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The albums have been graded on the most common grading system used in
Finnish schools. Where 4 is the worst, and 10 is the best. The final score
for the album is most of the times the average for all of the tracks, though it can also change if the reviewer wishes so. The Super Eurobeat Non-Stop albums will be reviewed as full collections, and the individual songs won't be reviewed, unless they are completely new. Though Euromach and JGTC albums for example will have complete song by song reviews.
The grading system simply goes as ie. 4- (3,75), 4 (4), 4+ (4,25) and 4½ (4,5) and the next one again would be 5-. A simple system we have over here in Finland.
Super Eurobeat 168
1.Asya - A Love At First Sight (Asia/Boom Boom Beat)
Quite a surprising start for the album, a song that doesn't perfectly with
the SEB crowd, but is a great album opener with a giddy mood and fast pace.
Energetic Saifam speed is present and the girly type bubbliness is present
to the maximum. A very effective feel good song that will please half of
the eurobeat fans, where as the rest will just end up skipping it due to
the highpitched vocals and happy sounds. Works for me either way.
Rating : 9½
2.Lolita - I Wanna Take You Up (A-Beat C)
Wow, this is what I've been waiting for quite a while now... Lolita
has been my favorite for so long, but her last performances haven't really
been up to the usual level, so it's really about time to get an action
packed thrill ride like I Wanna Take You Up. The track is a typical
Elena Gobbi faire with happy mood and effective general eurobeat
sounds, yet this time around an old classic was used to create an extra
edge for the song... Valentina & Mirka - Shake Me Up is a classic
many of us still love, and a melody clip from that song is used in this
track very effectively which creates a great hook into the chorus. Finally
a Lolita song that competes with her previous masterpieces in the
late 130s and 140s.
Rating : 10+
3.The Factory Team - Little Don (Asia/Boom Boom Beat)
I really am already getting bored with the Saifam male style we've been
getting for only 8 albums, doesn't really promise much for me if they keep
having the same amount of songs per album as they've so far had. I
remember being excited about getting 3B on SEB when 160s started, but I'm
slowly starting to feel that they should at least get the similar minority
role as HI-NRG Attack has or just be removed. The tracks just sound too
repetitive and start to get on my nerves really fast for some reason, or
they could just do more female type tracks like Asya. Either way,
Little Don is a HI-NRG Attack-esque boring faire with a russian
kinda theme, not much to say, other than the song got on my nerves from
the first time I heard it...
Rating : 6-
4.Go 2 - Let It Burn (SCP)
Well quite frankly after the previous slowed down Go 2 song I was
expecting them to get better, but well sadly that didn't really happen...
Let It Burn might be a rather good example of when a great label
produces a track with the exact same ingredients over and over. Don't get
me wrong, I don't dislike the song totally, but I am just really
disappointed how the track turned out: It's way similar to the previous
aggressive Go 2 tracks, but without the catchy edge or something unique in
it. The first Go 2 track that I really rather would skip instead of
listen to it over and over. Either way, if you're an ID fan boy or just a
fan of male type eurobeat then this is probably your pick.
Rating : 6-
5.Helena - Lonely Night 2006 (Time)
Helena's Lonely Night would probably be one of my all time
Time favorites so I was rather thrilled to hear a remake of it, until I
actually heard it... The old energy is no where to be found, the melody is
some how hidden with all the new "modern" elements and weird tricks. The
great vocals are still present and some sort of edge from the original is
still present, but the track just completely spoils the old classic as it
is. A really hideous performance that I really would be happier without
having. The track still gets a "relatively" high grade due to it being a
classic and me being a huge Lonely Night fan boy.
Rating : 6½
6.Nuage - I Love You Forever (A-Beat C)
Tables are turning... When Lolita makes a comeback with a powerful
track the current eurobeat fan community favorite Nuage goes deeper
down with a track that just doesn't stand a chance with her previous
masterpieces. The track starts off with a great intro and marvellous
sounds, the clear highlight for the song (+ c-melody), but after that the
song just goes faster down hill. The verses and chorus just sound boring
without not much of a edge and Denise herself sounds rather bored
while singing this testimony of love, not really suitable to my ears.
Rating : 7-
7.Phil - Crazy & Ready (Time)
A Time song that sounds like a Time song and also not like a Time song,
guess that's progress. This track doesn't really have a lot of eurobeat
elements in it for some reason and it sounds more like generic pop with a
hint of R&B in it. Some hip US musicians might enjoy this track as it has
this rather special feel to it, but I just couldn't listen to this song
for more than a few times as it just got under my skin right away. Not on
the right album surely.
Rating : 5-
8.Cherry - Stop Teasing My Heart (Delta)
Really great to see this title picking up, Stop Teasing My Heart is
a great follow up to Cherry's great track on 166. This time around
we get a rather fast paced modern eurobeat song with a strong Clara
Moroni scent to it. Bouncy, happy and catchy, just the way we want our
Cherry tracks to be. Nothing really spectacular or out of the
generic form, but just well produced eurobeat.
Rating : 9-
9.Neo - Eurohero (A-Beat C)
This title is just keeping it going fast and energetic, won't probably be
long until he does a Manuel end does a crappy ballad and goes even
further down hill after that. Eurohero for once is a fastpaced
energy pack, exactly what one could expect to hear from Neo. The
song is good and well done, but just doesn't compete with his better
releases which ain't a totally bad thing considering the previous tracks
being really fantastic. Either way a nice track especially with this
album's general level.
Rating : 9
10.Mr. M - Be The One (Time)
Time. More Time. No more Time. Please. Maybe one more Time.
Rating : 5-
11.Leslie Parrish - This Love (Delta)
What I've been wondering generally with eurobeat lately does not only
concern this song but just a general notice: We're going down hill.... For
some reason less and less albums strike as really good and even less songs
manage to really make me thrilled these days, and even in the end they end
up getting boring after a while which ain't a good sign (when compared to
many of the classics from 90's era that are still sounding fecking
marvellous). Well This Love is a boring love song with a medium
pace and absolutely no extra edge to it. Nice vocals and okay chorus, but
not a song people will remember for long.
Rating : 6
12.Nick Key - Black Is The Night (A-Beat C)
Nick Key is back with more quality for the masses, but at some
costs. The song is the same old energetic male A-Beat C product, if you
already admit being a fan of this type of eurobeat then you'll love this,
if not, you might as well skip it. Well produced Mega NRG Man/Dave
Rodgers stuff without any huge surprises to it. I'm getting somewhat
bored with this constant looping of similar styles, but I still ended up
liking this song quite much. Let's hope they'll do something new for a
Rating : 8½
13.Black Eva - Over The Rainbow (HI-NRG Attack)
An excellet Kylie Minogue-ish intro turns into the every day HI-NRG
Attack track way too fast. I could've listened to the intro for way longer
when the hyped, annoying vocals make a come back and the "good old" chimes
are also there. I know the label can produce catchy and fun female tracks
but this time around Black Eva just ended up sounding annoying,
Rating : 6½
14.Nick Mansell - Hurricane (SCP)
If you read what I wrote about Nick Key then you can somewhat apply
the same rules to Hurricane. Though not to the same extent as
Nick Mansell is a tad more variable artis and SCP doesn't have that
many men that they could loop with similar styles either. Electric guitars,
rough edges and great male vocals are the basis on which this track is
built on. I'd assume this being a rather big hit and loved by fans all
around as it does have that "something" most tracks miss out, yet not
really my exact favorite on the album, but still a good track.
Rating : 9
15.Melissa White & Ace - Switch! (SCP)
I never really thought this duo was the best one SCP could offer as the
voices just don't really fit together as well as they should (just me I
guess, seeing many others have loved the Melissa & Ace duets).
Either way, Switch! is a really interesting song that borderlines
between fast and mediumpaced eurobeat. Fun and original sounds give this
track a nice edge but it just doesn't really strike out as a huge hit to
my ears in the end. A good track on this album, but not a song I'll
remember for long. Yet this is the best Melissa White & Ace duet so
far clearly.
Rating : 8½
16.Digital Planet - Take Me Forever (A-Beat C)
With this male dominant album (at least quality wise it's male dominant) I
was getting rather fed up in the end with yet more males doing the same
thing over and over. I am not sure how much I would've valued this track
of per say Nick Key if they were put on some other album with not
so many aggressive male tracks around, but this time around I felt this
was the weakest link of this kind of stuff. Not a bad song but just
doesn't really have the spirit that per say Eurohero & Hurricane
got. Nice extra female vocals give this track a plus, wish they used
female background vocalists more commonly (so that you can actually hear
Rating : 8-
17.Mad Cow And The Royal Eurobeat Orchestra Of Bazookistan - Vodka
(HI-NRG Attack)
Not sure if I'm getting old, but the HI-NRG Attack style is getting more
and more irritating little by little (or maybe they just choose the
annoying ones for SEBs all of a sudden). Vodka is yet an another
follow up to this Russian theme I never really liked to begin with, so
definitely the reason why I'm at least not liking this track. Fun lyrics,
annoying sounds, okay vocals... Not much I could really do to avoid the
annoyance this song managed to light up in me.
Rating : 6
18.Christine - Rain (SCP)
Well it's nice to see that SCP females are getting a bit more foothold
on the albums for a change. Yeah! was a nice track and Rain
follows up on the catchy style we've learnt to hear from Christine.
Calm and rather harmonic just like her SEB debut song Me, Myself & I
was. Maybe her asian theme is getting a bit too used by now, but for now
it still functions rather nicely. A good album ender that should really
brighten up the day of many eurobeat listeners.
Rating : 9+
Final Words :
The tracklisting didn't seem that thrilling this time around and for
once it also ended up being rather close to what I had expected. The album
really only offers a few true gems that I ended up loving but at the other
end there's a ton of crap tracks that I just didn't like one bit. This is
probably one of the first albums in ages that I really wouldn't wanna
invest about any money on at all. The few great tracks just don't make up
for the crappiness the album otherwise offers.
Final Score : 6½
The Best 3 Songs
- Lolita - I Wanna Take You Up
- Asya - A Love At First Sight
- Christine - Rain
The Worst 3 songs
- Mr. M - Be The One
- Phil - Crazy & Ready
- The Factory Team - Little Don
Honorable Mention
- Nick Mansell - Hurricane
Reviewed by Bore