Disko Warp is dead - Long live Disko Warp

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Disko Warp is dead - Long live Disko Warp

Post by mauxiLALAka » 16 Jun 2013, 06:35

From Facebooks:
OK, real talk time. Let’s have a heart to heart. Pull up a chair.

Music sales are down for everyone (unless you are a furry or a brony apparently), us included. I promised myself that if things ever got to a point that Disko Warp’s releases were actually costing me money to put out and not seeing enough sales in return, then I’d stop. Well, we’re at that point. I could go on and on about the changing tides of digital indie music, or something about “kids these days” and tell you to get off my lawn, but I’ll spare you the lecture, and no one in particular is to blame anyway. Basically; Shit changes. What I need most right now is to walk away from the “business” side of music entirely, and that’s happening right this second. Poof. I’m ready to put that energy someplace else, into things that I love or (god forbid) something that actually makes me not dirt poor.

I’ll keep making music, whether anyone cares or notices or not, because I am stubborn and my head is filled with songs (some of them are even good). But I refuse to sink another dollar or minute of my time into administrative tasks involved in selling/marketing them when I am at best going to break even (if I’m lucky). What would be more important to me than getting dollars to keep a fledgling label going would be getting these tunes out there, having people listen and share them, and having DJ’s play them again. I want to make music fun for *me* again, and it might be the 6 shots of espresso I’ve had today, but my gut is telling me that means taking money (mine and yours) out of the equation.

I’m ready to put our entire back catalog (*minus cover songs) up for free download, but in order to make that happen I need a Soundcloud Pro Unlimited account for www.soundcloud.com/diskowarp. If somebody gifts us one (There’s even a discount code that brings it down to $90 US - Y2LCZ2XUdp), I’ve got 8 years worth of happy hardcore, eurobeat and hi-nrg music (and everything in between) to upload for free, for everyone.

I’m putting it in your hands, though.

Disko Warp is dead. Long live Disko Warp.

Pete (Initial P)
Soundcloud Pro Unlimited Account was sponsored, now started releasing free downloads at https://soundcloud.com/diskowarp in *.wav.

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Post by drnrg » 17 Jun 2013, 06:34

The ones tagged Eurobeat wee pretty cool. Diablo Girl had a tasty riff, but the one that really surprised me was "Disco Gino". Once that synth magic kicked in I was sold. Gave me that feel of 80s' High Energy novalty classics like "Tarzan Boy" and "Boom Boom Let's go back to my room". The chimes were magical. The end reminded me of that song from Mr Groove on AbeatC records. "Take My Heart".Great work.

Thief In the Night sounded pretty cool too. The melody was very old skool. You should do a Eurobeat remix of that song. With Eurobeat soundworlds. Could be huge!

I hope other Eurobeat classics are avaliable in thier entirety soon. Gays Gays Gays- Foxxie in WAV would be awesome!


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Post by Skyblue » 17 Jun 2013, 17:27

That's so sad about Disko Warp is dead. :-(
I really love his label's songs...

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Post by Akira » 18 Jun 2013, 16:02

It makes me so sad to think Disko Warp has come to an end...

At least Initial P will continue producing more amazing songs! :)
Amateur indie eurobeat producer. Check out my music here! https://soundcloud.com/super-nova-473010963

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Post by drnrg » 03 Aug 2013, 05:40

I got my hands on the remix of Oh Oh Oh Sexy Vampire from the Fright Ranger.

This is the best mix yet. It is all about the hi energy sound of the 80's. I wish there was a maxi single to able to mix with my Bobby O and old Italo songs. The synth hook is amazingly befitting the 80's style. Exceptional work to all those involved.

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