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Post by Lebon14 » 01 Jul 2014, 01:05

Am I the only one that despise Unforgettable? Or any Delta tracks on this album? The intro of Unforgettable would be unforgettable if it didn't have that stupid entirely out of place sound effect. Beside that the song is forgettable.

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Post by para_rigby » 01 Jul 2014, 02:19

Lebon14 wrote:Am I the only one that despise Unforgettable? Or any Delta tracks on this album? The intro of Unforgettable would be unforgettable if it didn't have that stupid entirely out of place sound effect. Beside that the song is forgettable.
I feel that way about most of the recent Delta songs. Wish Newfield was still producing for the label...regardless of his personality.

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Post by drnrg » 01 Jul 2014, 06:32

Am I the only one that despise Unforgettable? Or any Delta tracks on this album? The intro of Unforgettable would be unforgettable if it didn't have that stupid entirely out of place sound effect. Beside that the song is forgettable
That's one of the main reasons I love the song. The Piano intro. It reminds me of a certain Latin Freestyle intro; I just can't remember the song right now.
I'm thinking Sa-Fire - "Don't Break My Heart" from 1987, but I gotta check to make sure.

Also there is a melody throughout the song that kinda reminds one of "Save Me"- Leslie Parrish style.

Anyway I few of those new DELTA productions sound very old school. That is as much as they can without Newfield's presence. I'm getting the same kinda thrills as when HRG Attack went Italo a few years back. 8)

For me the DELTA and Sun Fire productions are the best this round.

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Post by WNight » 01 Jul 2014, 09:28

Lebon14 wrote:Am I the only one that despise Unforgettable? Or any Delta tracks on this album? The intro of Unforgettable would be unforgettable if it didn't have that stupid entirely out of place sound effect. Beside that the song is forgettable.
Probably yes, I love that song since I haven't heard something of this style from the label for quite a while. I also like how the melody has a great throwback to the Leslie Parish and Cherry tracks from the early days and we all know how awesome they were.

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Post by WinterdrivE » 01 Jul 2014, 14:35

Lebon14 wrote:Am I the only one that despise Unforgettable? Or any Delta tracks on this album? The intro of Unforgettable would be unforgettable if it didn't have that stupid entirely out of place sound effect. Beside that the song is forgettable.
Maybe I wouldn't go as far as to say I despise it, but it definitely ain't doing anything for me. tbh I find it really boring and, as you said, forgettable. Delta's recent productions have been generally 'meh' for me; I don't love them, I don't hate them, they're just floating in the forgettable gray area in between. There're a few that stand out like Overjoy (love that song), but those're few and far between it seems.

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Post by KiraTM » 04 Jul 2014, 18:06

I got my copy today. Now, I still listen to the whole CD the first time (I haven't got much time today). The SEB has some surprises for me, Sinclaire finally could impress me again. In a week or two I'll post my complete review. :D

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Post by Lebon14 » 04 Jul 2014, 20:54

I could do a small review... nothing extensive.

At first, I was like "Oh man! This is good!". Then, I had a complete 180. It just feels meh now. Average everywhere and I don't like how Chistian sings the title of the song at all.


2. TIGER / MANUEL (Go Go's)
At first, mini-skit aside, the intro threw me off but I kept coming back to it and started to stand out quite a bit and I enjoyed it quite a lot. The big downside is that they seem to have thrown the standard Eurobeat structure out the window.


This trance sound! I've missed it so much! The extended version on EK5 also make this song much more justice.


Surprisingly, this song is not half bad! The intro is standard A-Beat-C/SunFire fare: calm and stuff but, in the heat of the song, it's quite exciting. Like it!


More like "Forgettable". I'm seriously losing faith in Delta.

4/10 (<btw this is the lowest score I'll give now)

The riff is fresh in Hi-NRG Attack standard. Vocals are good. Melody too. Not a bad track at all.


7. CRAZY LOVE (Platinum Version) / CASANOVA (SinclaireStyle)
Why is this track wasn't released when it was produced?! Anyway, it's not a bad track but a bit on the boring side though. It's still better than Mad Desire though.


This song has an annoying riff and it's a very generic production overall. Meh.


Too bad that the riff and melody aren't more powerful because it would have been AMAZING. Still pretty good, though!


It's just the same sounds! Every songs sounds the same. It's not as bad as Forgettable, but dang... it's still incredibly generic.


11. HEY YOU! / ROBERTA (SinclaireStyle)
Incredible surprise here. A good portion of the track is instrumental for some reason. That's uncommon. But that riff, man, THAT riff! It's awesome. Very engaging track still. Love it.


Dima has been very down lately. This track gave me a first bad impression. However, it has grown on me quite a bit. The riff isn't the highlight here. The vocals... Dima's vocals have so much emotions in them. That and the melodies that accompanies the vocals are really good. Thumbs up


Then back down the chute goes the production. This is sooooo boring. I can't decide if this song is the most boring between this and Forgettable.


This is fucking amazing. The end.


15. FOR THE FANS / TORA & DEJO (SincalireStyle)
What's up with this album? Up, down, up, down... Sorry Sinclaire but not this time. But not as bad as Forgettable and Boom*3


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Post by the_ditz » 05 Jul 2014, 22:59

First time I've been inspired to write a review for an SEB album in a long time - plenty to discuss, let's dive in!

01 ACE - BRAND NEW WORLD (SCP) [03:56]
We start this album with a real bang as one of the most recognisable and loved male vocalists shares with us a "Brand New World". To be frank, that's kind of misselling this track since this is pretty much SCP as we've always known and loved them. And not just that, but they've really found a sweet groove for incredibly catchy synth hooks - okay, this one probably takes a lot of inspiration from "Power Of My Love" (thanks for helping me figure that out para_rigby), but that doesn't detract from the pure, high-paced energy that screams from the speakers everytime that insanely moreish hook hits. Ace himself is sounding like he's on really good form as well, sounding more youthful in this track than in certain previous ones of late, which is great to hear considering all of the young blood at SCP now. The vocal melodic traits in this track are what raise it above the standard - the brooding and slightly menacing nature of the bridge builds up the tension perfectly for the chorus with its fast-changing progressive chord changes and its rise-and-fall melody. And then, when you expect things to end - BOOM! The bridge refrain is back layered with a counter-melody as a sort-of second chorus that compliments the progressive nature of the chord changes perfectly. I commend SCP on their excellent song-writing, as this is definitely an example of strong themes teamed with perfect production. During the final "second chorus", when the chord progression is slowed down, I couldn't help but smile. Just a perfect ending to a perfect track. Thank you Ace and SCP!!
Score: 10/10

02 MANUEL - TIGER (Go-Go's Music) [04:41]

Manuel has always been my number one male vocalist, and the intro of this track along with the video he posted of him recording the vocals are the best evidence of why I love the guy! He's just on the right side of the sane/crazy spectrum, and you never really know just how mental he is going to perform when you listen to a new track for the first time. After the slightly comedic and (it must be said) camp intro, we get treated by one of the most distinctive GGM productions I've heard in a while. To be honest, since they moved to SCP's studios, I've been feeling that the unique GGM "spunk" that dominated the whole of the SEB world in the late 180s/190s had been somewhat missing. But not here - the synth hook, teamed with the powerful guitars and of course Manuels distinctive operatic vocals all mesh into one glorious eargasm that just makes you want to smack the replay button again and again and again! Manuel really has a keen ear for a strong and unique melody - you can hear the sometime familiar chord patterns used, but in the next breath the melody will often flip in an unexpected yet welcome direction that results in a real feast for the listener. The chorus is of course where this song hits its real climax for me with the "woooooooooaaaaaaahhhh tiiiiiiigeeeeerrr!!" really getting the blood pumping as if it wasn't already speeding through my veins. However, I will say that I think certain phrases are a little difficult to make out due to the BPM and the number of syllables that Manuel struggles to fit sometimes. But despite that, this is still a glorious return to the GGM I used to love - long may it continue!
Score: 9.75/10


And talking about truly finding your groove again, here we have my glorious Pamsy! Ever since she returned to the series, I have been delighted at the exposure she has once again been given, and now that SCP have finally found a song that not only highlights her beautiful, vulnerable vocal tones but also combines it with the dreamy trance layers that she made her own through the 160s, 170s and 180s. I can't describe how happy it makes me to hear those rich arps being used again, and the even the transitional effects that tie each section of this track together add that little sprinkle of magic dust that made me fall in love with Pamsy in the first place. The chorus of this track is a perfect example of commercial influences merging with the modren Eurobeat sound - think, if you can, of Cascada singing the chorus in particular at one of her concerts, and I'll bet that it isn't too hard to imagine. I would not hesitate to introduce my friends who may have more mainstream musical tastes to this track as I believe that it - much like many of Pamsy's songs in the past - could act as the perfect introduction to the genre for Eurobeat virgins. The breakdown in the repetition of the verse towards the end of the song when the beat completely drops out was nice to hear - SCP should be a bit more adventurous with these middle sections more often, as there's so much they could do to just bring out a completely new aspect of the track. Without a doubt, this is Pamsy's best song since she returned to the series, and while it's no So Fragile 2.0, it gives me hope that one day I will eventually hear that.
Score: 10/10

04 DAVE RODGERS - NEW RACE GAME (SunFire) [04:20]

This one is interesting, as I am always a little wary of Dave's tracks since he moved over to the SunFire name since most of the tracks have always lacked the raw energy and passion that made his productions at A-Beat C so appealing. However, from the moment the beat drops here, it's clear that he's on to something with this track. The hook has a bit more of a trance feel to it (it brings to mind the hook from Pamsy's recent track "Give A New Go" which is no bad thing in my eyes). And even when the vocals come in - an area where I've often felt SunFire tracks lack a certain richness, this one holds my attention. Dave sounds confident, like he really believes in the song that he's singing, which is an important thing to do for someone of his stature in the Eurobeat world. Now, don't get me wrong - every time I hear this song, I long to hear it produced with the A-Beat C synths and percussion of old, so I'm definitely not a SunFire convert yet, but every now and then there is one track that seems to truly stand out from the crowd of often banal and watery tracks that the label spews out and on this album it's "New Race Game". I also adore the middle section where the beat completely drops out - that haunting synth used works beautifully in progressing this song on to a higher level. Much better work from Mr Rodgers, showing that there's most certainly life in the old dog yet...
Score: 8.75/10

05 CHERRY - UNFORGETTABLE (Delta) [04:54]

Dramatic piano intro alert!! For some reason, with the spoken phrases during this intro, I think of Madonna around her Vogue era. I've always thought of Clara Moroni as Eurobeat's answer to Madonna anyway, so I guess it's no surprise I get that impression. But what I can't get over hear is how much this sounds like a Eurovision song - seriously, from the vocal melody to the often bizarre lyrics ("Wanna smoke a million cigarettes" - erm, pardon?) everything about this song screams the cheesy side of Eurovision to me. For those that don't watch Eurovision or know of my love for the contest, you should know that this comparison isn't a diss from me - I adore Eurovision and all of its eccentricities. Sadly, I feel that this track doesn't quite seem to have that one killer hook that it needs to stand above the pack. It would be an appealing filler while you're waiting for something slightly more spectacular to come along. And considering the incredibly strong start to this album, it's no surprise that this song comes off sounding just a little flat for me. It's a shame, since I do at least admire the production team and writers from at least making the effort to stray away from the Capaldi-by-numbers Delta of recent years, but for me I don't feel that this track will stand the test of time very well - it already sounds quite dated, so I can only imagine what it'll sound like at the end of the year. Not forgettable, but sadly just a little too regular for me.
Score: 7.75/10

06 REMY PANTHER - HOT LIKE A FIRE (Hi-NRG Attack) [05:17]

Right, let's give this new male HRG vocalist another go, shall we? I'll be honest that I don't really get it yet - he sounds like he needs to work a bit more on his diction and pronunciation until he has mastered a sound that sits well with the Hi-NRG Attack production as at the moment he still sounds a bit too green around the edges. In terms of this song, I was surprised by the synth hook as it really sounded like a unique experiment for the HRG team. Despite that, when the vocals kick in, we're back to the HRG we all know and love - how many random generic phrases can we throw together in one song? And of course, we need to have the fire/desire/liar/power(??) battle in the chorus. Bless them - it's never going to win any songwriting awards, but to be honest I think they realise that and in a way, it makes these tracks all the more endearing as they have become such an integral part of the SEB listening experience. But in all seriousness, this track falls to have a strong enough identity to help it stand apart from the hundreds of similar tracks that the label has written and produced over the years. They do still know how to do a mean breakdown though - that's something I'll never get tired of hearing :)
Score: 7/10

07 CASANOVA - CRAZY LOVE (Platinum Version) (SinclaireStyle) [05:33]

Wow, I thought during the intro we were transported back to the 80's SAW sound for a second. It's soooo retro! This song overall sounds like a minimalist update of a very early days SEB track which has tried very hard to avoid losing the classic identity of the song despite the updated percussion and synths in the main hook. The vocal melody is like a song that Taco or Rick Astley would have rocked way back when perms were cool and neon leg warmers were popular for the first time around! One major issue that I have with this song is that it sounds far too dragged out - this is a clear example of when a 4 minute SEB edit wouldn't have impacted the song quality whatsoever. By the time that the breakdown comes around at the 3:50 mark, I was already thinking "oh, this is still going on huh?" which is a shame, as I don't think it's an inherently bad song, it just starts to get a little repetitive when you're hearing the chorus repeat for about the tenth time! Kudos for bringing a retro track back to life in this way - and thank god there are some better ones than the god-awful 10,000 Lovers from 201 *shudder* - but think very carefully about how much might be too much when it comes to ressurecting the sounds for modern Eurobeat ears. Soundwise, this wasn't bad, but in terms of length - time to get the editing software out!
Score: 7.5/10


Hmmm, let's see, what intro structure/effect have we not used in a while? I KNOW - the underwater warped vocal distortions! Hang on, but didn't we just use that quite recent in that recent smash-hit "Fire Desire Liar on the Wire"? Ummmmmmm, nooooooo.... Sorry, just thought I'd share a little of what I would imagine the conversation went like during the composition stage of this track. Sarcasm was completely intentional! I get annoyed now when a song like this comes around for a very recognisable alias in the Hi-NRG Attack stable (not that I'm saying the HRG vocalists are horses...) - and the main reason for my annoyance is because I know what they are truly capable of if they take a risk and think outside of the box. In Ciao Ciao's case, I'll always be comparing every future song she released to the glorious "The Magic Of Sunshine" - a song that succeeded in smashing the modern Hi-NRG Attack with the classic Italo sound in a glorious genre-defining moment for Hi-NRG Attack. This track, while vaguely catchy in places, has just been done to hell and back for years by HRG, and I don't hear anything particularly appealing or unique in the melodies or production that makes me want to listen to it again. Such a shame - bring back Italo HRG!!!
Score: 6/10

09 POWERFUL T. - BLACK SHADOW (SunFire) [04:02]

Super ugly bass sounds aside, this one seems to continue along with the theme started by "New Race Game". What do you mean you forget the theme? Pay attention people! Basically, SunFire on this album are saying "check us out - we can still write melodies that you used to cream over, but now that we have all this new amazing equipment that makes our productions sound like a 10 year old threw it together, your face will always end up looking a little sad when you listen to our songs. Here, have a tissue..." I'm blethering a little - the point I'm trying to make here is that while other labels have continually made efforts to step forward and evolve the sound of Eurobeat, SunFire have completely jumped off at a sideways tangent that basically results in their tracks sounding like those amateur karaoke-style covers that you sometimes see on iTunes of big future mainstream hits recorded by faceless individuals that never quite sound as good as the actual song. I know what A-Beat C have done in the past, and I sadly know that the label is dead and gone - what I cannot accept is that Dave especially believes that this new sound is an improvement on what he built before. It's not - and I just can't help but long for us to go back. Powerful T also sounds like he's singing with a tennis ball in his mouth for a lot of this song... but that's another story for another day...
Score: 6.5/10

10 LUKE - POWER AND GLORY (Delta) [05:10]

Awww, yaaayyy!! I'm sorry for the fanboy squeal, but I do have such a crush on Luke. I adore his tone and this track really highlights his strengths as a vocalist. It has more of a traditional Delta sound, but thankfully doesn't use the horrible cut-n-paste intros from previous tracks, but the real hit for me hear is that vocal melody and the way the production backs this up beautifully in every way. The chorus (which as a side-note makes me think of the Mans Zelmerlow hit "Hope & Glory" from Melodifestivalen a few years back - YouTube it, it's awesome!) is just a gloriously flamboyant anthemic delight that has a real 80s kick to it. The way the guitar plays with the synths in this production, particularly during the middle section around 02:50, is also another major highlight for me in this track. Seriously, how unbelieveably awesome is that little interlude? I could listen to a loop of that for hours! This is the Delta that I really love - just enough swagger and spunk but never too much that it overpowers the true star of every successful composition... the melodies! Melody is king, and they have really struck the perfect chord for me here. Can't wait for the next Luke track now!
Score: 9.5/10

11 ROBERTA - HEY YOU! (SinclaireStyle) [05:07]

The intro of this song sounds like a song that I wrote way back when I was about 13 or 14 - ZOMG SS have plaigiarised my work, I must sue!! Haha, of course not - that song only exists in the confines of my brain. Now this track has a few personality disorders. The percussion and bass for a start seem a bit too sharp and harsh for my liking - it puts me on edge when they kick in. However, setting that aside, I adore the heart and soul that the melodies possess hear as it takes all of the best elements of 80s music and melds it into a uniquely Eurobeat package. Sinclaire seems to found a bit of extra spunk for this track - Roberta tracks of old have sometimes sounded a little weak and watery. But this one really shows of a far more feisty Roberta who is primed and determined to get exactly what she wants and desires regardless of the casualties along the way! I also have to say that I adore the outro on this track as it brings the whole composition full circle and really serves as the perfect ending for a pretty exciting trip that shows us that 80s/90s inspired melodies and stylings don't always have to sound dated and old-hat. I kind of wish that the Casanova track was given a similar level of spunk as I think it could definitely have benefited from it.
Score: 8.5/10

12 DREAM FIGHTERS - THE DAY OF THE RAIN (Dima Music) [04:57]

How the mighty have fallen, huh? Sorry Dima if you read this, but I just don't know whether your spark has dulled a little or something - recent Dima productions haven't ever really reached the heights of the comeback tracks of the 190's and 200's. Now, that may be a personal preference, but when I see many other people having a similar opinion, I start to wonder if something is missing at the grass roots. I have given this track a good few listens now, and to be honest the only sections that truly grip me are the extensions at the end of each chorus section that accompanies the rising chord progression (that's a beautifully constructed melodic section). I also have a real soft spot for the bridge which sounds a bit more like the Dima that I know and love. So I know that there is still the potential for some amazing future compositions to come out of the woodwork, and I will forever live in hope that we will witness another masterpiece like "King Of The World" or "Somebody to Love". For now, I believe that this song will probably have the most growth potential of all the songs on this album, so I look forward to hearing how much I can love this in the future, but for now it's still a little below my expectations.
Score: 8/10

13 ULTRAVIOLET - BOOM BOOM BOOM (Dima Music) [04:53]

I've never been a massive fan of this alias to be honest. It's always sounded a bit surplus to requirements really - I've much preferred pretty much every other Dima alias (except Toy - once again, sorry David if you're reading!) Ultraviolet to me has always sounded like Dima's attempt at presenting a more mainstream SCP alias that tries to bridge the gap between mainstream dance styles and Eurobeat. Unfortunately, she's never really been given a song that has let her truly shine. This one suffers from too many cliches for me - the "woah-woah-woah yeahs" and the "I wanna do it, yes I wanna do it" during the bridge just sounds a bit too childish somehow. Bizarre I know when you have the likes of Hi-NRG Attack on the same album roster, but I stand by that comment - I just feel that this song doesn't really have a true identity. It's almost as if it was written for a completely different vocalist or even genre and then no-one else recorded it so Dima went "here Ultraviolet, sing this and we'll shove it on SEB 229". I know that might sound harsh, but again, I feel that Dima can do so much better than this and I also feel that if you're going to try and take SCP on at their own game, you're going to need to bring out the BIG GUNS in terms of composition and production flair. This does neither.
Score: 7/10


Wow, wow, WOW!!! That intro! The guitar from the very start sets the scene perfectly for this barrage of testosterone like only Fastway can bring, and I adore it! But what is this... the rapid descending scale of hits before the most aggressive SCP hook I've heard in a while blows the speakers. This is truly another level stuff. Fastway can often be crticised for being all balls and not enough true heart and soul, but this production and composition has so much power and style that the listener is immediately transported into another world. No-one does hooks like SCP in the modern-day Eurobeat world - that's a fact, and I bless them for all the success they've had and where they've reached. The vocal melody in this track, much like Manuel's song seems to take more dips and turns than a rollercoaster, which makes for a very exhilirating listening experience, and I adore the progressive nature of the verse, the anticipation of the transitional bridge and then into the highly melodic and energy-filled chorus. "Baby, we burn like hell!" - that's a fair summary of the feeling I get in my chest when I hear this. I played it in my car the other day on the motorway and before I knew it I was up to 90mph (the speed limit is 70mph) - seriously, this song is a danger to your health. But d'ya know what?? I LOVE IT!!!
Score: 10/10

15 TORA & DEJO - FOR THE FANS (SinclaireStyle) [05:47]

Fan dedicated tracks can go one of two ways normally - they can either be a complete revelation and a unique snapshot of a certain moment in Eurobeat history (for example, SEB 4U) or they can be just a bit too soppy, a bit too sickly sweet, and can leave me feeling incredibly awkward because I should love it but sadly cannot bring myself to listen to it! So what category does this song fall in to - complete revelation or sickly sweet awkwardness? Well, to be honest, I don't think with such a twee synth hook as what we have here that we could ever call this a revelation. It's the sound that I despise the most out of all of the synths that Sinclaire uses - I always think it sounds a bit like an annoying drunk wasp! That aside, the job that Tora in particular does with the vocals is the one thing that has me hesitating from completely writing off this track completely. The verse is just beautiful - well, by verse I mean the first verse - seriously, what the heck is up with the second verse? Is that an android Tora trying to take over?? Very odd! The chorus is fairly generic - nothing that thrilling - and then we're back to that awful synth hook... ugh, this is definitely a "miss"... and then Dejo goes and sings "you guys are invincible" and my heart melts just a little again. Soooo conflicted! Put it this way, this is far from Sinclaire's best recent track, and it's far from the best fan-dedicated track... but in a way, I still want to embrace this, albeit in small doses!
Score: 8/10

Top 3:
Ace - Brand New World
Fastway - Dancing Out Of Danger
Pamsy - Don't Keep Your Love Away

Manuel - Tiger (seriously - how is this not in my top 3?? That's how insanely good my top 3 are!)

Bottom 3:
Ciao Ciao - Wherever Forever
Powerful T. - Black Shadow
Ultraviolet - Boom Boom Boom
Last edited by the_ditz on 06 Jul 2014, 09:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by WNight » 06 Jul 2014, 04:55

Good reviews Lebon and ditz, but the abundance of music jargons in ditz's review meant that I can't quite comprehend every single thing you're saying, but it's all good. Not surprising that you have SCP in your top 3 too. :D

My own take on 229 in a while, it's a great album. 8)

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Post by drnrg » 06 Jul 2014, 06:28

Great review. Been a while since I saw that dedication and soul in one of your reviews, so I guess you really took this disc to heart.

Gone are the days when I could sit for hours on the p.c. and compile lengthy reviews, but I hate doing short ones , so i'd rather wait for a break and review both 229 and 228, which I also liked very much. I hardly have TIME to create vinyls either. Working sux! :P
Last edited by drnrg on 06 Jul 2014, 11:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by the_ditz » 06 Jul 2014, 09:50

WNight wrote:Good reviews Lebon and ditz, but the abundance of music jargons in ditz's review meant that I can't quite comprehend every single thing you're saying, but it's all good. Not surprising that you have SCP in your top 3 too. :D

My own take on 229 in a while, it's a great album. 8)
Sorry, I do get a little carried away when I'm passionate about a song! Happy to clarify anything you didn't quite understand if you wanted - I like for everyone to understand what I'm saying ;)

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Post by KiraTM » 06 Jul 2014, 14:57

Nice review, the_ditz. It took a while until I could read it completely, I only had a little time since you posted it. But it was worth it. Aside of the review itself, I really enjoyed your writing stlye.
Reviews like this make me impatient to write my own one. :D

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Post by the_ditz » 06 Jul 2014, 15:07

KiraTM wrote:Nice review, the_ditz. It took a while until I could read it completely, I only had a little time since you posted it. But it was worth it. Aside of the review itself, I really enjoyed your writing stlye.
Reviews like this make me impatient to write my own one. :D
Thanks buddy - this makes me very happy. I always tried to make my reviews quite conversational and light-hearted, almost like it's me having a conversation with you telling you what emotions and feelings the tracks raised in me. It was fun, and this album was definitely worth taking the time over 8)

I was really shocked that Manuel wasn't in my top 3, but literally the three SCP tracks for me on this release are all perfect and show off beautifully the strengths of Ace, Fastway & Pamsy. :)

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Post by WNight » 11 Jul 2014, 12:00

Not my best review, but I did what I can given the amount of time I had.

Brand New World / Ace
This track generally has strong hooks and a rather epic sounding melody, but really, the whole point of this track is to immerse yourself in that post-chorus that single handedly brought this track up to a full five for me. It's too bad that this track is so short, because it really had the potential for an epic 4:30 or more.

Tiger / Manuel
More flamboyance from the wild man of eurobeat. The track has a rather strong (and rather funny) opening which then brings you to a world of epic flamboyance. The melody is very punchy, and I am really loving the sounds of the tigers and above all, the inclusion of some impressive guitar works which I am sorely missing from Sun Fire. His vocal prowess? You and I, we all know how good he is already. I think this is one of GGM's best tracks ever.

Don't Keep Your Love Away / Pamsy
This is classic 'trancey Pamsy', except the producers probably forgot the 'epic' part of the track as this one sounds a tad bit too 'easy'. It's not inherently a bad song, I enjoy listening to this track for it's chill factor and I like Alessandra's vocals, but for a similar style of track, I find myself yearning to hear 'Walkin In The Shadows' everytime I put this track on play. I think that should at least say something about my general feel towards this track.

New Race Game / Dave Rodgers
I can always count on this alias to carry a single SEB album. The opening has a chill, but rather haunting mood to it, which is ended with a blasty and edgy melody typical of Sun Fire. The track generally plays out well, but some may hate the song for it's semi-repetitive riff. I do find myself missing the instrument heavy tracks that the label were pushing out a few years ago though. The break was great, and technically has guitars but when you consider another song like 'The House Of Fire', this is more like a whimper than a bang. Nonetheless, a very awesome track.

Unforgettable / Cherry
A throwback to early Delta? Well, the Clara tracks back then were mostly of this style, and they were awesome! I love the piano/spoken opening and the dark melody has a nice charm to it as well. I especially liked the verses, where Clara sings 'Dancing In My Room, I keep on ...'. Other than that, I don't have much else to say about this track other than : Awesome!

Hot Like A Fire / Remy Panther
I may not be the biggest Hi-NRG fan out there, but you just have to admit that they are the label least at risk of burning out on ideas. This song has an okay, but very original sounding melody which no doubt works. I am still on the fence regarding the new vocalist though, but I'd take listening to him over Franz or Drunk Festari anyday.

Crazy Love / Casanova
Song must be at least 15 years old by now. Everything about this track sounds outdated as hell and completely out of place, but then again, this track actually has a very strong melody and technical details! And it's De Jorio, how can it go wrong? I like this track, but as usual, it's on low priority.

Wherever Forever / Ciao Ciao
Dis the same alias which did the masterpiece 'Together'? Then this song is going to hell. What to say about this track? It's so 'filler' that it's not even funny. I doubt even the most die-hard of Hi-NRG fans would class this as the label's 5-star works? Why would anyone listen to this over 'Lady Speed Racer' per say? It's 'dull', it's 'generic', and it's 'boring'. Enough said.

Black Shadow / Powerful T
Could this be possibly the 'softest' Powerful T track ever? I swear it's almost borderlining on euro-ballad. Then, they had to go ahead and troll by coming up with possibly the best sounding vocal melody the label has so far. Seriously, I can't explain it in detail but I am madly in love with the vocal parts of this track, it's so ... uninhibited and imaginative. Tiranti admittedly doesn't get much chance to show his true prowess since this isn't 'Louder & Faster' but he still does a great job nonetheless. Now if only this was a 'standard' Powerful T track, it would have been golden but for now, this is an easy Top 3 for me.

Power & Glory / Luke
Delta's best track this SEB decade. It has the most innovative melody and ideas in quite a long while. As the ditz has said, the chorus is very anthemic, and the small section at 2:37 onwards was one of the best things I've heard from the Delta label in quite a while. Luke's vocals really suits the power theme of this track, and I highly enjoy this piece of work. Thanks Delta!

Hey You! / Roberta
I like the intro to this track, and as said before, Sinclaire is no slouch when it comes to making a memorable melody. His choice of sound however are a hit and miss with me. In this song, I highly enjoyed the vocal melody, however I am a bit on the fence for the riff, as it has that synth sound that I don't exactly claim to like. I also like Grana's vocals, but I have said that before in all her other tracks anyways. Bottomline, I sort of like this track, but if only it had better sounds.

The Day Of The Rain / Dream Fighters
Where have I heard that riff before? That's right, in I think 10 of his other tracks. Dima, you make this too easy even for me who is still considered a 'fanboy'. Fortunately, the vocal melodies are really beautiful, especially in the verse and bridge and the part nearing the end of the chorus. I also like that Dima is very generous with his guitars, and might I say he's about just as good as Sun Fire at this point of time as far as that goes. I have no complains about his vocals since he's usually reliable in that aspect. Bottomline, a little more creativity would have gone a long way.

Boom Boom Boom / Ultraviolet
Nice opening, but can the song match up to her excellent previous track? Well, I still like hearing her vocals and the fact that her songs all have a fine balance between being sweet and just being overly stupid sounding. Unfortunately, I don't feel the same way I did when I heard 'You Belong To Me'. The verses are cutesy as hell, but the other parts just doesn't do much for me. Overall, I think this is a rather average track.

Dancing Out Of Danger / Fastway
An epic guitar intro starts this track off, that right there is a good sign of things picking up! The synth riff isn't exactly the masculine and strong riff that we're used to hearing Fastway do, but it just has so much energy that it is in your face, not to mention that it has a rather high BPM too. I also like the es-es-es-hail thing after the end of each sub verse. Vocal melodies are nice too and there's not much else to say about Ennio besides the fact that's he's Ennio. I'd hesitate to say that this trumps 'Been A Bang' as the better track so far but I very much like what I hear.

For The Fans / Tora & Dejo
For a song that has such a title and credentials, this is seriously underwhelming stuff. 'Hey You!' at least had something going for it, this track on the hand annoys from the moment the intro begins. Well, not really, bad synth choice, I actually that little dancey section at 3:00 mark but that's about it. The vocal melodies aren't exactly good either, both singers sounds uninterested as heck. I say 'No' to this one.

Top 3:
Black Shadow / Powerful T
New Race Game / Dave Rodgers
Power & Glory / Luke

Bottom 3:
Wherever Forever / Ciao Ciao
For The Fans / Tora & Dejo
Boom Boom Boom / Ultraviolet

Posts: 1942
Joined: 04 Nov 2005, 22:25
Location: Hunting down Pamsy!!

Post by the_ditz » 11 Jul 2014, 17:16

Nice review WNight - glad someone else hears the wonders that I do in Power & Glory too - I agree that it's probably the best Delta track this decade :grin:

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