect, the eerie industrial sound reminds me of quite a few other A-Beat C classic songs. I also hear some of the old percussions in the background though they are muted a little bit. Very well done song and returns the title to a more powerful style.


4.Powerful T. - Back To The Rising Sun

I had really huge expectations for this song especially after the immense hit that Into The Daylight was. For the most part this song delivers on the Powerful T. but I still feel like it could have been slightly better. I love that the reintroduced the rock guitars more prominently to Powerful T. songs. What sounds amazing is around the 2:52 mark when the song mellows out and gets epic and soothing. A very cool effect that is done really well. The ending with the congas is pretty cool. Very well done but not can't get a perfect score.


5.Madison - Love And Rage

After hearing the demo online, I was really expecting much from this title. For the most part I did get what I expected but at the same time I felt like I was slightly let down. Not much just enough for me to notice. I love the dance rhythm that this song has, even more than Missing You. The speed is perfect. The area where I feel the song is slighty weak is the sabi which almost seems like an old school HRG sabi and just doesn't have that last 'uhmph' to really stand out like Missing You. The singing is spot on and the feeling is incredible. I had this song on repeat for a long while and I love it, I just can't give it the perfect score I want to give it.


6.Rick Castle - Midnight Lady

Another Rick Castle song this SEB series? How interesting and awesome. The singing by Rick Castle is spot on but as the previous Rick Castle song, the background singing follows him everywhere he goes. I would have preferred if he sang the A-melo with no background vocals and then if they wanted to, start mixing it in the B-melo but to hear the background vocal from the start makes it almost useless to just call it a Rick Castle song but rather a duet. Despite my gripes about the singing, I do recommend this music itself. Despite a slightly rough sabi, the music all around works very well. It's almost like Get The Dark Side Into My Brain just darker and more subdued. It's very nice.


7.Kimmy - Fly Away

Off the bat, this song sounds like a faster and more energetic Norma title which isn't a bad thing. The big problem I have however is the amazingly weak sabi. It's almost too weak for this speed. Another problem I have is the very fake sounding trumpet synth the used during the chorus. It almost sounds like an 80's pop song in the style of old Kylie Minogue. Is it bad? No but I just don't feel it works too well here. Maybe if it was slowed down a bit, it would but as is it's just not my cup of tea. An extraordinary job done averagely. Best way I can put it.


8.Mark Rise - Love Is Blue

I think its obvious from my previous reviews and above that I love the disco and dance style the most. This is Time returning and doing the best job they've done recently with titles such as Only For Love, Only For You, Into The Groove, Crazy & Ready and Stand Up. I have a feeling this is Cristian De Leo singing and thats a massive plus. Whether it's him or not, the singer sounds like Dave and that raspyness gives this song a lot of flavor. This song is very smooth and sweet and the disco drums used are very clean and powerful. I love the happy and airy feeling this song gives you. I was really waiting for this song after I heard the demo and I'm pleasantly happy with how it came out. Listen to me Time, keep it up with classics such as these and you won't have anymore problems! One final punch would have given this the perfect score but its great nonetheless!


9.Norma Sheffield - Moonshine

I really like the sabi of this song. In fact the music of the song is brilliant. In fact singing isn't all that bad... until you get to the chorus. I just can't get used to Norma's voice. I don't even mind the tranquil style here as it's accompanied by a powerful bass line and synth line as well. I think this song would have worked much much better if there was a different vocalist (maybe Nuage to give her something new and original) but I'm just not a fan of Norma's singing style. I'm so torn on this song on what to give it because I absolutely love the music, but the singing is where I'm upset.


10.Domino - Cooking Boy

Dam Dam Dar Ru Ru Ram! I love how she sings throughout the sabi. Doesn't make it seem like it's useless space. I actually like the song slightly more than Go Go Where You Wanna Go Go as the song has better lyrics and makes more sense. However Go Go Where You Wanna Go Go really benefited from the male vocals thrown in for a more fun trip. Both are great songs and to choose one over the other is so hard. Again I wanna give this song a 5 like Go Go Where You Wanna Go Go, but both are just missing that last 'uhmph' to really put it over the edge for me. Amazing songs and I can't wait to hear the next Domino hit!


11.Chris Stanton - Saturday Time

Cristian De Leo returns with the title. The "Woah Wo Oh Oh" at the beginning is so sexy and when he hits that high note while singing "Saturday Night!" near the beginning is just sweet. In many ways it can be seen as typical Time Records, but the feeling is speedy and powerful accompanied by awesome singing. The synths used in the sabi are slightly different from the typical. The energy from this song perfectly follows Bad Bad Bad. I really do like this song a lot and had it on replay on my mp3 player for a bit. I can't find any real faults with the songs as the singing is just too sexy.


12.Pamsy & Shady - Yo Yo Baby

Well this Kiki & Fancy... er... Pamsy & Shady song is chock full of the happy energy SCP was famous for during their Euromach days and as of late with Kiki & Fancy hits (YOU WILL BE CRAZY FOR ME! TUTTIFRUTI LOLLIPOP!). It's not such a different thing for Pamsy if you think about it (Scream Team anyone?). I'm not sure who Shady is and it's really hard to differentiate either voices. Whatever the case may be, while I really liked the song, I couldn't enjoy Yo Yo Baby as much as other Kiki & Fancy titles. Not a bad song at all, just doesn't match the source material it's based on.


13.CY-RO - Hi-Speed Mania

Like the Norma song, I'm torn on this one. The singing is eh however the music especially the sabi is so killer and awesome. I like the energy but maybe this would have fit Federico's voice much more than Festari's. I don't mind the crazyness I just don't think it fits Festari in this song.


14.Vanessa - I'm Ready

I'm so disappointed in this song to be honest. The music sounds very energetic and powerful than most Elena Feretti songs and the singing is top notch but I'm just not getting anything from it. I'm not sure what it is exactly about this song. The sabi is slightly weak but the music in the A-melo (C-Melo) is very strong but its severely lacking in the "something new from Time" feeling. I felt like I've heard this many times before. I wanted to like this song but I felt so bored and thats really bad....


15.Christine - When 'U Smile

Pure guitar fever mixed with sweet and gentle Christine singing = very interesting and amazing! It has a great sound but somehow I feel the extreme use of guitars doesn't fit Christine too well. If it was toned down slightly and had some synths added in it would have been perfect (think a stronger Yeah!). Not a bad song but the overpowering guitars takes it down just one notch of perfection.


16.Mega NRG Man - I Feel The Rhythm Tonight

This feels like In The Sunrise remixed. I wouldn't be surprised if both of these songs were made at the same time. I actually like this song quite a bit. The strong Mega NRG Man singing are accentuated with the funky almost Delta-like synths with the trance echoey effect. When it slows down and gets calm around the 2:50 mark, it sent shivers up my spine. However again with many other songs on this CD, it fails to deliver on that final "uhmph". A great song with many good effects but almost too close to In The Sunrise to really give it anything other than 4.


17.Dave & Nuage - Like A Video

Again my weakness is disco dance flava. When I heard the sample, I certainly didn't expect this. This is just too fantastic to me. The way the sabi is setup shows how simple yet effective usage of synths rather than chaotic and crazy (aka HRG, some Delta and some A-Beat C) focuses people more on the music. The singing is topnotch and again Nuage takes a more prominent role in this song, though its really more evenly spread. I love how if Nuage takes the lead in the A-Melo, Dave will take the lead in the B-melo and then in the C-Melo Dave sings while Nuage sings in the repeat of the B-melo. It doesn't matter if the B-melo lyrics hasn't changed, it almost gives the song more personality and almost like looking at it from two perspectives... even if the lyrics really don't make sense. I was very tempted to take a notch off for the lyrics but the fact is I love the song so much and the blending of the vocals to not give it anything other than the best score.


18.Rose - Perfect Time 2007

If this really is Elena, I'm not sure what they did to her voice but it sounds absolutely amazing, I'm almost tempted to say keep it like that. I almost want to say it isn't her but whatever. I'm very glad that rather than taking the original vocals, they resang them and did something totally different. The music is gorgeous and the singing is strong and powerful. This is exactly what I'm liking from the female singing as of late from Time Records... though I have to say it's slightly disappointing that it's the remakes that are having the strong female performances and not so much the new material. Whatever the case, the music, like the Chris Stanton song is very similar to stuff you've heard but the dynamic styling and the power that you don't usually get from this title is mind blowing. Perfection.


Best songs from this CD

Ace feat. La Gatta - One Touch
Cody - Fighting!
Chris Stanton - Saturday Time
Dave & Nuage - Like A Video
Rose - Perfect Time 2007

Album Grade ★★★★

A solid album but I'm dissapointed that so many songs I heard were so close to reaching that awesome level that they could have been. SCP was super strong with Ace feat. La Gatta, Time Records was on fire with two of my 5 out of 5 songs being from them. Let's go 177!
Last edited by Jion on 01 Apr 2007, 17:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Schiznik » 01 Apr 2007, 05:07

Alright, I got the Album a few hours ago and i've been listening to it non-stop. Review time.

------------------------------SEB 176 Review------------------------------

Track 01
Ace feat. La Gatta
One Touch

Alright, after Futureland I was expecting another exceptionally good song from Ace. My wish came true and I was blessed with this song. Ace is at his peak here, with excellent vocals that I cant see anyone else replicating for a song like this. La Gatta adds an awesome vocal performance, and helps boost this song past very good, to excellent. I love the beat, the disco "flava" and the killer sabi accompanied that awesome synth. I just wonder where I heard the female vocalist before, because she sounds extremely familiar.


Track 02

Cody is an interesting title, which I've grown to love since Back To You. Being, one of the only people that actually liked Die Die, I had huge expectations from this one. But here we have a different vocalist, and that "mature" tone that was present in the previous songs is gone. Without the vocals, the song is solid on it owns. The synths are very well done, and the chorus is okay, I was just expecting more.


Track 03

More Annalise, and I guess that's a good thing according to 99% of the forums. Personally, I liked With Your Photograph a lot, and I wasnt expecting this to surpass that song at all. But the more I listen to it, the more I like it, pushing it past With Your Photograph. The intro is interesting, and when the A Melo kicks in, the song is set, keeping it strong throughout the sabi, melo's and the end. Looks like nothing can break Annerley's stride, but seriously, break time.


Track 04
Powerful T
Back To The Rising Sun

So Into The Daylight, and now Back To The Rising Sun? The songs sound really similar, and like Into The Daylight, it's nothing special. I want another Web of Desire, more emotion, and not just yelling into the microphone with that same tone of voice that never changes. The Sabi is the only part of this song that really stands out to me. Come on Roberto! More Emotion!


Track 05
Love And Rage

Bla Bla Bla... something something ... Love and Rage.
Wheres all the Love? Wheres all the Rage? Wheres that sense of Emotion present in this song? Is it hidden, because I certainly cant find it.
Pretty boring song for a Delta production. I dont see what people find that's so good about this song, because it makes me want to sleep. Low BPM.. maybe thats why. But when theres a low BPM then add something to keep me awake other than boring vocals.


Track 06
Rick Castle
Midnight Lady

Ever since 174 Hi-NRG has been surprising me. One problem though, serious vocals and crazy synths and beat dont mix very well. Keep it constant, because the vocals just drown out, and therefore we have nothing special. Except something a bit more "sane" I guess. Doesnt stand out like it should, unfortunately..


Track 07
Fly Away

This song makes me feel very happy, and its a good thing that I dont feel like "flying away" from this song. Better than Love and Rage, because the vocals change tone from time to time, not just some boring monotone feeling present in my Math class 9 years ago. This is the kind of song I wish Helena and Norma would sing, because it's what they need to finally stand out in these more recent years.


Track 08
Mark Rise
Love Is Blue

When I first heard the intro, I thought this was gonna be a bore, but then once it kicked in I was bopping up and down in my seat. I love this disco style that Time seems to do pretty often now, and I suggest they stick to it. Or you know, more songs like Pride would be welcome.


Track 09
Norma Sheffield

You know, these days I have no idea what theyre doing to Norma. Every song recently has been boring, no emotion, no change of tone, just that same distinct old voice that bores me to death. Christ, STOP WHISPERING, speak UP, I cant stress it enough how she needs to stretch those vocal cords before they dry up and shatter, or she just wont impress me. It's a shame, because with a different vocalist this song wouldve been gold.


Track 10
Cooking Boy

I can just picture myself baking a delicious cake to this song, with happy flowers dancing in the background, and an overall joy everywhere. I love this song. You know what? I think i'll go cook right now!


Track 11
Chris Stanton
Saturday Time

More wholesome goodness from Time. Seems like there isnt a Eurobeat song with "Saturday" in the title that I dont like. Vocalist is a bit on the raspy side, but the synths and sabi make up for it.


Track 12
Pamsy & Shady
Yo Yo Baby

The title of the song made me shudder for a bit, but once I heard it I was more than relieved. I'll just avoid unneccesary confusion that the people who produce these songs love to cause and say its a Kiki & Fancy song. On its own, it has that same energy that I love from that title, but the Yo Yo part makes me dizzy. :P Or maybe its because I'm suffering from a huge migraine right now.


Track 13
High Speed Mania

I dont really like Cy-Ro that much, but his songs are energetic to say the least. The vocals dont stand out, they're more of a nuisance if anything. Wow, i'm very opinionated tonight..


Track 14
I'm Ready

Change the title of the song to "I'm Boring" and there you go, that about sums up the whole song in two words.


Track 15
When U'Smile

Finally, some light in this thick fog of boredom. I love Christine's voice, and i've been missing her ballads like "Rain". The guitar works well, and finally adds some spice to the cold, gloomy, alley known as SEB 176.


Track 16
Mega NRG Man
I Feel The Rhythm Tonight

Tomas Marin is my hero. Theres absolutely no song from him thats boring or makes me want to sleep. He's one of those special people thats full of energy and never stops giving us quality. Too bad he's only shown us one glimpse of himself, maybe one day.. Anyways, this song just rocks. I love how it's pretty much a remix of In The Sunrise like redtarzanboi said. Not as good as Rock Me, but still an energetic song that with an extra hook, wouldve been great.


Track 17
Dave and Nuage
Like A Video

Definitely the best Dave & Nuage song, but that doesnt say much at all. What I like about this song is everything, but the vocals. Headache... is getting bigger.


Track 18
Perfect Time 2007

A 13 year old song, given a modern remix. It works pretty well actually, and it sounds nothing like the original vocalist. I have my money on this being either a higher pitched Elena, or like MarkIventi said, possibly Annalise? Because the pronounciations are very similar :o.


I can sum up this album in two words. Very Dissapointing.
After 175 I was pumped, since I've been listening to it non-stop and probably wont stop for a while. This is just like we were back in the beginning of the 170's. Whats with this SEB Redesign, "Evolution" that they are bringing? because I certainly dont see it here.
The remixes are solid, but not worth the tag. If you're like me, and just think of money as nothing more than something than a pieces of green paper, then go ahead and purchase it. But if you're tight on money, buy the 4 or 5 songs worth listening to.

Top 3 Songs:

One Touch - Ace feat. La Gatta
Cooking Boy - Domino
I Feel The Rythm Tonight - Mega NRG Man

Worst 3 Song:
Moonshine - Norma Sheffield
I'm Ready - Vanessa
Like A Video - Dave & Nuage

Overall Score: 7
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Post by drnrg » 01 Apr 2007, 08:01

Schiznik wrote
If you're like me, and just think of money as nothing more than something than a pieces of green paper, then go ahead and purchase it. But if you're tight on money, buy the 4 or 5 songs worth listening to.

Pretty hard on a few songs and the choice of words were pretty "cutthroat" I know it's your review, but don't forget ones man's dump is another man's castle. Meaning we don't all have same taste. The 4-5 songs that you mention are only ones worth buying are not necessarly the ones I would choose.

The review on Vanessa's song was nothing but a dirty putdown. Not very fair at all. :cry:

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Post by Shawaazu » 01 Apr 2007, 10:43

Should've done this earlier but as always... here's to help us out with tracktimes for the extendeds :D

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Post by Nine » 01 Apr 2007, 10:48

I wanted to write a proper review for the album but I don't think it's possible for me to do that when a Domino song is released...

according to, since I bought the songs from mu-mo till now:
Domino – Cooking Boy (Extended Mix) 394


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Post by Schiznik » 01 Apr 2007, 16:49

drnrg wrote:Schiznik wrote
If you're like me, and just think of money as nothing more than something than a pieces of green paper, then go ahead and purchase it. But if you're tight on money, buy the 4 or 5 songs worth listening to.

Pretty hard on a few songs and the choice of words were pretty "cutthroat" I know it's your review, but don't forget ones man's dump is another man's castle. Meaning we don't all have same taste. The 4-5 songs that you mention are only ones worth buying are not necessarly the ones I would choose.

The review on Vanessa's song was nothing but a dirty putdown. Not very fair at all. :cry:
heheh, dont take it too hard. I just had a splitting headache while writing that, I wasnt in the best of moods, and my choice of words shows that.
Also, yeah its true that we dont all have the same taste, I was pretty much just talking to myself with that review anyways.
Note to self: Dont write a review while suffering from a headsplitting migraine.

..But 394 and counting?! That's an unhealthy amount right there lol.
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Post by drnrg » 02 Apr 2007, 03:15

heheh, dont take it too hard. I just had a splitting headache while writing that, I wasnt in the best of moods, and my choice of words shows that.
Well iether way, I defend Elena's songs to the death 8)

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Post by Schiznik » 02 Apr 2007, 03:45

As long as you show your dedication to the genre, I cant complain! :wink:
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Post by Shawaazu » 02 Apr 2007, 08:28

Yey! I finally got mine, and personally, I think the remix CD was worth the price of admission alone :D

I haven't listened to the main CD fully yet XD. But I must say, One Touch is awesome, even with this weird ABBA vibe (not that it's a bad thing really :P ). I must agree, the vocals of Perfect Time 2007 do sound a lot like Annerley Gordon.

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Post by Mikaeru » 02 Apr 2007, 16:57

Shawaazu wrote:But I must say, One Touch is awesome, even with this weird ABBA vibe (not that it's a bad thing really :P ).
That's what I thought at first, but now I think the whole song was a take on that Madonna song that sampled Gimme Gimme Gimme.

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Post by Schiznik » 03 Apr 2007, 03:59

No one post anymore, lets keep this at 176 posts :P
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Post by euro up north » 04 Apr 2007, 20:51

------------------------------SEB 176 Review------------------------------

Track 01
Ace feat. La Gatta
One Touch

Sounds like a modern 2000-century euroclub song, with a touch of disco. Nothing special about the verse and the bride. An avegrage refrain. A very average song.


Track 02

Cody is fighting for a good grade. But this is not a big song. Traditional eurobeat-sound male singer. The riff in the intro is okey, but the voice and refrain is average.


Track 03

Annalise has good songs in the history. The intro is quite dark, but the son g evalute to an ordinar eurobeatsong. Average with a simple melody and refrain.


Track 04
Powerful T
Back To The Rising Sun

Powerful T has never been a favorite for me slow intro with guitar in the background. This is one song of million that is related to the hardrocksound of eurobeat. Hardly okey.


Track 05
Love And Rage

Madison has a few really good songs. This is not one of them, but parts of the songs sounds intressting, but boring refrain.


Track 06
Rick Castle
Midnight Lady

Hi-nrg attack is always detected. The sound is very Hi-nrg attack and it is a fast song. Rick Castle has always potential, but not this song. An average song on this album.


Track 07
Fly Away

Nice song. A surprice. It is very good refrain that stays in your head. This is the best song so far. Above average, and it grows. Has the happy undertone - that is the key of eurobeat. Great work.


Track 08
Mark Rise
Love Is Blue

The intro is tricking you. It starts very slow and you don´t know what to expect. It reminds of a chapter of the videogame called final fantasy. But out the intro it comes a very happy song with a strong male voice. The verse is outstanding and this is the best I have heard in a long time, that is nog Hi-nrg attack (i can´t find what label that made this awesome song). This is eurobeat when it peaks. Close to full grade. AWESOME Best och Euro 170:ies


Track 09
Norma Sheffield

Typical Norma sound, but she never peaks this time. Maybe the best of Norma already exists. A little disapointment. A boring song, with a potentially good sound.


Track 10
Cooking Boy

Dominos strong side is her pictures. The songs is rarly a peak. This song has a good song, but sound like a song from a child-show. But i wasn´t expecting anything else. It is a happy but childish song. Boring.


Track 11
Chris Stanton
Saturday Time

An average eurobeatsong with male voice. You have it before - and you will here this again.


Track 12
Pamsy & Shady
Yo Yo Baby

This remindes of Domino. A childish and boring refrain. Fast move to the next song. A happy sound, but the refrain spoils it.


Track 13
High Speed Mania

An energetic song of Hi-nrg attack. It is wild, but i am not found of it. You can feel the crazyness of Hi-nrg thoug


Track 14
I'm Ready

A really good song, with a good refrain. Vanessa is always potential. A good song, after a few very average songs.


Track 15
When U'Smile

No, this is not my type of song. The guitar destroys the pure eurobeat feeling. Nice bridge though and good happy vibes.


Track 16
Mega NRG Man
I Feel The Rhythm Tonight

Mega NRG man sounds like a videogame charachter. And i have heard 1000 of songs that sounds like that. Next...


Track 17
Dave and Nuage
Like A Video

A song that is not so fast. Simple and boring refrain. An pretty average SEB-song


Track 18
Perfect Time 2007

This is an ordinar song hotted for this year. Average is the keyword. Rose is sometimes potential, but i have never really liked this song.


If you are lucky. There is one song above 8. And this time there was a nine. Perfect. Mark Rise is the monster on this album, and it was really good to find this song. Credit to Kimmy too. The forgotten to the next album.

Overall Score: 6 (Mark Rise and Kimmy helps this album to be remembered)

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Post by Mikaeru » 04 Apr 2007, 22:08

euro up north wrote:------------------------------SEB 176 Review------------------------------

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Post by DJ Mike TJG » 04 Apr 2007, 22:54

Mikaeru wrote:
euro up north wrote:------------------------------SEB 176 Review------------------------------
Yes, precisely what I thought ;) Especially for "One Touch" - which gets a solid 10/10 from me!

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