Super Eurobeat Presents Euromach 14
1.Dusty - Stop & Go (
So Euromach has already reached its 14th compilation and we're still flying high
with aggressive and speedy music like we've come to expect from the series. This
album is kicked off by one of the best performers on SCP as
displays another perfect dance song that is simply irresistible and the song
will get stuck in your head for sure. Energetic and catchy vocals in
co-operation with a very cool melody and soundworld make this a perfect album
opener. This is exactly the reason why we love SCP so much, and of course
Rating : 10
2.Ace - Don't Stop The Dance (
One of the things I love about Euromach is how the remixers (this time the remix
is done by
New Generation) have a tendency to place songs from the same
label after each other and that way the songs blend into a perfect symphony.
Just like with the 2 album openers on this one. First we were treated to the
energetic style
Dusty and right after that it's
Ace who takes
control and carries the energy along with just as catchy song as the opener.
We've heard very good songs by
Ace before as well, but this is definitely
my favorite, aggressive vocals and a really excellent song on all levels. Thank
you SCP.
Rating : 10
3.Rick Castle - Don't Stop (
HI-NRG Attack)
More song titles involving Stopping, but the label just changes in between. The
song starts with a cheery melody that feels really out of place, and everytime
it is repeated during the song it just feels completely wrong. But fortunately
the song on other areas works really well, the verses sound great and especially
the chorus works marvellously.
Rick Castle's vocals might be a bit odd at
first and they take some time to get used to, but once you get inside the music
you won't even notice how low he actually sounds (and that's not very common in
eurobeat). A nice song, but it doesn't represent HI-NRG Attack at their best.
Rating : 8½
4.Ace Warrior - Feel The Fire (
A-Beat C)
After the slight decrease in energy A-Beat C presents us with yet another
energetic performance by
Ace Warrior and of course we get a huge amount
of electric guitars and moody vocals. The song reminisces a lot of
Roses and it isn't exactly nearly as catchy as it was but still this is a
good song to carry on the level of the album. Every once in a while a few female
vocals in
Ace Warrior's songs would be nice.
Rating : 8+
5.Mega NRG Man - Need Love (
A-Beat C)
Mega NRG Man catch a cold and they temporarily replaced him with a
different vocalist, because this is definitely not the same old chap we've been
hearing for years now. The song reminds me a lot more of the style that
Rodgers has going on, and if I didn't know better I would've thrown in a
guess that this would've been
Dave's song, but the booklet says otherwise.
A great song none the less, a nice change from the typical style.
Rating : 9-
6.Black Eva - Carillon (
HI-NRG Attack)
The song kicks off marvellously as we experience a very brief flashback to
Carillon and the song also sounds quite a lot like the
Lolita classic song from 6 years back. Similarities worked this time only
for the best of the song as I was thinking I could hear
Elena Gobbi doing
clips of the vocals here and there but I bet it's just my mind playing tricks on
me. A very good song, and this is exactly what I like to hear from HI-NRG Attack,
aggressive, catchy, cute, happy and over all very well produced eurobeat.
Rating : 9½
7.Doll Sisters - Revolution (
HI-NRG Attack)
HI-NRG Attack carries on with the girly eurobeat, but they can't keep up the
level of the previous song. We get an energetic and a catchy song, but there's
that final spark misisng to make the song really memorable and catchy. The
vocals sound pretty mediocore, and I couldn't really notice anything that
special about them. A nice song still, but it won't change the face of eurobeat
into anything new.
Rating : 8+
8.Giorgia Barrows - Another Night Of Fantasy (
HI-NRG Attack)
The long streak of HI-NRG Attack keeps on going, and now we're experiencing a
nice uphill, with a cute song by
Giorgia Barrows. The song has a lot in
common with the two previous songs as it's also light, upbeat girly type of
HI-NRG Attack, that is fun to listen to but the problem is that the songs aren't
very distinctive or won't get stuck in the head. Still a nice song that would've
needed more balls in my opinion.
Rating : 8½
9.Kara Mell - Let The Music Play Forever (
HI-NRG Attack)
At this point I was already feeling a bit unsecure about my previous statement
about how 'nice' it is to have songs from the same labels in a row, as this song
is also a lot like the previous 3 songs we heard and now I can't even properly
point out which one was which one (okay I can, but that was just there to
explain why it can be a bad thing to have songs from the same label in a row).
This song sounds a lot like the
Doll Sisters song and I am not sure if
the vocalist is the same one as well, either way a song that doesn't really
manage to surprise or thrill any way.
Rating : 7+
10.Harry Ken - Street Boy (
HI-NRG Attack)
Fortunately the last HI-NRG Attack song on the streak of 5 is not by a female
artist as we get right away a clear distinction to the previous 4 songs.
Harry Ken manages to display an energetic to us that sounds somewhat like
Franz Tornado which is a good thing. The song is pretty energetic and has a
good chorus, but the other parts of the song can't stand up to the challenge and
keep the level up for the whole duration of the song. Nice, but we know HI-NRG
Attack can do so much better.
Rating : 8+
11.Alexis - Calling My Number (
Time is not a frequent visitor on Euromach and while their style isn't exactly
the best one for the series they have displayed a few great songs and as a
slight surprise also
Alexis sounds rather decent and not totally out of
place on the compilation. The song is rather calm and if you know
at all you also know you are getting calm vocals that sound a lot like
Sheffield. A good song on
Alexis standards, a decent song on Euromach
Rating : 7+
12.Drama - Feelin' Alive (
Drama has managed to create a bit of a classic status for them somehow.
I've liked their songs pretty much every time, but none of the songs have
managed to really make me totally fall in love with them. This song starts off
with a marvellous start and the song also carries on the good level, in
particular the chorus is catchy, though nothing very special. The first display
of art by Delta manages to be one of the better songs for a while on the album.
Rating : 9-
13.Mickey B. - Wind & Fire (
A-Beat C)
A-Beat C is presented on the album by rather magnificent songs so far, this time
we get the vocalist that in my opinion sounds a lot like
Karen but I've
gotten the impression at some point that she's an unique artist, but who knows.
The song reminds me of the style that
Lolita has going on for herself, as
the song is packed full of energy and it's also really fun to sing along. The
nice effects in the backgrounds here and there give the song a nice finishing
touch, and in the end this song works really well, and is one of the best ones
on the album.
Rating : 10-
14.Susan Bell - Music Is Love (
A-Beat C)
Susan Bell who has only managed to be some sort of a one hit wonder (that
song being
My Only Star that worked mighty fine), she's done some nice
songs after that but nothing groundbreaking and that's also the problem with
this song as well. The song is nice girly eurobeat that works well if you have
nothing else, but knowing there's so much else around us the song will easily
get lost in the sea of forgotten eurobeat tunes.
Rating : 7+
15.Nick Mansell - Freedom Wild (
After the streak of 5 HI-NRG Attack songs we're also treated to a streak of 5
songs from SCP, and the streak is kicked off by an energetic song just like how
the album began. The best thing with SCP is how they can do so variable
materials and go from happy (notice:
Fancy & Vanilla a few songs forward)
to energetic notice:
Dusty, Ace & Nick Mansell) to typical girly eurobeat
Melissa White) and they always manage to make their songs sound
good. This song reminds me a lot of
Dusty and it's a positive thing, as
the energy and catchiness is all there, a nice performance over all.
Rating : 9-
16.Kite - Always On My Mind (
David Ropa adds his vocals for this duet that displays yet another side
of SCP. The vocals are mostly handled by
David but the few female vocals
every here and there add a nice touch to the song. The song reminds me a lot of
the style A-Beat C has been having with their duets between male and female
vocalists. A catchy duet, in the midtempo style that doesn't blow your mind but
still manages to make you feel happy.
Rating : 8+
17.Melissa White - Don't Go Playing With My Heart Again (
A beautiful transition with instrumental elements always manages to distract me
into thinking we're getting a calm song, but the illusion doesn't last for a
long time as the solid beat runs over the calm mood and we get the nice vocals
Melissa White (who for some reason always reminds me of
and I am not sure if there's a link somewhere here or is it just me, as I hear
everything wrong). A calm song with an energetic chorus works the way it's
supposed to, not on the level of
Lolita but still way above
Rating : 8½
18.Fancy - Ciao Ciao Ciao (
From all of the eurobeat acts out there I would name
Kiki & Kika (and all
of the subtitles:
Fancy, Kika, Kiki & Fancy...) as the nominee for the
first time, as the duo has done nothing but marvellous materials since the first
time we heard
Jam Jam Jam. This song also features a small transition
that always reminds me of
Jam Jam Jam as the vocals go OoOOOOo (just like
before the chorus in
Jam Jam Jam). If you know what to expect from the
title then you either know already that you will either love or hate it, as it's
really upbeat and irresistibly catchy. Awesome song with a great male vocals
clip that reminds me of
Goofy DJ, and I really hope it is him, as it'd be
great to have him back in business. The most irresistible, catchy and perfect
eurobeat song on the album, this is what I want my eurobeat to like.
Ciao Ciao baby, gotta love the vocals and the lyrics as well, bravo SCP!
Rating : 10+++
19.Vanilla - Crazy (
The album kicks off with a clip where
Christine makes a brief comeback as
Crazy Generation is mixed into with the
Vanilla song. Most of us
know the irresistible previous
Vanilla song
Around The Universe
that is a song that will definitely get stuck in your head even if you don't
want it to. This time we get another upbeat, cheery song that isn't as catchy as
the previous song but still really nice and fun to listen to. The vocals are fun
and will make you feel good, another example of the talent that they have at SCP.
Rating : 9
20.Go Go Girls - Baby Can You Love Me (
A-Beat C)
The transition from SCP to A-Beat C works marvellously when we get the
Go Go
Girls who yet again throw all they have at us! And what a treat we get. We
know the title from their energetic and upbeat style, but this song is just over
the top (to quote
Bazooka Girl). The song is simply irresistible, the
vocals by
Elena Gobbi are so lively and jumpy that you will definitely
feel good after hearing this song. The lyrics are also perfectly adorable and
also quote a bit of
Kiki & Kika as the lyrics go
Easy - peasy (busy) a
lemon squeezy. Irresistible, catchy, simply perfect and the way I love my
A-Beat C to be. One of the most memorable
Go Go Girls songs in the whole
eurobeat history.
Rating : 10+++
21.Lou Lou Marina - I Love America (
HI-NRG Attack)
And the album is finished off with another HI-NRG Attack streat, but this time
the amount of male vocalists is higher. The streak is kicked off by a song that
has a title I wouldn't really agree with myself. The song is pretty much like
the vast majority of the crappier HI-NRG Attack songs, the vocals are decent,
the happy upbeat melody is not very memorable and the song just doesn't manage
to impress at any level, but still not a bad job.
Rating : 7
22.Mote Mote - Korea Japan (
HI-NRG Attack)
I can still remember the marvellous song that
Mote Mote did a few
euromachs ago, and I was expecting another hit, and what did I get? Well the
song kicks off with a really energetic transition that sounds simply perfect,
the song slows down just a bit as the verse starts to build up some energy and
really unleashes all of the energy when the chorus begins, and the chorus works,
oh my yes it does. The chorus is simple, yet very effective, and it works mainly
due to the great vocals, but it's really the hyper c-melody that steals all of
the glory for this song, and it's really a pity that the great c-melody isn't
repeated more than twice.
Rating : 9+
23.Nikka Tosta - Baby Blue Baby You (
HI-NRG Attack)
I was expecting for something different than this song turned out to be... We
don't really get energy from HI-NRG Attack girl artists a lot (well
Girl, Claudia Vip & Nikita Jr. have made a difference), but this time we get
a really hyper song that has similarities to the energetic and catchy style of
Bazooka Girl. Very hyper, very catchy, simple yet effective and will
surely get you moving.
Rating : 9
24.Joe D. Toaster - Maxi (
HI-NRG Attack)
The album just seems to build up more and more energy as it's about to end, as
we get another really powerful song by
Joe D. Toaster. The song has a
really energetic and hyper melody which by itself isn't much but we get also a
really variable and powerful soundworld that shows us again how damn well the
people at HI-NRG Attack know how to do eurobeat.
Rating : 9-
25.Franz Tornado - Bazooka Pistolero (
HI-NRG Attack)
The album is finished off by probably the most well known title on
HI-NRG Attack, and like usually we get a song that is packed full of energy and
edge. Catchy vocals, an irresistible chorus, plain crazy lyrics (as always with
Franz). A great way to end the album, too bad the song just doesn't
Bazooka Girl that would've finished the song to perfection.
Rating :
Final Words :
Euromach series just keeps on going strong with another marvellous
complilation. We get good materials from all of the labels, it's still just a
shame that BBB and Vibration aren't present anymore. The album doesn't really
feature any bad songs, but a load of mediocore songs that don't manage to leave
an impression. SCP presents us with a load of marvellous songs and also A-Beat C
does a good job, HI-NRG Attack does present some great songs but they don't
really manage to be at their best and present any real jackpot songs. Euromach
14 manages to be one of the better ones thorough the whole series, and it
would've probably been a bull's eye if Vibration and BBB were still together
with us.
Final Score : 9
Reviewed by Bore