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The albums have been graded on the most common grading system used in
Finnish schools. Where 4 is the worst, and 10 is the best. The final score
for the album is most of the times the average for all of the tracks, though it can also change if the reviewer wishes so. The Super Eurobeat Non-Stop albums will be reviewed as full collections, and the individual songs won't be reviewed, unless they are completely new. Though Euromach and JGTC albums for example will have complete song by song reviews.
The grading system simply goes as ie. 4- (3,75), 4 (4), 4+ (4,25) and 4½ (4,5) and the next one again would be 5-. A simple system we have over here in Finland.
Super Eurobeat 103
1.Virginelle - Jealousy (A-Beat C)
The good old Virginelle is back with yet another hit to keep us
dancing. It's remarkable how A-Beat C manages to produce such hits for
these big titles time after time and they never seem to slow down.
Elena Gobbi sounds brilliant and her vocal range is displayed
perfectly in this song when the vocals range from quite a lot and in
particular the chorus offers a lot of edge, in the edge when she screams 'Jealousy'.
The nicely different synth adds a nice spice to the song.
Rating : 9½
2.Za-Za - Down Down (Delta)
We've had a few eurodance-like songs during the days of Eurobeat, but this
time we're really close to the eurodance borderlines. Za-Za sings
the vocals mostly, but in addition there are male rapping which is typical
for eurodance, and when the rap reminds of the biggest eurodance acts it's
unavoidable how eurodance was the first thing that came to my mind when I
heard this song. The song sounds all around like the good old 90's
eurodance and it's a really nice flavor and change for the album, thorough
very catchy and it's fun to sing along to the repeated Down Down.
Rating : 10
3.Chester - I Wanna Be Your Lover (Time)
Chester is one of those really nostalgic titles for me. I remember
getting my hands on my first original eurobeat CD and it had Chester's
Bad Boy, I remember how much I loved it and kept on replaying it
over and over. Now we are 5 years later with the same title, but it just
doesn't feel the same for some reason. This song starts off with a great
intro, but after that the song just goes downhill a lot: the verses and
chorus are really mellow and left me feeling like the real highlight was
still incoming. The song itself has a nice melody and it works nicely, but
the vocals just feel completely out of place and don't really give any
positive boost for the song.
Rating : 6½
4.Leslie Parrish - Mon Amour (Delta)
We're in for treats this time from Delta, they present us with many big
names and the stakes are high. Leslie Parrish is most memorably
remembered from her Initial D songs Save Me and Remember Me,
but are her other productions worth anything? Mon Amour starts off
with an intro that is very similar to both of the big hits, and I
experienced a deja vu feeling as if I had heard this song somewhere else
before. The verses feel kind of unexciting and the chorus only manages to
improve a bit and in the end the song leaves you feeling really
disappointed, too Norma Sheffieldish.
Rating : 7
5.Kate & Karen - The Power Of Life (Time)
An another great title from the times when Time was still magnificent.
This time around the vocalists seem to be Elena Feretti and
Emmanuelle Gubinelli and Clara's vocals are of course not
present. This song was written by Di Marcantonio, which struck my
eye right away and I was thinking as if I could hear his touch in the
melody from the beginning. The song doesn't sound like typical Time, and
it's a good change as I got a bit of an Eurobeat Flash from this song and
I gotta say that even though my initial feelings bout the song were rather
neutral, in the end I began to love it a lot.
Rating : 8½
6.Matt Land - Killer Queen (A-Beat C)
A new male name for A-Beat C, and one heck of a strong name it is. We
heard Matteo Setti already years back on Time, when he did such
songs as Unbreak My Heart and Hurricane, and now he is here
with his own title and a style that seems to suit him perfectly. The song
starts off with a speedy intro and the verses carry on the energetic pace,
and when the vocals sweep you away in the chorus you'll be sold. This song
leaves you wanting for more. Excellent all around, Gelatine!
Rating : 10+
7.Kelly Wright - Live In Tokyo (A-Beat C)
The good old Karen is here again, and even with two songs this time.
This song has a pretty basic eurobeat formula, but it still manages to
work pretty well. The chorus is extra catchy and the bouncy c-melody
always works nicely. The song is rather identical soundwise to other
Karen songs, and that's mostly the only part that bugged me with the
song, otherwise basic good eurobeat.
Rating : 8
8.Mako - Dancer (Delta)
If you've followed the Eurobeat scene for a longer time, you'll right away
recognize this vocalist as Mako has been around for a really long
time under different titles, and you could probably recognize his voice
the best from one of the biggest eurobeat hits of all time: Maio & Co.
- Dark In The Night. This song carries on the energetic style Mako
has been keeping ever since he debuted with Kiss To Kiss. This song
reminded me quite a lot of his previous song Excitable, and in
terms of comparison I feel that this song is slightly better. Typical
energetic Delta male material.
Rating : 9-
9.Rose - A Song For You (Time)
Time has had these few names around for a long time and it's occasionally
hard to tell if the song is actually old or new, like with this song:
Rose as a name hasn't been so frequent to appear on SEBs, but she
debuted all the way back on SEB7, and this song is quite similar to the
style she had going even back then. A rather basic Time performance that
doesn't make you puke or go yay.
Rating : 7-
10.Karen - You Really Are The Man I Love (A-Beat C)
A few songs in the middle and Karen returns, with a song that
weirdly enough reminded me of the classic Mike Oldfield song
Moonlight Shadow, I kept on hearing similar melodic parts with this
song and everytime the verses started I automatically began humming
Moonlight Shadow in my head. Like the previous Karen
presentation this song is also very generic, and only the slightly heavier
backgrounds give it some distinction. Not bad, but we know that A-Beat C
can do much better, like they presented already with a few songs.
Rating : 7+
11.Linda Ross - Supernight (Time)
An another title that we originally got familiar by Clara Moroni,
but this time around it's again Elena holding the drumstick. This
song is way faster than the previous Time presentations and it right away
gives the song a great boost. The melody is speedy and the chorus in
co-operation with the c-melody will make you move for sure. I've never
been the biggest fan of Elena Feretti as a vocalist, and that's
what made me not like the song as much as I would've if the vocalist was
different, she just isn't the best singer to sing energetic songs like
this one.
Rating : 8+
12.Norma Sheffield - If You Wanna Stay (A-Beat C)
Time goes by, Norma gets older, her songs stay the same, is there
something wrong with this picture? Probably not, as she's still somewhat
popular amongst fans as far as I've heard. I just wish she renewed her
image and style time to time, this song has nothing good in it, than the
great c-melody which combines the beat and acoustic elements perfectly.
Rating : 6-
13.Mad Max - Don't Break My Heart (Delta)
A song that begins with Clara Moroni's nice backing vocals and
after that turns into an extremely energetic delta-parade. Rarely are
songs this energetic from the beginning to the end and I have to say I'm
loving it soo much. The nice little jigs on the background with the synth
and the beat always managed to steal my attention from the vocals. The
song is all around a good example of how eurobeat can be produced to
Rating : 10
14.Dr. Money - Lucky Man (Time)
Time displays another energetic song, and this time with a vocalist that
suits the song nicely. If you're familiar to the older Dr. Money
songs you'll know what you are getting. Rather pointless lyrics, energy,
speed and good old eurobeat. This song reminds me of the SEB80s era when a
lot of the songs had a similar touch as this song does. High grade because
of the nostalgy trip.
Rating : 9-
15.Larabelle - Lovable Love (Delta)
Delta has had a strong line-up so far, and this time we get the title whom
most remember by her familiar song Love As A Weapon. It's been
quite a long time since Larabelle was spot on a SEB, and if the
songs are like this I'm not wondering at all. The song is rather slow, and
has a really uninteresting soundworld, over all a really big
disappointment in comparison to the two previous songs by the same title.
Rating : 5½
16.Mega NRG Man - The Power Of Gasoline (A-Beat C)
Tomas Martin is back with another new song, and this time I got a
really big deja vu feeling, but I just can't point out that what song I
had in mind. When the intro plays there's this melody that made me sing
some other song, but I am not sure what. The intro sounds really
phenomenal, and I was expecting a lot, but after the intro the song goes
downhill little by little and it just doesn't have the edge that his best
productions do.
Rating : 7
17.Dave Rodgers - Stay The Night (A-Beat C)
Dave carries on with his chosen path, and unlike most of his songs,
this song is more of a light dance-tune and the basic electric guitars are
no where in sight. A good intro slows down a bit too much and in the end
the verses sound really transparent as if there was just the vocals and
the beat in the background. The chorus in it's simplicity though sounds a
lot better, and the nice c-melody patches up the problems the verses have.
A good example of how with good vocals and a bit of effort a crappy song
can turn out alright.
Rating : 8+
18.TRF - Survival Dance (No No Cry More) (Eurobeat Mix)
I myself found the wonderful world of
TRF just a while ago when I began watching the anime-series
Da! Da! Da! and heard how magnificent
Boy Meets Girl actually is, so I had my hopes up for this song. The
vocals that I loved so much before are present again and fortunately the
song is also pretty efficient. The song is much cheerier than
Boy Meets Girl and it has even a slightly childish feel to it,
which was sort of disturbing and lovely at the same time. Haven't heard
the original song so I can't really compare the mix, but I still liked the
song especially because of the catchy chorus.
Rating : 8½
Final Words :
The new era has brought us with many new changes such as the delightful
J-Euro visits, and a few new names as well. This album is rather uneven as
there are many really great songs but in contrast there are also very
crappy songs that won't make you feel like listening to the album a lot. A
pretty basic eurobeat album, and it's rather balanced on the male and
female sides as both genders offer hits and misses. An album that will
please the true eurobeat fans for sure, but there are better ones out
there as well.
Final Score : 8+
Reviewed by Bore