Super Eurobeat 182

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Post by Nine » 03 Nov 2007, 05:51

I guess these SEB threads do go from Release Date > Speculation > Track list > posts about wanting it > reviews > label discussion. lolol

I do agree that in this album, ABeatC's quality does sound better... but it's just one album and I'm not holding my breath.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the direction ABeatC is taking. Are their productions good quality? Some of the recent songs are, some are alright, and some are just horrific (and I don't say it in a bashing sense, I am taking about those songs from the 170 era that start off all slow and quiet the all of a sudden go to ear-drum damaging synths that you were definitely not prepared for.)

The songs Annerley sings, regardless of what alias she sings as, sound too similar to me and this is no exception to Speedy Runner. The last King & Queen song was just disappointing, and lot of the Annerley songs when we saw her on every album had the same effect. Though, I did notice a higher quality in Speedy Runner, it still was the the same-old same-old.

Most of their singers (Nuage, Dave, and to some lesser extent Kelly T and Powerful T) aren't really all that interesting to me either. If I liked them a lot I'd probably be more into the label but unless the song is jaw-dropping awesome a lot of these tracks are very forgettable to me.

I guess you can compare my feelings about ABeatC with the feeling of those who didn't like the direction Italo Disco went when it transitioned in the Eurobeat sound. :grin:

That's my 2 cents. :3

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Post by drnrg » 03 Nov 2007, 21:42

I think Nine misses the Go Go's Music trax just a little? :P

Nine wrote
I guess you can compare my feelings about ABeatC with the feeling of those who didn't like the direction Italo Disco went when it transitioned in the Eurobeat sound.
I for one, Believe ABeatC did a hell of a great job on this cd; in fact, all the labels presented Bull's Eyes!

The transition ; for me at least came by Gradually. I can't recall exactly how, but I think keeping the same voaclists like Farina, Corrainni , Caria and Clara made it seem easier on the ears. In the 90's TIME was doing the biggest expirements when releasing faster songs with LIVE MUISC TEAM. I also like to think of Sergio Dall Ora at FLEA as another pioneer of the faster Italo sound. Pasquinni added the heavier bass when he started ABeatC and Andrea introduced the fastest riffs in that era. I can really listen to NRG from 80's,90's and 200's back to back with no problem. The only evident change would be the BPM's, wich causes mixing 9'0s and 2000's 12's damn near impossible(I'm speaking of smooth transitions, not cut aways) but the basic Italo melody remains. 8)

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Post by #Infinity » 04 Nov 2007, 02:57

Reviews are completed. I might write up some comments for the second disc later on as well.

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Post by drnrg » 04 Nov 2007, 14:03

TIME for the Dr's review. I would have posted earlier, but I havn't stopped listening long enuff to get thoughts together. Also my first impressions have changed a bit from my wealky top 10. With that said; this cd could possibly the best of the 180's. All labels present bull's eyes and esp. SCP impressed me to the max. I have also jumped on the extended versions train on some of these. Yesterday I got all TIME's and today SCP followed. So some reviews will be based on those as opposed to the SEB edit.

1. Jeff Driller- Super Fast Tokyo Drift- To put HRG Attack on the beggining of a cd has proved flawless with series like Euromach and on SEB is no exception. This song gets you pumped up for all the other NRG filled trax that this cd contains. If you're going for a drive pop this cd in and start your engine, just as the intro does. Vocals sound very strong and though they may be drowned just a tad from the overpowering music, it's not enough to slow this song's pace at all. It sounds a lot like "Moo Moo Dollars"(Silly Lyrics aside) , but works wonders with the chorus and it that resemblance that gives this song it's particular power!

2. Irene- Love In The Name Of Love - I had my resevasions for this song, because ,aside from "Dancin Baby" Irene really hasn't knocked me off my feet. The preview didn't do the song justice at all. To my surprise, this song shot me it's Power from the first note to the "Why Don't You Call" shout. The riff; my friends became so special to me ,because it follws the the same synth progression as Symbol's "Heaven" from TIME. That aside, this song is a perfect Bull's eye for SCP. Just what thier Female tracks should sound like. The mini break right before the 3rd verse is perfection to my ears. She also sounds a lot like Lollita did in the 90's, wich gives this track it's incredible power all the way to it's epic outro.

3. Magika- Planet Love- ..and now we are up to the definate #1. track of this cd! If the first two tracks were 10s, what can I possibly give this song? From the get go ,you get the famouse "Black Out" intro and know the kind of power you are in for. Hold on to your seats for a trip to Planet Love! The journey up there is amazing with TIME'S soundworlds oozing through every orfice this song contains. Dany's vocals add even more intensifying NRG to the song, even with her raspiness in the chorus ,it sounds almost intentionable. I must say if you want the full "Trip" to Planet Love, then aquire the extended. It adds a full minuit and half, with a break that probly came to Mr. Dall Ora in a dream. There is a part in the third verse where almost all music is dropped and Dany is only accompanied by Violin effects. It's short, but oh, so perfect for a TIME song like this. By the way, this is one song wich would sound flawless on any compilation like Eurobeat Flash, Euromach, Initail D and of course in extended where it also has the much desired Outro. Perfect, Flawless song.

4. Ace Warrior- Demon- Ace Warrior is an artist that we seldom get the chance to hear. He has rather Heavy metal sounding vocals and his songs also follow that same path. The intro is sort of "Mystic" with added guitars. The riff has been used 100s of TIMES, but works great on this song. I enjoyed the chorus a bit more than the actual verse and bridge esp. the lines "Demon, What about Love" The fact that this song has a Halloween vibe with it's title really gives this song that extra boost for me. In the end it's basic ABeatC, but really redeeming with that ultra fast "Riff"

5. Fastway- Overdrive- A funny fealing came over me when this song started playing in my cd. I could almost hear myself saying "please do not rap, please". Then I heard that "Space Love" like intro and the oh oh oh's, I knew I had nothing to worry about. What I didn't expect is for the song to have such a huge impact on me, but it did. Enio sounds top notch and like he is really giving it his all on this track. The overall theme is ; of course, driving, but this TIME, it's not at all negative, because the synth melody line is so full of mega power that you can't deny Fastway's return to full on High NRG songs. Contradictory to other reviews, for me it's just those Oh Oh Oh's that make this such a Bull's Eye compared to the Horrendouse offering of that song "NRG" by Go 2. Fastway, you have certainly redeamed your self in my book. Welcome back!

6. D.J.- Force- On My Radio- TIME's second offereing is nothing short of amazing with Gambogi's new track. I have allways thought his vocal ability is perfect for TIME songs. He has the ability to morph his style into any vibe the song calls for. This song is simple in the lyrics(rhyimg Radio with Delirous) and the melody, but works perfect with Dall Ora's syntheszier work. The verses follow the melody line of TIME's "Don't Drop Me" and fuse great with the added effects like the intro's "opening a P.C.'s window "effect and the oh Oh Oh's; wich are a bit more effective on this song than Fastway's, but it's probly because of the rhyme factor? This is another song that I got on extended, because I wanted an awesome sounding break...and it's just what I got. I even hear cymbals and nice raw percussion. Giving Gambogi an alias where one can associate him to the lead singer for TIME Force is also a step in the right direction and gives thier vocalist more identity. Another winning track from the hand of Mr. Dall Ora!

7. Powerful T.- Fight all Night- Let start off by saying ,that it probly isn't the best idea to stick this track between two TIME tracks. First off, the styles differ in epic proportions, but also it gets drowned away from TIME's power. Powerful T. has allways been a hit or miss for me. I either love his work, like the Glorious "Glorious" or dislike his tracks, like this one. It's not a bad song, but it really doesn't showcase what his vocals can do. This one would have to be the weak link on the cd for me.

8. M.C. Miky- Because You Live- Ah, yess back to the hitmakers! I have no idea who Jesse Mcarthy is, but I must thank him for providing TIME with a vehicle for a great cover. Once again TIME breaks barriers with this song. It really differs from Eurobeat's safe formula. The verse breaks away after three lines, the rhymes are there ,but scattered ingeniously between the bridge and chorus. Another stand out is the Dall Ora style chord progression he uses in all three "Riffs". They differ everyTIME; weather he drops the percussion or just adds on another note to give it another feel. This song for me would be the one closest to his DISCO vibe style. Even though the "Riff" is really fast, the verses sound very POP/DISCO. In the end it fuses perfectly in only way that TIME can do it. Another song that has even more to offer in extended with it's flawless break and above all you get more TIME to listen to Chritian De Leo's vocals; which are fast becoming one of my favs. By the way, with these extendeds you would have two songs with actual endings, instead of just fade outs. SWEET!

9. Kelly T.- Shining Like A Lucky Star- Another AbeatC entry with a beautiful TIMEsque intro, but actually it's ABEAtC- wise, if you think back to the 90's. When I first heard the melody, I thought of how I miss Norma Sheffield and though I really didn't enjoy Kelly T.'s dismall entry last cd, she redeems herself with an wonderful little number. Her vocals have an innocent feel to them and when she sings the chorus and says "Baby", I can imagine her singing right at me. The third verse with no lyrical work featured gives a perfect heavenly feeling. The kind ,I usually can expect with Rose or Sophie. If you are a fan who enjoys the romantic side of Eurobeat, than don't refuse yourself this little gem. Amazingly, this was one of the tracks where that 2 min preview did nothing for me, but in the end it proved effectivly on all levels.

10. Mellisa White- Everlasting Fire- I will spare no praises when it comes to SCP's showing on this cd, because they present a power that I have been longing from thier songs for some TIME. The way this song and Irene's showcase really short intro's works really well. It doesn't really give too uch space for thier "Transy" effects and shoots right into the core of the song. This TIME around Mellisa's vocals sound great and though I really don't care for her previous tracks, except "Starry Sky" here she shows me what effectyive vocals she has when singing tuffer Eurobeat themed songs with "Fire and lines like "Stabb me with desire". Have I mentioned that this is how SCP female songs should all sound like? Anyways, the verses are very Discoish and the bridge 80's wise, but somehow they fuse amazingly with that powerful chorus. The part right after the second chorus where the music drops and builds up again gives the song just the type of NRG I want to here more in SCP music. No transe, no rap, just HIGH HIGH HIGH NRG!

11. Leslie Parrish- Para Boy- 10 songs and it may seem like I?m dishing out the 10s too easy, but when you take in concideration my past reviews , I allways give TIME thier deserving 10, it's just that SCP's material is also 10 deserving. Anyway, now we deal with the first DELTA entry. I'm so torn apart by this track, there are so many parts I love, like Clara's vocals, the chorus,the guitar and piano combo and esp. Clara's vocoder effect. SWEET!, but there are a few nicks that make me cringe everyTIME I hear them. ..and yes they are the intro and ending. That annoying beat and even more annoying Eurohouse sounding male vocals ruin the atmosphere for me. Is that the prophet screwing things up again like in an formally mentioned Mako track? With that aside, I really admire the fact that the lyrics have a nice boy meets girl at club theme. Something we don't usually get.

12. Baby Gold- I Bet For Loving- HRG Attack do just that . Present us with NRG TIME after TIME. Baby Gold is one of the more hyped titles, but on this song it works rather well. The song could also have been suited for Rick Castle IMOP, but here taking the lyrics into account was good for Baby Gold. The standout of this song for me is definatley the Xylophone effects played on the keyboard. They really remind me of songs like "Little Submarine" and "Joy and Sorrow". Maybe the song could have worked just as effectively at slower BPM's? At leat it seems that way to me. The only flaw, if you can call it that, is that the song flows by too quickly. I would like to check out the extended and see if it has more of a break to offer? In the end, I was quite satisfied, because it's another track I could easily loop for hours.

13. Danny- Superman- 13 tracks and the cd's power doesn't let up one bit. A TIMEless classic cover is presented next. A lot of people are again comparing this one with Clara's vocals instead of seeing as a whole reinvented song. Sergio Dall Ora's adds some very special soundworlds to the classic to bring into the Eurobeat world of today rather effectively. The "Riff" after the second chorus once again shows how magnificant dropping the percussion and just leaving the the synths can sound. The intro sounds almost exactly like the original, but omits the Helicopter effect wich I think would have been crucial to this remake work on a higher level. I think a break like "Planet Love" would really reinvent the song even more so. Sadly that's not the case and even in extended the break didn't knock off my feet. Danny's vocals sound really good, but I think Elena could have added more power to the song. That's just my two cents. A very deseving remake, but no "Heartbreaker 2007" that's for sure.

14. King & Queen- Speedy Runner- Wow! what a promising intro. I can't see why anyone would not agree. To me A King & Queen song allways are known for thier off putting intros. Take "Kanpai Kanpai Japan" for instance. This song follows that formula very closely. The vocals are not die-hard important for me(As most of you complain of missing Lollita) so long as they sound great and Annerly showcases her best abilities on one of AbeatC's best SEB entries yet. The vibe is Go Go Girls like and I see King & Queen quickly filling that gap the aformed mentioned with more material like this. A perfect driving song, but also great for working out; wich is what I like to do to the beat of Eurobeat :D

15. Dave Rodgers and Kiko Loureiro- The Final Game- Ah yes, The SEB completeness allways comes with a great Giancarlo song. This song is extra special. It sounds like three different songs fused together to make one great combination. Dave Rodgers sounds just awesome and his powerful vocals blaze out amongst Kiko's guitar work. It almost sounds like he sings "Into The Fire Again" , but I'm glad that is not so. The third verse, bridge, and chorus are completly ommited in favor of a wicked giutar solo and this round it works perfectly giving the song the incredible power it so deserves. Great work from ABeatC and again shows no sign of slowing down.

16. Mega NRG Man- Rock On Fire- Putting 3 ABeatC songs back to back is a great idea as opposed to sticking one inbetween two TIME songs. The song starts off with a intro that kinda gives the feeling of walking thru burning ruins, but works rather well, since this is Mega NRG Man, who is well known for tons of Fire themed songs. The "riff", which is rehashed or "reburned" is effective enuff to showcase Thomas, who allways provides great NRG filled vocals . Again the mini break and choosing to feature guitars instead of a third verse, gives this Mega NRG Man vehical the power it requires to give it it's epic outro.

17. Cherry- Set Me Free- With a cd like this that has turned out to be this good, I can calmly fold my arms and sail into the sunset satisfied on all Eurobeat levels. Cherry present us with an NRG filled song that is sure to be on a few best of compilations. The song features no out of place elements at all and that is just what I love about this song. It remeinds me so much of songs like "Love Is In Danger" and ;of course "Down Down" by Za Za wich everyone can hear in the chorus. There is a mini break, wich is allways present on DELTA songs and that ending quickly becomes one of the standout features of the track.

18. 2 Fast- Burning Up The Night(Total Fire)- So DELTA decide to take Eurobeat to a higher level by cranking up the bpms a whole 5 notches. Does it pay off? My first impressions of this song were nonstop playing. It even made my weekly top 10, but I guess I allready burned out on it's speed, because the verses and bridge go by so fast ,they are almost nonexsistant. Blink and you will only hear the chorus. It's that chorus that gets me cumming back for more. That and the "Take My hand be ready" line. What got on my nerves 2 fast was the "woh go". I think it was a bit overused and in the end sounds a bit club-wise. On the other hand, the vocalist sounds damn right on target and the riff, which I allready mentioned inspires from the HIgh Frequency hit, "One More Chance", more than overide that small defect. I might add, that I find myself enjoying the song a lot more when I slow it down on my Windows Player, so in the end ,Faster is not necessarly better, but it sure if a hell of a ride.

This was definatley one of those cds that will go down in history. The content was amazing from all labels. Esp. SCP has really surprised me with thier two female tracks. I really hope they continue this more High NRG vibe so the next SEB can be just as mega. There is really nothing negative about this cd. Maybe the Powerful T. track was not so good, because it was surounded by so many above level songs, but "Glorious" is still on my player, so it doesn't matter too much. Besides the content that ABeatC provided was so great , that "Fight All Night" is redeemable. TIME rockets into space with the mega "Planet Love" wich could easliy become the best song of the 180s and HRG Attack continue just doing that, Attacking the frontline with pure HIGH NRG. Delta was also strong with Cherry and Leslie Parrish,but it was 2 fast that became the definate standout track from them.
I believe the 180s are showing to be going in the right direction with all the labels trying new things, but allways keeping it in the Eurobeat genre. That is what makes this cd so special. I can hardly wait for what's in store in the next months 8)
Last edited by drnrg on 05 Nov 2007, 06:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sun Field » 04 Nov 2007, 15:17

Superman 2007 is the best song ever.

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Post by DJ Mike TJG » 04 Nov 2007, 23:58

Finished my review, with the final few songs (including Clara's two songs for this album!)

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Post by Lebon14 » 07 Nov 2007, 01:18

My review (0 to 10 for Ratings)

1. Superfast Tokyo Drift / Jeff Driller (Hi-NRG Attack)

Jeff Driller is back with another song. That makes two songs in a row! I really loved "Back In Danger". Yet, Superfast Tokyo Drift is back with a more classical Hi-NRG attack with a nice touch of electric guitar. The rhythm of the song is pretty good and the vocals fits the song perfectly. For myself, I like the song! Even if it's classic, it doesn't mean that it's not good. Really, I'm proud of Hi-NRG Attack these days.

Rating :

2. Love Is The Name Of Love / Irene (SCP)

Irene is back after her "hit" on SEB *censored". The intro starts off with powerful vocals then synth joins in to make an hyper effective intro. The riff is just awesome, like I like them. Then, the vocals, the melody, everything fits in perfectly. Yet, another perfect hit for SCP!

Rating : 10

3. Planet Of Love / Magika (Time)

Is Magika magical? bad joke I know. The intro is not magic : the first portion is not extraordinary and the second part adds a little more energy and some robotic sound can be heard. I think those somewhere before... Anyway, 3, 2, 1 Go, into the riff which is pretty OK. Not the best though. The vocals are pretty good and fits in perfectly. The melody is pretty good I must say. Really. Overall, the song is pretty good. Thumbs up.

Rating :

4. Demon / Ace Warrior (A-Beat-C)

Ace Warrior once again with an Halloweenish song. Last time, No Religion made me jump for joy because the song was so good. Let's see now. The song starts with soft string then some heavy guitar that fades... then BANG! the riff is here! The riff is not really good. Not my taste. Then, the melody in the verse is pretty OK. Then, the chorus jumps out of nowhere... there's so much difference in the vocal between the verse and the chorus... Too bad, I don't like this has much as No Religion.

Rating : 7

5. Overdrive / Fastway (SCP)

Yes! Fastway is back solo! After Crash Boom Burn Me Up on SEB 178, which did not really make it to me, Fastway is back with Overdrive. You know guys, I'm always eager to hear Fastway, so here we go. The song starts off with some heavy synth, then joins in some back vocals. Hyper effective. Then the riff, which still remind me of Crash Boom Burn Me Up. But! The verse and chorus are here to save the day. Hyper catchy, the melody is full of pretty good song sounds including the well placed electric guitars sounds. The chorus is in the hyper catchy as the "Woh oh oh"s are here to say "Go go go!!". Overall, really good song!

Rating :

6. On My Radio / DJ Force (Time)

Mr. M huh? Well, I think it's the first I saw him use this alias. So okay, the song starts kinda strangely with some sounds behind and strangely. The beats are added and make us feel better because it was boring just before. Anyway, the riff is pretty good the verse's melody is a little deceiving because there's not so much sounds. Just basic synth and drums. But sometimes, staying with basics can still make good stuff, indeed. Overall, it's a good song. Not the most awesome one but still good.

Rating :

7. Fight All Night / Powerful T. (A-Beat-C)

Some people would say that the older style of Powerful T. was the best. But, for myself, I was in those that "Glorious"' style was the best. Anyway, the intro is really melodious with beautiful sounds. The riff is really good and yet, the vocals is really what Powerful T. can give but not as powerful they are in Glorious. I think that the chorus is deceiving. Powerful T.'s voice kinda sounds off-key when he sings "Fight All Night!". Even with that point, the song is still good but not as good as "Glorious". Too bad.

Rating :

8. Because You Live / Miky MC (Time)

I don't have any idea where this alias comes from. All I can say is that we can only listen to the song in... hum, well. The intro is particulary boring, and, yet, for me, it's the first real boring song on the album. The riff is not that good and the vocals are too disco-ish. Not worth my 2 cents.

Rating : 6

9. Shining Like A Lucky Star / Kelly T. (A-Beat-C)

To me, Kelly T. is synonymous of "boring". But before to say "boring" before even listening to the song, we'll listen to it I guess :P . The intro has a soft melody and really sweet to hear. Then the riff has some soft synth. Indeed, a ballad. The vocals are really beautiful but I prefer songs that are really exciting. So this one is not really my style but I admit that the song is not the worst ballad ever. Anyway, better than Frontal Impact.

Rating :

10. Everlasting Fire / Melissa White (SCP)

To me, Melissa White is the artist with the prejudice in the SCP artists probably because we don't hear her often. But still, her song on SEB 171 was not great. Let's see this one. The intro has a classic SCP and disco touch to it and it's not bad to hear. The riff is just awesome, A-WE-SOME. The sounds used in the verse and chorus are pretty awesome and exciting. Awesome song indeed! Good job, Melissa!

Rating :

11. Paraboy / Leslie Parrish (Delta)

The first part of the intro is just like boring but the second part make me laugh with the rhythm. The riff is okay and there's like some kind of explosion which is a nice addition. The verse is kinda boring. The chorus is... bad. I don't like it at all. It sounds like a mere imitation of Manuel's Gas Gas Gas vocal acts but has failed. The guitar solo is just awesome. A little more and makes my fav. guitarist Takahiro Matsumoto (B'z) jealous.
Overall judged by rating.

Rating :

12. I Bet For Loving / Baby Gold (Hi-NRG Attack)

Boom! is the word that comes to mind when i heard the intro of the song. The intro is indeed strong and use no soft melodies but the riff does which is kinda bad. But the verse and chorus are aweome. I really need to make myself a better idea to those kind of songs. Overall, the song is just pretty good and catchy.

Rating : 9

Side note : Is this Bay Bazooka or Bazooka Girl singing there?!? Or I'm complety off-track?

13. Superman 2007 / Dany (Time)

Another album and yet another time remake. To start off, the intro is really what I don't want to hope for. Anyway, the riff is really Hi-NRG styled and it's pretty good for the style on Time's side. Vocal and melody side, the song is just pretty awesome. Sound and vocals just fit the song perfectly. Thumb up!

Rating :

14. Speedy Runner / King And Queen (A-Beat-C)

OK, the intro just sound something else on the album with some puch I can't describe in words. Then, the riff comes in which as halloween-ish tone (or is it just me?). I don't feel like describing this song because I just want to listen to it. Maybe only just the chorus where to vocals are a bit too high.

Rating :

15. The Final Game / Dave Rodgers Feat. Kiko Loureiro (A-Beat-C)

I'm just hoping for some better songs from Dave Rodgers that equals his old hits like Space Boy, Eldorado and osme other very good songs of his own. What I don't like these days is the fact that the guitar is replacing the synth. This time, beside the very rockish intro (awesome!), the riff did change a little but still has a lot of guitar. The song itself is really not bad maybe that the chorus's vocal pitch is a bit too high. Maybe Dave Rodgers' first hit in some time?

Rating :

16. Rock On Fire / Mega NRG Man (A-Beat-C)

Last time, Red Light And Sex just... Anyway. The intro starts with bizarre sounds then a beat and cymbals then, some heavy guitar and synth joins in. This is one of the boring intro. The riff is OK and the verse has something missing but the bridge is awesome. The chorus is really good. This song is not Mega NRG Man's best but I like I guess :P

Rating :

17. Set Me Free / Cherry

I'm kinda bored of Cherry's bad 80's song covers. Now, she offers something kinda interresting. The intro is pretty much the "messed up" style that became a "Clear Mix" after some time. The riff is just... ÜBER AWESOME. Every in this song is awesome. The rhythm melody, sounds, EVERYTHING! I'm thinking she improved royally with this song.

Rating : 10

18. Burning Up The Night (Total Fire) / 2 Fast

This song ends the CD and I feel like I enjoyed everything with very bad side. Now, this was the piece I was waiting for for years : 170 BPM!! I love speed. At first glance, the song does not look fast but all of a sudden, everything goes fast. The riff is harmoniously made to go fast and represent the alias "2 Fast" and the faster it is, the more I like it! Delat hit the weak point in me with this song! Jackpot!

Rating : 10

Overall, this album just rock. With very few weak points, I really really enjoyed this one. It is the rare case where I can easily listen to it without skipping anything. Beside Leslie's track, Delta put out a really good performance. Those kind of words for Delta are rare on my side, but still, I'm honnest and I must say : good job Delta!

SCP are still my number one on this album where that have been able, like always, to be able to grab my heart and tastes once again. I must say that I have really nothing to say except that they must continue this way!

Time and A-Beat-C must be the label that gave me the most thrills. Those labels quality are really variable and well, for this album, they did not really missed anything beside Kelly T. and Miky MC. I really have nothing to say. Keep on improving your sounds!

Hi-NRG Attack... I must say I'm still surprised of their recent performances. I wish that they let the cows and bazookas away and keep those kind of performances. I really loved the way they can change their sounds. Great Job HNA!

Overall, the album is really woth buying only for the first CD. The second CD is indeed looking okay but the tracklsit is kinda really annoying. Everything is always re-released and re-released over and over again. It gets really really annoying. Thanks Avex :???: :|

Album Overall : 9
Average : 8.64

Top 3 :

With 10, Love Is The Name Of Love by Irene (SCP)
With 10, Set Me Free by Cherry (Delta)
With 10, Burning Up The Night (Total Fire) by 2 Fast (Delta)

Worst 3 :

With 7, Demon by Ace Warrior (A-Beat-C)
With 6, Because You Live by Miky MC (Time)
With 7¼, Shining Like A Lucky Star by Kelly T. (A-Beat-C)

Honorable mention :
SCP & Hi-NRG Attack's performances!

Finished. Any comments on my (late) review?

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Post by drnrg » 07 Nov 2007, 01:40

Not bad, but then again it really is an amazing cd. I can't really see anyone not approving :) By the way since you seem to be quite dissatisfied with most intros, I would say that you prefer Mix cds' Am I right or am I right :P

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Post by Lebon14 » 07 Nov 2007, 01:45

Well, I like intros that are powerful yet soft ones makes me want to sleep. I know the song itself is not based on the intros so it's why I try not not to judge much by the intro. Here are my favorites :

1. Manuel - Ready Steady Go!
2. Manuel - Gas Gas Gas!
3. Money Man - Love For Money
4. Jay Lehr - I'm Alive
5. Go2 & Christine - Blood On Fire

...and many more. You see the style I like right??

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Post by Wataru Akiyama » 07 Nov 2007, 07:40

Ace Warrior's "Demon" caught me off guard.

There I was, wearing my leather assless chaps with nothing underneath, an open leather vest to expose my bulging pectoral muscles, rippling washboard abs and chest hairs, engineer boots, and a leather cap. I was super-pumped for a kick-ass track like "24 Hours A Day With You" or "Blem Blem". With tremulous hands I reach out for my mouse and click "play" on my media player. I wait, with my balls growing bluer by the moment. The guitar kicks in and I automatically pop a boner two feet long.

Then this stupid sounding riff follows up and my ween goes limp.

What the hell, Ace Warrior? I know you don't play it like that. Seriously, man. That is an uncool thing to do to a dude under such tense circumstances.

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Post by valiant » 07 Nov 2007, 08:32

That was a little more than what we needed to know. :???:

(Btw I happen to love Demon :P )
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Post by drnrg » 07 Nov 2007, 10:05

Wataru Akiyama
There I was, wearing my leather assless chaps with nothing underneath, an open leather vest to expose my bulging pectoral muscles, rippling washboard abs and chest hairs, engineer boots, and a leather cap. I was super-pumped for a kick-ass track like "24 Hours A Day With You" or "Blem Blem". With tremulous hands I reach out for my mouse and click "play" on my media player. I wait, with my balls growing bluer by the moment. The guitar kicks in and I automatically pop a boner two feet long
:!: I got visions of the village people. Now I gotta go see porn to get that image out of my head.

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Post by the_ditz » 07 Nov 2007, 22:50

Just had to pop my head into the forum after a long hiatus to say...

I LOVE DEMON!! Classic A-Beat C but with such an awesome melody and guitar riff at the start. The stand out track of this album for me without a doubt, which kinda surprised me too!! :D

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Post by Densetsu13 » 08 Nov 2007, 01:26

Wataru Akiyama wrote:Ace Warrior's "Demon" caught me off guard.

There I was, wearing my leather assless chaps with nothing underneath, an open leather vest to expose my bulging pectoral muscles, rippling washboard abs and chest hairs, engineer boots, and a leather cap. I was super-pumped for a kick-ass track like "24 Hours A Day With You" or "Blem Blem". With tremulous hands I reach out for my mouse and click "play" on my media player. I wait, with my balls growing bluer by the moment. The guitar kicks in and I automatically pop a boner two feet long.

Then this stupid sounding riff follows up and my ween goes limp.
Dude you just pretty well described the Gay Bear/Leather scene XD

Wataru Akiyama
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Post by Wataru Akiyama » 08 Nov 2007, 03:39

drnrg wrote: :!: I got visions of the village people. Now I gotta go see porn to get that image out of my head.

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