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The albums have been graded on the most common grading system used in Finnish schools. Where 4 is the worst, and 10 is the best. The final score for the album is most of the times the average for all of the tracks, though it can also change if the reviewer wishes so. The Super Eurobeat Non-Stop albums will be reviewed as full collections, and the individual songs won't be reviewed, unless they are completely new. Though Euromach and JGTC albums for example will have complete song by song reviews.
The grading system simply goes as ie. 4- (3,75), 4 (4), 4+ (4,25) and 4½ (4,5) and the next one again would be 5-. A simple system we have over here in Finland.

  Euromach 9

1.Jimmy Bravo - All Right Nippon (Vibration)
Another euromach, another intro, and this time by the wonderful Vibration (by the way which was the result that I got from the "Which Eurobeat Label Am I?" test). The common vibration speed and energy is present and the familiar vocalist throws in quite a performance. An effective song in the common euromach style, not a classic, but still a decent opening.
Rating :

2.Joe Banana - Bang Bang Bang (HI-NRG Attack)
The pace of the album picks up a bit and we're treated to another HI-NRG Attack artist that sounds like the label generally does. A pretty good song that only lacks a bit more edge than it has. The vocals are good and the chorus is catchy, but there's just not enough here to make this a very memorable performance.
Rating :

3.Ciao Ciao - Seventeen (HI-NRG Attack)
With many eurobeat artists I've at first thought that this is a female artist and that is a male artists. Dunno how they manage to confuse me so well, but again I was waiting for a male artist when I read through the songlist. Again a vocalist that sounds like Bazooka Girl, I am not sure why I hear her in every HI-NRG Attack vocalist, perhaps it's just me, perhaps I am actually hearing correctly. Well anyways, a good song with an excellent chorus and a catchy c-melody with some thrilling sounds.
Rating :

4.Baby Gold - Colors Of My Love (HI-NRG Attack)
Baby Gold has presented good songs before as well, but this time we get an exceptionally catchy song. The track ain't exactly the speediest around and the chorus is rather calm but it works just perfectly. The vocals sound really beautiful and the energetic c-melody changes the mood dramatically, but for the good. This song always manages to leave me feeling refreshed.
Rating :

5.Christine - To Be Your Angel (SCP)
Ah Christine, her song on Maharaja Night back in the days was a very memorable performance and she's done good songs ever since, this time we get a really cheery song that shines specially due to the cool c-melody. At first the song sounded quite mediocore but slowly it grew on me, mostly because of the wonderful c-melody, but the vocals had a thing or two to do with it as well.
Rating :

6.Doki Doki - Celebration Time (Delta)
Doki Doki earner my appreciation with their wonderful song Too Fast For Love, and ever since I've been expecting great materials from them, unfortunately the reality isn't always as I'd wish it'd be. This song is yet another typical euromach song that is cheery and catchy but it lacks the balls to make it a memorable song. Not a bad song by any means, but left me feeling kinda disappointed.
Rating : 7-

7.Mara Nell - Sweet Dream Of Love (HI-NRG Attack)
A really cool intro sequence (as much of an intro you can have on a nonstop) got me hooked and then the vocals kinda negated the feeling. This track has surprisingly high level backgrounds and the melody is great too, the vocals on the other hand don't work at all. This song has a lot of potential that is thrown away due to the vocals that just sound bad.
Rating : 7+

8.Norma Sheffield - Wanna Feel You (A-Beat C)
Norma is a girl who so doesn't belong on an Euromach album, the cheery feel ain't her style and this song is a good evidence of that. The fast beat is there and the sounds are decent, but things just don't work. This song hasn't got a whole lot in it that'd make it really functional.
Rating : 6+

9.Susan Bell - Love Is The Way (A-Beat C)
The low level continues with another song that sounds very much like A-Beat C often does, and while it ain't a bad thing always, this time the song doesn't really shine on any levels. The track has a rather non-variable tone to it, the sounds sound similar thorough the song and I didn't even really notice if there's a chorus to it at first.
Rating : 6

10.Luna - Donna Tokyo (Vibration)
The level of the album picks up a bit again as we get a cheery song with a really effective chorus. The vocals go quite high during the chorus which at first bothered me but then I got used to it and the song started sounding better. Not a classic, but still fun times.
Rating : 7-

11.Bazooka Girl - Cantare Ballare (Happy Eurobeat) (HI-NRG Attack)
The ever so wonderful Bazooka Girl is back with a compilation of Eurobeat, in a way. We get an amazingly catchy and happy song that goes through various eurobeat song-titles and even though they don't make any sense to people who don't listen to eurobeat, for us fanatics it's a funride as we get to spot our favorites from the lyrics. Over all a very memorable song due to multiple reasons, and a classic is born.
Rating : 10

12.Lucya - All The Love Inside (SCP)
And the high level of the album continues with a song that sounds _VERY_ much like many european pop songs in the early 90's I had a very strong Deja Vu feeling when I heard the song at first but I still haven't been able to define why. The song is pretty calm and the variable backgrounds work really well, and when the chorus finishes the song with a lot of edge we have a treasure in our hands. The vocals also earn a lot of praise, very beautiful Lucya.
Rating : 9+

13.Lolita - Think Of You (A-Beat C)
The rather calm mood explodes into action as A-Beat C shows us what they are able to. We get one heck of a song that is possibly the embodiment of everything good on A-Beat C: We have Elena Gobbi doing the wonderful vocals, the energetic and catchy backgrounds in the familiar A-Beat C style, a great melody and in addition more edge than most eurobeat songs can even dream of. Definitely a classic and this song earned a place in my favorite songs of all time.
Rating : 10+++

14.Ace Warrior - Black Roses (A-Beat C)
And in comparison to the previous song A-Beat C shows again how mediocore songs they can also produce. This track is yet another one of those songs that nobody will ever mention as their favorite, not bad but still doesn't have any aspects that would give it a finishing touch.
Rating : 6+

15.Dusty - Solid Gold (SCP)
SCP throws in another song that really shines like a jewel. The previous songs we heard were very good, but this song hits the jackpot. Dusty's previous songs have been nice but definitely not as catchy as this one. The track has rather light backgrounds that give enough space for Dusty's strong vocals and the c-melody in classic eurobeat style really revs it up.
Rating : 10-

16.Regina - Let The People Say (Vibration)
Vibration hasn't so far impressed me on this album, but then this song fortunately changed it all. The typical Regina style is present and the song has a very similar touch to it as her previous song, which ain't a bad thing as both of the songs work well. What specially makes this song work is the chorus that sounds really beautiful and it gave me shivers at first as it sounded so cool, though that effect wore off very quickly.
Rating : 9-

17.Messalina - Call Me (SCP)
SCP does it again, we get another song that sounds really cool and with the high level of this album also manages to earn a place in the better half. The vocals have a bit of a Kiki & Kika tone to it, and the track has similarities to them as well. Either way, a great song with exceptionally nice sounds.
Rating : 9

18.Susan Key - Love Train (Time)
Time make their debut on this album and with a song that again made me trust the abilities the label has. A very cheery song that has a chorus made of gold, the nice choo-choo in the backgrounds works well and the c-melody in its simplicity works like a charm. Susan Key has never before sounded this good.
Rating : 9

19.Dee Dee Wonder - Cybernetic Luv (HI-NRG Attack)
Like I already said I keep on hearing Bazooka Girl in every HI-NRG Attack female vocalist and again I get that feeling, but that ain't a bad thing by any means as I really love her. Cybernetic Luv is a very cheery song that at first amazed me by it's cool sounds but by time it got a bit repetitive, though it works well in it's simple style.
Rating : 8

20.P. Stone - Kosmic Woofer (HI-NRG Attack)
For some reason I had a negative feel to this song when I read the title, perhaps it's coz I've had a lot of negative experiences from artists that have stones in them. Well either way it's always fun to be surprised and that happened here again. Kosmic Woofer carries the tone of the previous song and is very energetic and cheery in the euromach spirit.
Rating : 8+

21.Beat Man - Future Boy (HI-NRG Attack)
After a couple of good songs HI-NRG Attack really does it again. We get a wonderful song where the backgrounds are pretty typical eurobeat but when their put into such an energetic form they work magnificently. The vocals suit the song perfectly and they are in a good portition with the backgrounds.
Rating : 9-

22.Miss. K - I Wanna Be Material Girl (HI-NRG Attack)
Now we get another song in the typical HI-NRG Attack sense, which at first sounds really good but time doesn't have a golden effect on this song. The backgrounds have their moments (the c-melody in particular) but they don't really manage to create a lot of edge for the song.
Rating : 7

23.Ace - Take My Breath Away (SCP)
SCP has had a killer line-up for this album and as I knew that two big names were still upcoming I was ready to praise the label from earth to heaven. This time we get an amazingly catchy song that works pretty much on the awesome vocals by the one and only Ace. The synt sounds are sometimes repetitive but when they are this energetic they just can't go wrong, the chorus in particular sounds great.
Rating : 9

24.Fastway - 1 2 3 4 Fire (SCP)
Another strong vocalist and yet another song. When the album is about to be over and SCP has really done a marvellous job, and Avex also earns two thumbs up for choosing the content. This is your typical Fastway materials that are energetic and have the synth working overtime all the time. Not as much of a classic as let's say Space Love, but still plain wonderful.
Rating :

25.Franz "V.I.P." Tornado & Bazooka "T.C.V." Girl - Super Euro Flash (HI-NRG Attack)
And the album finishes off with a song that is possibly one of the most well known songs from the euromachs. The two biggest names to appear on the compilation series working together can never go and when they have a song with a title like this it's bound to be heaven. This song ain't possibly the most variable song you can think of, but everything in it works perfectly so I was left feeling more than satisfied. Super Euro Flash!
Rating : 10+

Final Words :
Another great Euromach album for us fans. This album definitely has its share of classic hits and many of these songs are bound to be legends. And the best part is that different labels manage to present us with very good songs, but in the end SCP does the best job as they only have great songs in the mix and even a few closer to perfection songs (okay well technically so does Time, but they only have 1 song on the album). A great album that will definitely earn more time on my cd-player. Recommended for any people who enjoy cheery parapara materials.

Final Score : 9-

Reviewed by Bore