Super Eurobeat 114
1.Dave Rodgers - Let's Go To The Show K2 The Auto Messe
(A-Beat C)
Well again our Mr. Eurobeat is at work, and he continues on his kind of
neutral line of songs. This time the song though offers a bit of an edge
to it. Vocals aren't all that succesful (well
Rodgers' vocals really never
are). A nice melody but not a very strong album opener.
Rating : 7½
2.Lolita - Ready For Your Heart (A-Beat C)
So here we have another new song by the ever so lovely
Lolita. And well I
can't really be any more satisfied than I am with this song. I was
expecting a huge hit from her and that's exactly what she gave me. The
song is fast and has an immensively catchy chorus. It's perhaps not her
best song so far, but it's definitely one of the better ones.
Rating : 9½
3.Dave Simon - All Around The World (Time)
Dave Simon has done some nice songs during his career, but this time he
tops all of his previous tracks and releases his best song to date.
Extremely energetic and catchy. His vocals haven't been very good thorough
his career but they fit this song very well. The surprise gem of this
Rating : 9
4.Leslie Parrish - You Got Me Spellbound (Delta)
Leslie Parrish is also back with a new track, and well I gotta
say I love her previous releases and this one joins the crowd of great
songs. The song has probably the most memorable backgrounds from this
album, as the song has unique trumpets (or such) playing in the background
and her voice is still very recognizable. Very good.
Rating : 9
5.Kevin Johnson - Adorable (Delta)
How wrong can a song title be? Well fortunately not too far this time. The
song is like the title says, it's got nice calm backgrounds and Kevin's
voice works well on this track. I love the chimes on the background and
the chorus is over-all very catchy.
Rating : 8+
6.Marianna - Lovely Day (Time)
Ah a fresh face in the mix, and with an excellent song as well. This song
blasts with energy right from the beginning and it has an excellent amount
of edge to it. Marianna's vocals suit well for fast eurobeat and in the
end this song leaves you with a really positive vibe. Excellent work by
Rating : 9-
7.Robert Patton - Life (Time)
An interesting intro which brings a couple of different eurodance songs in
mind right away. Male vocals still don't really do it for me, but when the
song is as good as this one they work rather well. A great chorus which
repeats the oh so famous line 'Life is life', easy to learn and sing along
Rating : 8+
8.Powerful T. - Freedom To Love Me (A-Beat C)
The thing I don't always appreciate about eurobeat is that from the very
first second of the song you can already tell that from which label the
song is from. This time it wouldn't have been hard even if I didn't know
the performer. The song is so damn standard eurobeat without anything new
at all, there's nothig bad about the song or the melody, they just need to
find new soundworlds to play with.
Rating : 8-
9.Valentina - Cause I Love You (A-Beat C)
A refreshing change from the standard
Powerful T. sounds as
Valentina displays us with a great song that has some of the basic
eurobeat elements in it, but it obviously has it's own thing going on for
it as well. Especially the C-part after the chorus sounds pleasing to the
ear, and Valentina gives us her best vocals yet.
Rating : 8½
10.Helena - Broken Heart (Time)
Sometimes it feels that A-Beat C is going back and forth with the same
songs all over, where as the two different labels offer us great songs
that actually have variety in them as well. Helena has never been a
favorite of mine, but this song works rather well and the simple but
catchy chorus pretty much sums up the song, as the other areas aren't that
Rating : 8
11.Denise - Passion In The Night (Delta)
Denise's song starts with a quiet intro but quickly blasts into
energy. The song takes a couple of times to listen until you really get
inside of it, and after that it's really a rollercoaster-ride. The song
has an incredible amount of edge to it and
Denise's vocals work
just perfectly. One of the best songs by Denise and definitely one of this
albums strongest tracks.
Rating : 9+
12.Macho Gang - Boom Boom Party (Time)
Macho Gang, I used to love their song
Got To Move back in
the good old days, and now they're back with an awesome song that is
cheerier than any of their previous songs. A real happy-go-lucky track
which will make you smile if you're in the right kind of mood, but if you
dislike happy songs then you might wanna avoid this one. But for me it
worked like a thousand volts.
Rating : 9
13.Norma Sheffield - Yesterday (A-Beat C)
Again a typical A-Beat C product, but with a female vocalist it works
really well. Norma Sheffield has been a strong performer from the very
beginning and this song can be added to her wide array of powerful medium
tempo tracks. The song has a calm athmosphere and if you're a fan of
slightly calmer eurobeat I think this one is for you.
Rating : 8+
14.Phil Jones - Tokyo Lights (Delta)
Another new face and also with a good track. The song follows the line of
multiple 'Tokyo ---' songs and sort of makes it easy to mistake this track
with so many others. This song won't probably be a very memorable track in
a couple of years, but as it is, it really works well.
Rating : 8½
15.Go Go Girls - Hot Vampire (A-Beat C)
Ah a new Lolita and a new Go Go Girls on the same album, things are going
well. An energetic song that brings a certain American Famous Vamp in my
mind for some reason. Well besides the title, the song is your typical
awesome Go Go-track that will stick in your head even if you don't want it
to. Awesome chorus and a nice change of lyrics from the normal love-lyrics.
Rating : 9+
16.Speedman - Bang Bang (Kill My Heart) (Delta)
This song reminds me of some other song sooo much, but I just can't
somehow get it out of my mind that which song has it copied. The verses
sounds identical to some song I really like, but can't really tell which
one. Well anyways, the song is really good even if it ripped the melody
from another song. Great mix of male and female vocals.
Rating : 9-
17.Matt Land - Fever The Night (A-Beat C)
Ah our Matt is back, and this time with an incredibly catchy track. The
moment the intro is over and the song officially begins I was totally
swept away. Awesome energy, awesome vocals, everything in this song works
just perfectly. The absolute hit of this album.
Rating : 10
18.MAX - Never Gonna Stop it (Eurobeat Mix)
MAX is again here with a different mix this time. The band really
is full of energy and this song is just like most of their tracks. Catchy
and with great vocals. Japanese vocals make a nice change from the English
every now and then, and it's a really nice idea to have a J-Pop band at
the end of an album.
Rating : 9-
Final Words :
Well this album was very good in many ways, it didn't have many bad tracks
and also it had a pretty high level over all, and some really classic
tracks in the mix make this album one of the best Super Eurobeat albums
out there to date. Definitely worth of getting.
Final Score : 9-
Reviewed by Bore