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The albums have been graded on the most common grading system used in Finnish schools. Where 4 is the worst, and 10 is the best. The final score for the album is most of the times the average for all of the tracks, though it can also change if the reviewer wishes so. The Super Eurobeat Non-Stop albums will be reviewed as full collections, and the individual songs won't be reviewed, unless they are completely new. Though Euromach and JGTC albums for example will have complete song by song reviews.
The grading system simply goes as ie. 4- (3,75), 4 (4), 4+ (4,25) and 4½ (4,5) and the next one again would be 5-. A simple system we have over here in Finland.
  Super Eurobeat 142

1.Lisa Lion - Big On Emotion (SCP)
New names have lately been surprisingly good, and this time we're again treated to a real treasure. SCP is steadily gaining more and more experience as the releases have excellent production values and almost all of their vocalists seem to be from the better end. Lisa Lion is another new name who has gotten a very catchy and energetic song with some excellent hooks in it, excellent vocals, the lyrics don't make much sense but that's irrelevant, an awesome intro for this SEB.
Rating : 9+

2.Sym 1 - Rock Over Emotion (Time)
The catchy and energetic mood changes into a slightly different style, but the energy is still very much present, even though this song doesn't have the same edge as the previous one did. The vocals are the Achille's heel of this track, they sound quite muffled and leave you with the feeling that the song was mastered in a hurry.
Rating : 7+

3.Karen - Free Love (A-Beat C)
A rather boring intro doesn't really manage to have any effect either way, but when the song bursts into action it really starts to shine. The song has very energetic backgrounds, but the vocals aren't that catchy and I think the song could've been even better if the vocals would've been more energetic and they would've definitely suited the sounds and the melody perfectly. A good song, just some small improvements here and there would've been nice.
Rating : 8+

4.Mad Max - Criminal Fire (Delta)
Speaking of energy, this song offers a load of it. The song has really simple dance-backgrounds that at first sound pretty lame but once you listen to the song more the sounds start to sound quite good and they work quite good where they're meant to be, nothing really new or thrilling, just good.
Rating :

5.Ace Warrior - Mad About You (A-Beat C)
Ah the good old A-Beat C guitars are here, and even the vocals mention guitars, can it get more A-Beat C than this? The song really is a very typical A-Beat C production but this time that's a good thing, the song has a really speedy melody and the vocals work well, again a good song but it doesn't offer much to cheer for if originality is discussed.
Rating : 8-

6.Rose - This Is My Song (For You) (Time)
Rose specializes in 'slow' eurobeat songs and while most of the times her songs aren't all that special, this time she's managed to get an impressively catchy song. The mid-tempo in the song works very well and the musicbox effects in the backgrounds give the song a distinctive tone to it. Good vocals, and overall a marvellous song.
Rating : 9+

7.Susan Bell & Brian Ice - Spread Your Wings (A-Beat C)
This song has a strange feel to it, the track sounds boring for the most parts, but the simple sparkles of hope are in the backgrounds that have some cool tricks here and there. The vocals remind me of an another duet Matt Land & Lolita did some years back and the song is a lot similar to that athmosphere. Not a bad performance at all, but it's just slightly boring.
Rating :

8.Babby One - Jingle Jungle Boy (HI-NRG Attack)
As far as HI-NRG Attack goes, I'm a fan, but I never really liked Babby One all that much. The songs have excellent melodies and wonderful sounds by the label, but the vocalist just doesn't sound very pleasant to my ear. This track is very good as a track and the only problem is the vocalist, really this would've been a marvellous song for some female HI-NRG Attack artist, for example Claudia Vip would've made this into a real classic.
Rating : 9

9.Susy & Dave - Get In Love (A-Beat C)
A cool intro sounds good, but thn the song just starts getting worse and worse slowly. The vocals are pretty bad and the sounds in this track are so transparent that you barely even notice the melody from there. Strange that a duet this powerful got a song this crappy...
Rating :

10.Keith Roland - Heaven (Time)
Covers seem to be the keyword for the 140's SEBs. This is of course a cover from Bryan Adams and practically everybody should be familiar with this current song. I love my eurobeat, but seriously this song has been covered so much better by different artists like DJ Sammy, this song sounds kinda dragging and the vocals don't got the edge that the original ie had. A good song of course, but the cover could've been also better.
Rating : 7

11.Kevin Johnson & Cherry - Crazy Game Of Love (Delta)
And from the rather common moods we get into really energetic and upbeat kind of eurobeat. Delta has had a lot of songs like this lately (for example the previous Cherry song) and it's really fun to hear them rev it up a bit. These upbeat tracks manage to lighten up the mood a lot and it's always interesting to hear duets.
Rating : 8+

12.Scream Team - Horror Fantasy (SCP)
Some songs are just born to be classics. I can't really say much about this song other than: This kicks ass, and the word 'classic' is on everyone's lips. I'd say that different kind of 'themes' haven't been used in eurobeat history enough and tracks like these are very easily recognizable when there are a gazillion songs dealing with fire or love, everything about this song works like a dream, a job well done SCP.
Rating : 10

13.Powerful T. - I Feel Wild Tonight (A-Beat C)
Some more guitars, I was fearing for the worst, but surprisingly the song turned out to be quite different than most of the Powerful T. productions. Something about the melody and the sounds right away reminded me of the song by Lolita & Domino titled You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! which had a very similar kind of touch to it. This track isn't very catchy but it has enough edges to make it a song worth of listening to more than a couple of times.
Rating :

14.Drama - Shake It Up (Delta)
An acoustic piano intro sounds soothing, and when the synth takes over the track takes an U-turn for the right direction. The track may not be anything very special but the melody works very nicely, the vocals sound a bit odd on top of the backgrounds but after a while you get used to them and the song starts sounding decent.
Rating : 7+

15.Melissa White & Ace - Rainin' In My Heart (SCP)
More duets, they also seem to be a big thing these days. This track at first sounds quite boring and it really takes some time before it starts growing on you, there are some nice hooks and the vocals are the strongest part of the track, though Ace easily steals the prize for the better vocalist from these two.
Rating : 8-

16.Mega NRG Man - Get Another Chance (A-Beat C)
From time to time I get a feeling that they should just dump the old titles like Mega NRG Man, Lolita, Dave Rodgers & Co. and just start from a clean table with new titles, which would really change the style probably for the better. This track at first seemed pretty dull, but after a few plays I began believing that perhaps it's for the best if they keep these golden oldies in the mix, so the younger generation won't get too rowdy, oh by the way: an excellent c-melody.
Rating : 8

17.Crystal - Walk A Mile In My Shoes (Delta)
Okay and we're getting close to the end when the album touches rock bottom. This track is pretty 1 dimensional and I can't really come up with a lot of positive things about it. The vocals sound dull, there's no real melody in there (or if there is one, then it's really well hidden) and the track left me feeling plain empty like I didn't even listen to any song at all.
Rating : 5-

18.Marko Polo - Hai Hai Hai (Dance Across The Nations) (Delta)
The album manages to rise its level at the end once more as Marko Polo throws in yet another great track. This track has 'hit' written all over it and when you listen to the track you just have to sing along to the vocals. The track has an incredible amount of edge to it, as the vocals, sounds and the melody all form a rather perfect package. Definitely one of Marko Polo's best (if not the best) songs.
Rating : 10

Final Words :

After the previous album I was quite surprised about how uneven the level of this album is. It goes up and down like a yo-yo and there are pretty much evenly bad songs and good songs. The best tracks have very much potential for the future non-stops and the best albums, but the line-up songs are on the other very unnoticable and easy to forget. I'd recommend getting SEB141 much more gladly than this one, only for real SEB fans.

Final Score : 

Reviewed by Bore