Super Eurobeat Presents JGTC Special 2004
1.Go 2 - Not For Sale (
Loved this song on 147, hate how its mixed on JGTC... I'm extremely disapointed
in the mixing... It gets cool when they cut out the music for the parts where
Fastway sings when
Ace takes lead. Thats the best part of this mix.
The whole energy from the version on 147 has dissapated and we're left with a
shell of its former self. The guitars can only do so much... Do yourself a favor
and get the extremely incredible version on 147...
Rating : 6-
2.Ace - Fightin' Over Freedom (
A nice mix of
Ace's best song ever! The electrorock sound and the
outstanding key work makes this song stand out and the mixing on this version
keeps the energy of the CD edit. While short, it is very sweet while it lasts!
Very well mixed.
Rating : 10-
3.Oda - Face To Face (
It's almost identical to the CD edit on 144. Nothing much except that its
shorter pretty much. Good transition from
Fightin' Over Freedom to this
song. The song had a very cool story and the feeling isn't lost on this shorter
Rating : 9-
4.Matt Land - Night Flight To Tokyo (
A-Beat C)
I looooved this song! I still love it! Extremely well mixed in this CD and fits
well with the racing theme! Its just as good as it was on 144! The lyrics are
incredible, the tone Matt Land uses where he is low then reaches high during the
Rating : 10+
5.Mega NRG Man - Raising Love (
A-Beat C)
Since this comes after the
Matt Land song, it reminds me of how much
these two songs have a similar feel to them. Anyway this song was pretty cool on
145 when it came out. The song hasn't aged as well since it isn't really
NRG Man's best work however the song as a whole is pretty solid. The somber
feeling of the song doesn't fit well the power
Mega NRG Man should have
nor does it allow him to desmonstrate his capablities. I expected this song to
be sped up a little from its debut on 145 but the speed increase isn't all that
much. Not bad but not great. Rather dissapointing actually...
Rating : 7-
6.Melissa White & Ace - Rainin' In My Heart (
Excellent sounding song from 142 (the CD of duets!!) and very clean. Still
outstanding, beautiful and sad sounding. The guitars really help to add mood to
the music. As somber as it sounds, it strangely fits with the racing mood. I
love the part where the singing stops and you are left with the guitars in the
background. It really was excellent!
Ace is dominating this CD!
Rating : 10
7.Virginelle - I Just Wanna Be Your Angel (
A-Beat C)
This song was on 147 and the slightly sped up version seems to make me like it
more than on 147. I dunno its strange. LOL! It was a good song to start off on
147 but I wasn't too interested in repeating it over and over again. I tended to
skip it. I don't think this mix will change that decision but it is still a very
good song. The singing is top notch and mood is very happy. Good song all around
just not one of my favorites.
Rating : 8-
8.Digital Planet - We'll See Heaven (
A-Beat C)
This is an amazing mix of the
Digital Planet song! I love this! It
reminds me of JGTC 2003 Second Round and how some of the songs were done there.
This mix makes me love the song just as much as I did on 145! Very great work
from both
Digital Planet and the DJ! The lyrics are incredible, the voice
is very powerful, the mood is fitting and the message is clear,
Planet has a bright future! Very very good work!
Rating : 10+
9.Dave & Domino - Sunshine In Your Eyes (
A-Beat C)
Oddly this song has gotten better over time! There aren't too many songs can do
that. On SEB 145, this song was there but seemed weak. Now it is much better on
JGTC with its quicker tempo and energy. It's amazing how it fits with the racing
theme. Don't be surprised to see this on Initial D 4th Stage. It could happen.
Very well done!
Rating : 9-
10.Karen - Finally I See The Light (
A-Beat C)
Loved this song on 147. The mixing on this song is on par with the
Planet mixing! Its very very good! I love this song by
Karen and I
still love how the singing makes me feel!
Karen has a voice that few can
challenge. It brings outstanding emotion and character into every work that she
puts out and this song is a testament to her skill. I hope they put this song on
Initial D 4th Stage. It would be a real treat!
Rating : 10+
11.Ace - Moonchild (
The 4th song by
Ace on this CD and his riskiest work ever. Risky how?
Most people know
Ace by his fast pace songs with a powerful voice. What
happens when that voice is slightly subdued and the mood is brought down to a
more serious level? You get
Moonchild! I personally thought this song was
spectacular on 144 and the mixing for this version is really well done. It is
obviously sped up but it's done in a way that makes it soothing yet powerful.
Very well done and outstanding work by
Ace for bringing a change of pace
to the world of Eurobeat.
Rating : 10
12.Nuage - I Really Wanna Be Your Magic (
A-Beat C)
Sped up
Nuage! Awesome song from 144 and awesome song all around! The
speeding up of this song helps it out a bit and makes it sound very cool! Not
much else to say but I definately won't be skipping over this song!
has always been a favorite of mine and I can honestly say there hasn't been a
Nuage song to date that I've skipped. She is all about dance fever and great
emotion! I love
Rating : 10-
13.T.I.M.E. - Another One Bites The Dust (
I really, really didn't like this song... It just does not sound like Eurobeat.
It reminds me alot of the
Freedom song by
Jackson 'O... I don't
like it still don't... Just me maybe... There were other songs that they could
have put rather than this yet still... Anyway the original version of this song
(since it is a cover) wasn't to thrilling for me either. The voice on the cover
is screeching and doesn't add much real flair to the song. Just annoyance...
Rating : 4-
14.Niko - Livin' On A Prayer (
This is one song that shouldn't have been sped up. It needs its original speed
to give it the feeling of the original it covers. This is one case where speed
can have a detrimental effect on a song. It is still great and I loved the
original version but this one isn't as good as the one on 145.
Rating : 8-
15.P. Stone - Smoke On The Fire (
HI-NRG Attack)
A new song so here we go! Classic style of Hi-NRG Attack and the way they have
the singing is very cool. If anyone is used to the pre-SEB style of HI-NRG
Attack, then you'll quickly get the idea of how this song will go. I expected a
lot from this song and was sorta let down... I've heard similar songs so I'm not
totally happy with this but its very cool anyway. Seeing as it sounds like too
many other songs means that it doesn't really stand out. I can so see a parapara
to this but I wish it was a little more different than stuff we have heard
before. Not saying it's a bad song at all. It has great energy and great sense
of fun but just no originality.
Rating : 8-
16.Mako - Money Money (
Old school sound of Eurobeat and it comes off really well! I really thought this
song was outstandingly well done. The singing comes off well and I've always
Mako's work, especially
Rain. Very cool mix! Always a treat
to hear
Mako's work and how can you not like an artist named after a
Rating : 10-
17.Pretty Woman - Cybersexy Woman (
This song got old quickly on 147 and its not that much different on JGTC...
Doesn't really fit in with the racing mood and I don't like much how its mixed...
It's pretty much the same as it was... Not my style again but hey whatever.
Rating : 6-
18.Denise - Music In My Head (
I looooved this song too! This isn't your typical girl Eurobeat! This song is
extraodinary! Very well mixed here and sped up nicely! Smooth and sweet! The
energy that is packed into this song and the singing mixed with it is just so
well done! The lyrics are killer, the mood happy and I'm just thrilled to listen
to work this good!
Rating : 10-
19.Jean Love - Fool For Your Loving (
Fits nicely with the racing theme and the excellent singing (of course) by
Jean Love helps put this song over the top! This mix seems better than the
original and I really love how the speeding up of this song helps it out. Go
Jean Love! New King of Delta!
Rating : 10+
20.Kevin Johnson - Never Give Up (In The Name Of Love) (
A smooth sounding song before. Still smooth. It got a little old but is still
pretty cool. Most people will probably listen to this song then move on. Don't
blame them. Not much was done with this song on JGTC. Not much at all...
Rating : 7-
21.Dave Simon - Queen Of My Ecstasy (
I love this song! Hehe! Its really grown on my since 144 and still can't get it
out of my head. Pretty well mixed here. Not much has changed again but its still
really well done. Singing is really good and still very sharp.
Rating : 9-
22.Symbol - Forever Young (
A cool song when it came out. Not much was done here and it doesn't stand out
much but hey its still cool. The lyrics are cool though mostly stuff you have
heard before.
Rating : 8-
23.Nick Mansell - Spirit Of The Night (
I absolutely love
Nick Mansell! While this isn't his best song (
In The
Sky, In Your Soul is) this song was an excellent choice! Gotta love his
voice and the guitars in this song! When will they release you o
Nick on
SEB... Tell me when...
Rating : 10+
24.Babby One - Wings Of Freedom (
HI-NRG Attack)
Now this is how a Hi-NRG Attack song should be! This is the new song I was
waiting for! Release this song on SEB! The song is extremely sick and very cool!
It makes me want to learn the parapara for it, which I'm sure theres one for it.
The singing is sweet and this song more intense than
Jingle Jungle Boy. I
can't get over how good this song is! I just wish it was full version. Again,
this is HI-NRG Attack Pre-SEB style which means it isn't as serious as some of
the stuff released on SEB. Very very well done!
Rating : 10+
25.Jackie O' - Survivor (
I know this isn't a HI-NRG Attack song but it sure has that feeling. Then again
it is Vibration and they have their Europanic! flavor here so what did you
expect? Very cool song though the hook isn't so catchy. The mixing is really
nice and very awesome. Great song all around
Rating : 8+
26.Vivace - On My Own
A cover of a Eurobeat song. The guitars were really nicely done and the singing
is very nice. Reminds me of the cover of
Kingdom Of Rock,
Be Yourself
where it tried not to sound like Eurobeat but still did. Sorta the same
thing is happening here. Not a bad cover at all. The voices are really awesome
and very nice.
Rating : 9-
Final Words :
I was pretty disapointed with this CD really. You might be wondering, wait, he
gave all these high marks on the songs but gave the CD a 7? Yes I know but think
of it like this. There were only about 4 new songs out of the 26. JGTC 2003 2nd
Round was extremely well done and very outstanding with new hits from Powerful
T.,Fastway and Garcon. This CD only has the Babby One song to hold it up really.
Thats not to say the Babby One song didn't help this CD at all! In fact its the
only reason you should buy this CD! The original mixes on the SEB's are a much
wiser choice than to buy this CD for the songs. Not bad but not worth much time.
Final Score : - 7
Reviewed by redtarzanboi