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The albums have been graded on the most common grading system used in
Finnish schools. Where 4 is the worst, and 10 is the best. The final score
for the album is most of the times the average for all of the tracks, though it can also change if the reviewer wishes so. The Super Eurobeat Non-Stop albums will be reviewed as full collections, and the individual songs won't be reviewed, unless they are completely new. Though Euromach and JGTC albums for example will have complete song by song reviews.
The grading system simply goes as ie. 4- (3,75), 4 (4), 4+ (4,25) and 4½ (4,5) and the next one again would be 5-. A simple system we have over here in Finland.
Super Eurobeat 161
1.Bombers - Hi Hi Mazinga (Boom Boom Beat/Asia)
So to my slight surprise we finally get Saifam on SEB and I suspect most
of the eurobeat fans are very pleased with this change. Mauro Farina
might be a new name to some of the newer wave of eurobeat fans, but for
most the name brings back many warm flashbacks and it's nice to hear him
again on Hi Hi Mazinga. The title Bombers isn't all that
known for the fact that there has only been one song released before under
this title, but Superball is still a fantastic piece of eurobeat
art. Hi Hi Mazinga introduces Saifam to SEB with a blast and over
all we get a typical Saifam production with plenty of energy and action,
just unfortunate that it's been heard before. Catchy chorus and great
vocals make this song a good album opener.
Rating : 8½
2.Fastway - Revolution (SCP)
What I've said before about Fastway applies again... We get a song
that has been released ages ago on ID 4th Stage OST and even back then I
thought the song was repetitive and it still applies. Revolution is
by no means a bad song, but with the constant rotation of the two
superstars of SCP (see: Fastway and Ace) it just does become
a bit of a drag (but my preferences on eurobeat styles has a big part in
this complaint). Revolution is energetic, catchy and over all a
nice song... IF it had been released way before the other 5 similar songs
in the nearby past. I used to love Fastway and Ace a lot
before, but I sadly must admit that the rotation is getting to me and I
can't even properly tell the new songs apart from each other. If you are a
fan of the rock type male eurobeat then you'll like this song, but if you
are like me and enjoy the cheery female type more, then I suspect you'll
also feel that this is just the same old song with new lyrics.
Rating : 7½
3.Bazooka Girl - Money Funny Dollars (HI-NRG Attack)
I've been waiting for this day for a really long time, Bazooka Girl
finally on SEB. If you look back to SEB160 you'll notice that Velfarre
2000 was the most popular HI-NRG Attack song, so seeing Bazooka
Girl finally should be a blast. What is unfortunate though is that
Money Funny Dollars has been previously released as an extended
version on the Bazooka Angels album, so this is like the previous 2
releases: nothing new. The typical HI-NRG Attack energy is present to the
maximum and you'll probably enjoy this if you don't mind the pitched
vocals that might sound occasionally a bit irritating. A very hyper song
that reminds me of the good old Euromach times.
Rating : 9-
4.Dave Simon - Live For You (Time)
Dave Simon is one of the few Time titles I still really look
forward to, it's a pity that we didn't quite get a new I Need Your Love
this time. The song isn't very energetic and just left me feeling as if it
never even began as there's just no change in it at all. The vocals sound
really nice all around and that area works nicely, only a slight amusement
is the way "Live" is pronounced in the song, as I suspect it wasn't meant
to be like it now is. A sad song that just doesn't spark up any kind of
emotions, elevator music at its best?
Rating : 5
5.Manuel - On My Wings (A-Beat C)
So already the fourth song on this album that has been released before, is
Avex trying to make the albums sell by putting older songs from Initial D
on the albums? Manuel has been keeping his solid level and hasn't
so far become very repetitive, but On My Wings is no where near to
his best presentations. On My Wings mixes up typical A-Beat C beats
to trance-like sounds that make the song sound pretty unique, but after a
few replays the song just starts to become bland really fast. What was
wrong with the Dave Simon song also applies here: the song just
doesn't seem to have any variation and it goes on without many peaks.
Rating : 7-
6.Van T.K. And Kiki & Fancy - Make Your Move (SCP)
I am not very sure if I would've wanted to see this kind of a combination
if I could've picked in advance, but now that I heard the song I'm
positively surprised. I might be the only one but when I heard this song
for the first time I thought of Kiki & Kika Feat. Goofy DJ right
away, even though Van T.K. doesn't have the same pitched up
sound, but the similarities are still striking. The song has a bubbly feel
to it like all Kiki & Fancy presentations and even Van T.K.'s
style can't really spoil it, but actually just makes the song sound even
better. I love the contrast of male and female vocals and would really
love to get more of men featured along this duo. Bubbly, catchy, adorable
and a song that will be on my favorites for a long time without doubt.
Rating : 10
7.Norma Sheffield - Love Collision (A-Beat C)
When this song came up for the first time I had my guard up, but the intro
already proved my expectations wrong. The song has that typical light
Norma feel to it, but with a stronger beat mixed up with these
oriental-like elements that make the song feel really dreamy. The chorus
is beautiful and if you've enjoyed any of the previous Norma songs
then you'll most certainly feel at home with Love Collision as well.
Fun for a while, but not very longlasting in the end.
Rating : 8-
8.Alexis - Love Is Burning (Time)
The way the SEBs seem to be getting more and more pop songs is not really
what I would like myself, but seems it's unavoidable. We've heard nice
presentations but then again, we have songs that just will vanish into
thin air. Love Is Burning is your every day Time song that sounds
pretty nice and the acoustic elements in it are all around well used, but
there's just no spirit in it. Can't complain anything about Elena
Ferretti's vocals that sound nice time after time, but eurobeat songs
need so much more than the same beat with some synths here and there.
Rating : 5
9.Franz Tornado And The Akihabara Maids - Maid Attack (HI-NRG
HI-NRG Attack is usually the label you can rely on, if you want energy and
action... And if you see a title such as Maid Attack can you really
expect to get a slow ballad? The song follows the succesful pattern the
label has had with their wacky titles that really don't seem to have any
meaning in them, but they please the audience due to the craziness.
Maid Attack isn't maybe as heavy as I would've expected it to be, but
the different kind of sounds in it really do make a change, which is
always a good thing in this genre. Over all I liked the song, but I still
was left pretty cold as the song just seems to be about the wackiness and
the actual melody seems slightly non-existant.
Rating : 8½
10.Donna - Hot Hot (Delta)
Heavily synth based eurobeat songs are so common for Delta, it's
occasionally hard to tell the songs apart from each other... Hot Hot
starts with a sort of boring intro that fortunately doesn't really reflect
the level of the song otherwise. A fast paced melody relies highly on the
vocals that sound excellent and especially the chorus is catchy. The song
isn't exactly a bull's eye as the song just sounds like a patched up piece
with old elements recycled, but I was still happy the way it sounded.
Rating : 8+
11.Mad Max - Fire (Delta)
Tsunami Comes turned out to be one of the biggest hits we heard
during the 140s, so Fire is definitely anticipated by fans, but
it's no where near to the level of it's precedor. The song is energetic
and catchy, but it doesn't really have that punch I was expecting. Vocal
wise this song is excellent as they're the thing keeping this song flowing
and also bring out the edge to it. The fact is that most eurobeat fans who
enjoy energy and male vocalists more than me, will probably enjoy this
song a lot, but I would've wanted something more special to make me come
back to it.
Rating : 8
12.Kasanova - Hug Me (Time)
The previous 2 Time presentations were slightly sub-par, but with Hug
Me the label is moving upwards as this song sounds over all very
pleasant and catchy. The song has a very muffled feel to it, which at
first sounded a tad disturbing but after I got used to it I started to
like it a lot. The vocals sound really smooth and even though the
backgrounds don't offer anything specially new, they work fine this time
as the melody in this song is pretty strong and vocals back it up nicely.
A very positive song that shines a light from the Time studios.
Rating : 8+
13.Leila - Tic Toc (Delta)
Now this is what I mean with unique kind of songs. The intro sounds plain
terrific with the clock effects and the repetition of Tic Toc. The
song has a very strong bass-line that is backed up with excellent sounds
that really are way above the general eurobeat. Leila might be a
title that isn't Delta's most popular ones, but if they keep doing
something as special and excellent as Tic Toc I'd expect a change
there. The energy in this song reminds me of the good old years and over
all I can't really find much negative about this song, excellent going
Rating : 10
14.Milk & Coffea - Yellow Butterfly (Boom Boom Beat/Asia)
And even more songs that have been heard before, where is the Super
Eurobeat world going... Not sure how long ago I heard the song originally,
but I remember loving it from the first time I heard it, and I still do.
Yellow Butterfly is very energetic with a fat beat that just makes
your body move to it. The pitched vocals sound excellent and will most
certainly make you sing along, especially the chorus is irresistible. The
song is a blast to the Euromach era and will please the fans who enjoy
girly eurobeat.
Rating : 9+
15.G. Caria - Bang Bang Boom Boom (A-Beat C)
The previous Giacomo Caria song was catchy and seems that he is
still trying to find his own style as this song has a very different kind
of sound to it, which can be just variation but it at least makes it
extremely enjoyable to hear new songs when they don't recycle the one good
idea 10 times over. The song has a lighter feel to it than the previous
Giacomo song and I found myself liking this song maybe even more than
Light My Fire. One reason why I might find this song so enjoyable
is the fact that it has a similar touch to it as the A-Beat C girls and
even would fit Lolita very well.
Rating : 9+
16.Melissa White - My Wish (SCP)
Oh wow, Melissa White is really getting better and better with
every release. I thought Fine couldn't be beaten but I was so wrong
as My Wish is just over all perfectly balanced and produced
eurobeat. The song has a very unique kind of sound to it and occasionally
Melissa's vocals sound exactly like clips from Kiki & Fancy
hits, which naturally makes me happy. Light eurobeat sounds with a solid
bass and excellent vocals make this song just stand out so clearly.
Definitely my favorite song on this album and also an excellent example of
how variable and different the songs by a single artist can be, and still
sound great time after time.
Rating : 10+
17.Digital Planet - Try To Believe Me (A-Beat C)
When the first vocals were heard during this song I had a flashback to
Fly Away right away... I'm glad the song didn't turn out to be a clone
of the other Digital Planet releases, but clips here and there
really are very close to what we've already heard. I feel as if this title
has been slowly getting better even with the similarity in the releases
and Try To Believe Me is probably the best release to date. The
c-melody alone already earns praises due to the insane speed I love. Might
not be a fresh breeze of eurobeat, but it's one hell of a catchy song and
that is what counts.
Rating : 9+
18.Dave Rodgers - Space Invader (A-Beat C)
If this song won't be on the Best Of Super Eurobeat 2005, I'll be sure
to go on a strike. I still don't love Dave Rodgers all that much,
but this song is just beyond catchy. The song starts with a weird intro
and suddenly explodes into action. There's been speculations about the
song sounding like Space Boy, but I myself can't really find all
that many similarities in the songs. Space Invader is a great
example of the good old Eurobeat that used to be simple, energetic, catchy
and irresistible... This is what I really wanna hear more and I'm pleased
it turned out to be a title I wasn't expecting it from. Again perfect
eurobeat and probably will be one of the biggest hits in the 160s even
though we're just on the first album of this decade.
Rating : 10+
Final Words :
Like the previous Super Eurobeat album, this album is also very variable
both in content and level of the songs. The best peaks in this album are
extremely catchy and really bring back my hope for the Eurobeat genre as
the songs are really the kind of material I want to hear time after time.
Make Your Move, Tic Toc, My Wish & Space Invader are all songs that
are far away from the general eurobeat due to their unique styles and over
all perfect production. These 4 songs are very different in their styles
yet they sound just like the good old Eurobeat that really got most of us
into the genre. The introduction of Saifam into SEBs is a nice addition,
but with 7 labels competiting for a spot on a single album every month it
feels kind of wrong. Starting a new album series that would have an album
released every 3 months (Like Euromach and Maharaja Night used to be)
would be nice, but even as it is, I'm happy to be getting more of the
music I love so much. SEB161 is a solid album with lots of great music,
but the amount of neutral songs and a total of 5 already heard songs does
lower the level of it a bit. For the people who these 5 songs are new,
this album will probably be a thrill ride and I'd assume that nobody will
be left cold with the amount of variation the album offers. Great going,
but with 7 labels we can get so much better.
Final Score : 8+
Reviewed by Bore