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Anthony McBazooka
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Post by Anthony McBazooka » 10 Jun 2016, 10:39

xiao wrote:
Anthony McBazooka your 'murican bullshit fake singers.
b-but I adore 1D !! :cry:
Okay what about this song, you gotta admit they sing super ace tho! <3

One Direction - Drag Me Down

~ Represent! Image
The last time I really had to puke is now 14 years ago. Hearing this song really makes me afraid that this could be the maximum time span.

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Post by xiao » 10 Jun 2016, 11:05

Last edited by xiao on 31 Dec 2017, 01:44, edited 1 time in total.

Anthony McBazooka
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Post by Anthony McBazooka » 10 Jun 2016, 11:17

Seeing that only this crap is becoming popular makes me want to quit making music. :/

Galaxian Recordings
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Post by Galaxian Recordings » 10 Jun 2016, 15:16

What did this conversation just turn into?! :!: LOL

So we went from constructive criticism about my vocalists, to One Direction?! xD

xiao, One Direction isn't really that relevant that much anymore...if anything it's Five Seconds Of Summer so you should be spamming that LOL oh wait you said 5D already....oh shoot, things got real! :!:

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Post by Mindsweeper » 10 Jun 2016, 15:52

Anthony McBazooka wrote:
And you should get vocal lessons by an real teacher for opera singing. Not YouTube, not trying to imitate anything that's made in a studio, just get the real thing. Otherwise you will ruin your voice!
That's, if you want to make good music. If you prefer to be successful, just use technical aids like auto-tune, melodyne and stuff and spend your saved money from the singing lessons into marketing.
YouTube is fine, you just have to find a channel that focuses on basic voice concepts so you can develop your own voice instead of "how to sing like [popular singer]". A live vocal coach would be much better, but YouTube wins over nothing.

And can we not make this some pop music war thread guys? No one cares if you like pop or not, we're talking about vocals.

You're in college right Mr. Galaxian? They have voice classes at most colleges, I took one alongside music theory and it helped a ton. I'm still not a great singer because I don't practice (woopz), but I can actually get loud and not sound like I'm running out of breath constantly now.

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Post by Galaxian Recordings » 10 Jun 2016, 15:58

YouTube would be an excellent source, or those step by step ones too (such as wikiHow). Popular singers and other eurobeat singers would only be good for reference however, the instructional ones would be the more beneficial.

And I am going to my second and last year of college, except I'm taking a television broadcasting program. I used to sing, but I think tbh I'm the worst singer lol.

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Post by xiao » 10 Jun 2016, 23:54

Last edited by xiao on 31 Dec 2017, 01:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eXtaticus » 11 Jun 2016, 03:19

Last edited by eXtaticus on 19 Dec 2017, 23:57, edited 1 time in total.

Galaxian Recordings
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Post by Galaxian Recordings » 11 Jun 2016, 05:15

@ xiao: All of a sudden Harry Styles sings "What Makes You Beautiful" :wink: hehehehe xD Oh dkm.. lol But yeah I guess its all a matter of projection and heart.

@ eXtaticus: I think you just hit the nail right in the head here with all this equalization and recording technique advice. :idea: I might suggest to WeekendWolf and Mercy Angel to go 10 cm away from the mic at max when they record on their own! And you know what, the 100-120 Hz high-pass might help as I do sometimes get some muddy results with even my uploads. Only thing is, how much do you think I should bump up the 2-8Khz frequencies? Also I suppose I should make the 10KHz and ups not too high in case there's any ringiness due to capture quality or over domination of treble (because when I mixed Renchi's voice for "Do It", I noticed the harmonized parts were dominated by "s" and "ch" sounds probably due to overkill on treble).

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Post by Mindsweeper » 11 Jun 2016, 05:48

Good job missing all my points extaticus. I never argued against pitch correction, I fully support the use of autotune. All I'm trying to say, is there is no way to digitally power-up a weak voice in post.

You can pitch correct, fix the timing, level out the volume with compression, and even formant shift for new timbres. But if your voice lacks power you can only fix it by training your voice.
Disko Warp's vocalists all had this problem. They were on pitch, on time, but they sounded bored because of their lack of projection.

Whether the extreme level of autotune in your music is good or bad Is purely a matter of taste.

Opinion time for Mr.Galaxian: I still think it's best to learn to sing so that you're not limited to that style. You'll have more flexibility and can actually perform live. If you don't care about performing and really like how the heavy autotune sounds, you're free to follow that path instead. However, autotune still won't fix a tiny, out of breath voice. Extaticus sounds pretty shouty in his song, you gotta get loud.

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Post by Galaxian Recordings » 11 Jun 2016, 05:55

Alrighty Mindsweeper, may the power practice begin for the sake of Volume 2 and future volumes! :grin: Time to get everybody's styles up loooud and mighty, feeling the heart of the beat!

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Post by Mindsweeper » 11 Jun 2016, 06:10


(All the tips extatiicus gave were valid too, especially the part about the mic, save up for a good mic!)

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Post by Galaxian Recordings » 11 Jun 2016, 15:48

Gotcha. 8) Now while we feel the's time to BOOM BOOM BOOOOM BASS DROP

Anthony McBazooka
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Post by Anthony McBazooka » 13 Jun 2016, 08:50

Mindsweeper wrote: And can we not make this some pop music war thread guys?
And why not?
Mindsweeper wrote:No one cares if you like pop or not, we're talking about vocals.
I didn't talk about taste so keep your straw man arguments for yourself.
It is really an issue nowadays that you have to fully invest into marketing if you want to be successful and not into skills. Every lacking skill can be settled with mixing techniques.
That doesn't mean that the result will please you or me. But people don't give a shit about music that pleases you or me. Eurobeat is unpopular because of the simple reason that there is no marketing strategy behind it. But on the other hand there is shitty boring music where some people spend a lot of money on marketing for. And they have access to other channels for distribution. Major label productions have a team to do all that so they can do many tasks at the same time. If you're an independent musician, you have to wisely chose what to do with your time, as you'll have to face everything alone. So if you want to be successful, you have to focus on marketing and forget about skills. That's what I said in short. How is that a discussion about musical taste?
eXtaticus wrote:All you need to record decent vocals is a good microphone, a good recording environment, and to mix them well. That means a high-quality condenser (something in the class of the Rode NT-USB should be your minimum here) in a small, reverb-free room without much background noise (if you're using a bedroom, draw the curtains and hang up a bed sheet behind you, and point your computer's fans away from your microphone) - while having the singer performing directly into the microphone (facing the centre of the mic's capsule, at a distance of ~10 or so centimetres from the pop shield).

Then, mixing and processing. You will need to compress your vocals so that they sound totally even, EQ them so that they sparkle without sounding too harsh (around 2-8KHz is the frequency range that contains the "intelligibility" of speech and ~10KHz is where your "s" sounds are), and roll off the bass using a high-pass filter at ~100-120Hz. Then add a /subtle/ delay effect so that it doesn't sound too stark against the rest of the mix, and adjust the volume until it sits nicely with the other instruments.

Again, the vocals sounding "professional" isn't really a question of pitch correction; it's a question of good recording and functional mixing skills. As long as they sit nicely with the rest of the mix and are intelligible but not overly harsh, you're fine.
You missed the most important thing for a good vocal recording: a good vocalist who is able to make an great emotional performance.
Music is not made for sound engineers to be listened to and nobody else cares about the technical perfection.
If it's a great performance, people will even listen to it when it's recorded via telephone on an answering machine.

And on a well performed vocal recording, some auto-tune or melodyne can add some interesting effects to the vocals. But it shouldn't be used as a replacement for a boring performance.

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Post by Mindsweeper » 14 Jun 2016, 04:16

Your posts came off as being about musical taste. Re-read them and see if you can figure out why, I don't feel like breaking that down right now. I'm on your side more or less anyway.

I got snappy with you because marketing vs. skill, whether or not you should use autotune/melodyne, what is "good music" etc aren't directly related to the main point I was trying to get through to our promising young eurobeat producer, so I wanted keep it focused and not confuse him with more random info. The thread is already cluttered with posts that don't acknowledge the importance of this...
Anthony McBazooka wrote: a good vocalist who is able to make an great emotional performance

...while giving him only partial advice, 100% centered on mixing. I wanted to leave subjectivity out of it and get to the meat of the problem with his vocals; the thing that autotune doesn't fix :wink:. Sorry if I was a bit rude and confrontational (that goes to you too extaticus), I just get frustrated when it seems like my point isn't understood. Also music wars drive me crazy so I get irritated as soon as I think I see one starting. :P

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