Super Eurobeat 138
1.Lou Turner - Spitfire (Time)
This time the album kicks off with an artist from Time, nice change of
pace again (not that the opener really has a huge part in the whole album
in the long run). This track probably ain't the strongest track that
could've been as the first track but this is a pretty nice intro, not very
phenomenal or bad.
Rating : 7+
2.Lolita - Far And Away With Love (A-Beat C)
Lolita is back with another cover from
Wi*th, the original
was nice and all, but I again think that
Lolita has managed to top
the original with amazing vocals and excellent backgrounds. This track is
pretty much your everyday eurobeat and your everyday high class
not the most memorable song but very well produced.
Rating : 9
3.Paul Harris - Can't Get You Out Of My Head (Time)
The song starts out with a nice intro that uses guitars and some dance
elements to create a very catchy mood. The song unfortunately doesn't keep
the up the catchy mood for a long time, as soon as the intro is over the
song goes awfully wrong and ends up being really boring.
Rating : 6-
4.The Spiders From Mars - To Be Or Notta Be (A-Beat
An intro with guitars, as expected from A-Beat C, nothing new under this
sky. The song starts out with
Dave's vocals and they are backed up
Karen and their vocals go along pretty well which is the
strongest part of this track. An excellent chorus is the highlight of the
song, but unfortunately the verses don't really offer a lot of variety and
you're left with a kind of mellow feel after the song is over.
Rating : 7½
5.Karina - Rock Girl (Delta)
This song has a relatively long intro that sounds as far from eurobeat as
possible. And even when the song fully begins it sounds more like common
pop. The beat isn't very fast and the track just sounds awfully boring,
only the perky synth manages to give the song a bit of a kick. Please no
more songs like this.
Rating : 5+
6.Madison - Baby Be Happy Because I Love You (Delta)
The rather calm mood continues here as the intro offers some beautiful
moments with a violin, the choir-like vocals in the intro sound really
distinctive and the song also offers some real treats for eurobeat fans.
If the previous song was unlike eurobeat in general, but in a bad sense,
this track is also unlike eurobeat but in a very good way. The vocals
sound good and the sounds offer a whole lot of variety, very catchy and
nicely unique.
Rating : 9
7.Mr. Groove - White Light (A-Beat C)
Like the previous songs this track also begins with a calm intro, but
fortunately the real beat is brought along after the intro is over. This
track is pretty typical in most aspects but it still offers a nice touch
due to the great vocals by
Mr. Groove, not gonna change the world
or anything, but nice materials.
Rating : 8
8.Domino - Hey Mr. Dee Jay (A-Beat C)
Ah it's been a short while since new
Domino songs, so it was nice
to hear new materials by her. This track has a nice touch to it, due to
the cool electric guitars in the backgrounds and the song has some
excellent parts in the melody that just made me smile. A good chorus, and
overall a very typical song by
Domino, so it's also very high
Rating : 9-
9.Candy Taylor - Everytime (Delta)
This album has had a bit of a slow feel to it, and this track finally
manages to make a move.
Everytime has a really fast melody and the
synth in it sounds really effective, a nice song but it sort of falls
behind the better tracks on the album.
Rating : 8+
10.Karen - Never Let You Go (A-Beat C)
During the past few years Eurobeat has changed more, and more variable and
different backgrounds have been added into the scene which has only had a
positive effect in the genre, it's sometimes refreshing to hear how the
longline artists try to adjust to the new generation. This track has a bit
of a identity problem, but after a few plays it starts to sound good,
specially the c-melody kicks ass.
Rating : 8+
11.David "Off" - Deep Desire (Delta)
This song has a rather distinctive sound to it, the simple dance elements
sound nice for a while but they get old quickly which dramatically
decreases the replay value of this song. If I reviewed it on one time
basis it'd get a good grade, but in the long run it just doesn't last.
Rating : 7-
12.Rose - Histoire D'Amour (Time)
Rose's materials are generally always quite calm and I haven't really been
a huge fan of the slower generation of eurobeat. This track is just what
you could wait from Rose, it's got pretty backgrounds and nice hummings
here and there, just what you were thinking of. Not really good, nor bad.
Rating : 6½
13.Powerful T. - Fall In The Web Of Desire (A-Beat
Electric guitars belong to eurobeat and that's a fact, but it's from time
to time nice and refreshing to hear how they use them. This song uses
electric guitars quite carefully and they really fit the song just
perfectly, the vocals have enough space to make them catchy and the
guitars just add in that little extra spice to make the song distinctive.
Rating : 9
14.Stephy Martini - Dream On Dream (Delta)
Something about this track makes me feel that it's more like eurodance
than eurobeat, the only thing that really would put it into the eurobeat
category is the synth (though that's a pretty distinctive part about
eurobeat isn't it?). A nice general dance song that doesn't offer anything
spectacular but sounds good none the less.
Rating : 8-
15.Nik Key - Big Bang (A-Beat C)
The album has had a rather mellow level so far, the tracks haven't
been nor bad nor good (apart from a few exceptions). And the final track
is here, didn't have my expectations high. This track has a nice upbeat
sound to it and it offers some cool vocals that also are the best part
about it. A good finale for the album, not a huge favorite of mine, but
it's still good.
Rating :
Final Words :
When Super Eurobeat is discussed I always think of words like 'high
quality' and 'catchy' this album is quite odd actually. It doesn't have
any huge killer songs that would make it a must get for fans. It offers a
couple of good songs, and only a few bad tracks, the general level is just
good, and the album is also just 'pretty good' there are many better
albums out, but also worse ones. You figure out for yourself if you want
Final Score : 7½
Reviewed by Bore