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The albums have been graded on the most common grading system used in
Finnish schools. Where 4 is the worst, and 10 is the best. The final score
for the album is most of the times the average for all of the tracks, though it can also change if the reviewer wishes so. The Super Eurobeat Non-Stop albums will be reviewed as full collections, and the individual songs won't be reviewed, unless they are completely new. Though Euromach and JGTC albums for example will have complete song by song reviews.
The grading system simply goes as ie. 4- (3,75), 4 (4), 4+ (4,25) and 4½ (4,5) and the next one again would be 5-. A simple system we have over here in Finland.
Super Eurobeat 214
1.Jager - Because Of You (SCP)
10 albums ago Jager made his debut on this very same slot. During
this past year the Jager-name has become known throughout the
eurobeat community as something slightly different from the norm, but of
high class. Because Of You is the third installment that carries
on the legacy of catchy and memorable eurobeat under the Jager
name. As an album opener the track works out perfectly since the song
pushes forward quite a bit of energy to get the show going on. The song
carries on the regular (roughly) 150BPM pace that fits Jager's
voice perfectly since his vocal range is clearly wide enough to go from
slower and more emotional material to this sort of energetic
performances. The track is well balanced all the way from the intro to
the last notes, with enough highlight moments to keep the flow going on.
Because Of You is definitely a great addition to his resume, but
it's not quite as much of an instant hit as per say I Won't Fall
Rating : 9+
2.Leslie Parrish - Skyline (Delta)
After Delta's brief absence on 212, they are back with a blast!
Leslie Parrish is usually combined with more soothing and
beautiful tracks, but this time around Leslie brings forth quite
a bit of energy and action. Skyline is reminiscient of the
powerful and forever memorable Delta-tunes from the 170s and
180s. The same powerful beats and catchy sounds are here again with the
kind of magical athmosphere I've been longing to hear from Delta
for a while now. Clara seems to be enjoying herself with this
song as there's sheer happiness involved in her vocals. The chorus
combined with the abso-fuckin-lutely awesome c-melody form the song's
peak moments. I love how the guitars are used as an extra spice in the
song, without forming the whole track around them (See: Dave) and
as such, they work out really nicely. Skyline showcases the kind
of Delta I love to hear the most, this is exactly why I keep
buying the new SEBs. Thank you Rizzi, Capaldi, Moroni & Torchiani!
Rating : 10+++
3.April - The Magic I Feel (SCP)
April has only made one previous appereance on SEB and already on
her first track she divided the listeners pretty strongly. The question
is if there actually exists a unique vocalist behind this title or if
it's just heavy usage of vocoder to create the style these songs are
sung with. Either way, if you did not enjoy Hanami back on 196
the chances are quite likely that you aren't gonna be a fan of The
Magic I Feel either. Squeeky vocoder vocals are the key-feature for
the song, you either enjoy them or you don't, but I would highly
recommend giving the song an another chance even if the initial
playthrough puts you off. The reality is that while the vocals are this
time slightly more annoying than they were in Hanami, the song
structure is really nice otherwise. The chorus is catchy and the sounds
are simple yet very efficient, but even I, the fan of all things squeeky
and screetchy, have to admit that this song should have had a lot less
of vocoder included. The Magic I Feel is a song that will mostly
be loathed by eurobeaters I presume, but there is a beautiful song
underneath all the chipmunks.
Rating : 8½
4.Lolita - Rhythmysticaltycious (Go Go's Music)
So my queen is here again, with one of the most atrocious song titles in
a while. We've all probably barely learned how to type
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and now we should learn another
similar funky title. So to preserve myself from constant typos I'll just
refer to the song as Rhythm from now on. Elena's
performance on 212 was what restored my longlost love for eurobeat so I
was having high expectations for this song. Oddly enough this track has
a very very strong disctinction to the SinclaireStyle female
tunes. The synth has that similar weird hollow-effect and the production
sounds very unlike to GGM. Initially I was even slightly put off
by the song and it took me quite a few replays until I started to
realize that this is actually a good track. Vocalwise I have zero
complaints as there's enough of screaming and she gets to belt out some
extended notes that sound great every single time. The problems I have
with the song are mostly revolved around the extensive repetition. Go
Go's Music songs are rarely this repetitive, as there seems to be a
single hook that is heavily repeated over and over again. The chorus
works out nicely and verses offer some funky/funny lyrical play which is
worth the notice, but over all this is definitely not on the same
god-tier as Baby Come Back. In the end the song works out
decently, but if it was performed by some other vocalist I might not
have found so much positive in it.
Rating : 8½
5.Eurodudes - Passport To Dance (SinclaireStyle)
As I've said before, to me it feels as if Sinclaire puts all of
his bets on the male tracks, the difference in level is just so obvious
to all the female tunes. Passport To Dance follows the footsteps
of Toy For Love & Wheelpower & Go! with an instantly
catchy melody and some powerful vocal work. I do have to give it to
Maurizio & Nando, they seem to bring out the best in
Sinclaire's songs time after time. Passport To Dance has a
hyper atmosphere that will definitely get the people moving on the
dancefloor, the track has been blessed with quite a bit of uniqueness
which helps in making the song stand out. The C-melody alone sounds
really memorable, but when you got effective verses and a killer chorus
you get an excellent complete package. A very strong performance and
this is the kind of music I would gladly hear more often from Bratt.
Maybe some better female vocalists to give some variety as well.
Rating : 10
6.Domino & Scream Team - Boom Boom Scream (SCP)
As most of the eurobeat fans already know, this song was released with a
promotional video that really shows that a bit of extra work can
give a song so much extra oomph. Domino has ties to the SCP
studios and most of us already remember her previous visits under
Stefano's house. Boom Boom Scream is a perfect example of
theme-music. The strong Halloween elements are present throughout the
track and really add in a lot of extra strength. Excellent chorus, great
vocals and organ-like synth work out wonders for this track. The release
time for the track is of course a bit of a mystery since October is ages
away, but with this strong performance I can see us still listening to
this song on heavy repetition on the next Halloween.
Rating : 10
7.The Frisbees - Baby Go (Dima Music)
The more juvenile feel-good material has not been Dima's
speciality so it's quite interesting to hear a more upbeat tune
alongside good old 90's bubblegum dancepop. Baby Go has that
classic Danish bubblegum style with female vocals and male rapping,
which actually works out quite nicely. The song balances between this
child-like style and a more mature one which creates a bit of a
distortion throughout the song. It's like the label was trying to create
a really happy-go-lucky tune but did not quite know how to go all the
way, think they should have listened to a bit more of Aqua, Toy-Box
and the likes to see how such is done with professionalism. While the
song has a nice lil' chorus and decent vocals, in the end it can't quite
provide enough of that something, to really stand out. Still nice to
hear Dima trying out something different this time around.
Rating : 7
8.Nine9Nine - Blackout (Dima Music)
Well, as the previous track already stated, Dima is really trying
out new things on this album. Blackout is a few extra steps away
from the eurobeat style and sounds like an attempt to create a street
credible rock-tune with all of the guitars. The reality though is that
the song falls short on all areas. While there aren't any actually bad
or unfitting elements, the track just doesn't really sound special at
all. After hearing so much of Davide on vocals lately, it seems
like just another mediocore tune with guitars to fool the listeners. As
said, nothing really negative but neither much positive going on here
Rating : 6½
9.Speedmaster Feat. Cindy - Pretty Girl Rock (Asia/Saifam)
As always, we have the filler Saifam songs to break out the
format even more. This time around we have a fairly new modern R&B track
that is re-formated to the typical Saifam speed style. Without
having ever heard the original, I do have to wonder why such a song was
chosen though. The song sounds like your average material with nothing
really special going on. The chorus is the only part of the track that
stands out from the rest. The chorus has a nice beat going on and the
vocals are pretty smooth and flowing, but sadly the rest of the song
doesn't really make any kind of effort to stand out. Pretty Girl Rock
is a track that should have been left on the shelf and the 6+ minutes
could have just as well been used for something related to eurobeat.
Rating : 6-
10.Ciao Ciao - Together (HI-NRG Attack)
Oh how warm the old and classic HI-NRG Attack sound feels like
after 3 attempts to break out from the eurobeat mold. Together
sounds like HI-NRG Attack did during their golden years on
Eurobeat Flash/Mach, there's a simple yet very efficient synth that
controls the whole flow of the tune. Before I started writing the review
I thought about the things to say and then it dawned to me: Ciao Ciao
seems to be the HRG equivalent for other high class titles like Delta
Queens or Domino. I can't remember a single bad entry from
this title and in the similar fashion carries on with Together.
While I could bicker a bit about the unexciting vocals, I'll push that
aside and concentrate on the fact that the song is done in a true
eurobeat format. There's that classic fast and simple synth, there are
the bulky and simple lyrics and most of all there's a fun melody that is
fun to listen to. There's no rocket science involved in the production
of this song, but it does it's task with head up high.
Rating : 9+
11.MC Boy - Just A Dream (Asia/Saifam)
So we've had bubblegum dance, we've had rock, we've had speed and now we
have some hiphop elements merged into a speed song. The track stands out
with its speedy pace, a 180BPM that is quite respectable. I initially
was put off by the song but the more I listened to it, the more I
enjoyed it. The parts with actual singing are really smooth and catchy,
while I'm not the biggest fan of the rap, it's nothing that would
destroy the whole song. As a matter of a fact, the chorus is really
memorable and sounds very fitting for this album. Soundwise there's
nothing really spectacular going on, it's your average sound library in
use with just a speedier beat. If I could, I would love to hear the
track without the rap as that would probably make the song work out
really nicely, now I'm torn between the awesome chorus and the
lackluster verses. With an exceptionally catchy chorus such as this
song's, I have to give credit where it's due: Saifam still know
how to do catchy dance material, just leave the rap out next time,
Rating : 8
12.Michelle Rose - You Are In Love (HI-NRG Attack)
After the speedier titles it's surprisingly HI-NRG Attack who
decide to push the break. You Are In Love sounds like a fun
summer day: Sunny, full of life, energy and happiness. The slower pace
emphasizes the simple structure perfectly since the verses and chorus
are given much more room to shine. Sounds actually offer quite a few
treats to the ears if you pay attention to the elements in the
backgrounds. The minor details in the sounds make the song feel really
special and important, somehow I get a feeling like Greta Accatino
would have been a part of the song's creation in some way. If not
directly herself, but maybe in the head of Claudio at least. A
feel-good song that celebrates the life and its' simple pleasures.
Rating : 9½
13.Rich Hard - Take My Life (Sunfire Records)
With just a single track on the album, Sunfire Records are
actually pushing forward something unheard of. Rich Hard is again
here with a song that sounds very unique and unlike anything we've
before heard from the label. The synth sounds totally renewed and
perfectly fitting for the song. Take My Life sounds quite special
in more than one way. Sounds have a tiny bit of a futuristic feel to
them, yet at the same time the song has a stuffy club-like feel to it.
The result is something really special and worth while, if you haven't
enjoyed the label's performances beforehand this is definitely something
worth checking out. The melody itself is pretty simple with a few really
excellent hooks, the structure is quite odd though and it doesn't really
emphasize the chorus at all. Actually all other parts of the song feel
much more efficient, which is a bit of a double-edged sword. You may
expect a strong chorus, but when you actually realize it went by without
any real events one can feel a bit cheated. But not me, I really feel
this track showcases the best in Sunfire Records, it's different,
it's catchy and very bizarre!
Rating : 10-
14.Cherry - No More Love (Delta)
When I saw the original line-up for this album I was expecting a lot
from this title since the past has brought forth such classic titles as
Rain and Yes I Will. No More Love doesn't quite
live up to the expectations since it's a more generic, yet still bubbly
and upbeat. Rizzi seems to be creating a lot of upbeat material
these days, whether it's the effect of spring and sunlight coming forth
I do not know, but I am definitely enjoying it. Clara handles the
vocals decently, but the similar happiness as Skyline is gone,
which makes the song feel slightly more hollow. Chorus and the c-melody
sound excellent on this tune, but the verses could really have used some
extra seasoning. Not a bad offering by any means, but next time some
extra life into the vocals and extra bounciness for the verses.
Rating : 8+
15.Jilly - Ding A Ling (Healing Eurogrooves Remix) (Eurogrooves)
So Eurogrooves are back, sorta. Even if it's only through
remixes, the label at least is making some form of appearances. Ding
A Ling is a bit of a classic, with a great chorus and some memorable
playful lyrics. The original track was quite speedy, so this slowed down
ballad feels extra strange. The acoustic elements feel pretty typical
and don't really offer anything special for this track. Clara's
vocals sound like the original, which is a bit of a shame as hearing
redone vocals would've been fun at least, or a new vocalist even. A
soothing closure for the album, but no where near the level of the
Rating : 7-
Final Words :
I have to admit that I was not originally expecting all that much from
this album, aside for the Lolita song, which in retrospect was a
bit of a disappointment. But fortunately where there was a loss, there
was a lot of victory as well. Different labels put out quite a bit of
originality and high class material which made this an album with plenty
of high lights. While the first half of the album seems over all
stronger than the end, it's really refreshing to hear Sunfire Records
and HI-NRG Attack offering some really memorable pieces as well.
After a few albums that balanced on the generic average level, this
album surprises with an over all high quality. The return of Leslie
Parrish and Delta with Skyline is the real gem of the
album, but Domino & Scream Team and Eurodudes are very
close to the similar level. On top of that the album features plenty of
good songs by other labels as well, so I have definitely no complaints
at all. 214 is a pleasant surprise, which deserves more publicity than
it seems to have had so far.
Final Score : 8½
The Best 3 songs
- Leslie Parrish - Skyline
- Eurodudes - Passport To Dance
- Domino & Scream Team - Boom Boom Scream
The Worst 3 Songs
- Speedmaster Feat. Cindy - Pretty Girl Rock
- Nine9Nine - Blackout
- Jilly - Ding A Ling (Healing Eurogrooves Remix)
Honorable Mention
- Rich Hard - Take My Life
Labels present on the album:
Delta: 2
Dima Music: 2
Eurogrooves: 1
Go Go's Music: 1
HI-NRG Attack: 2
Saifam: 2
SCP: 3
Sinclaire Style: 1
Sunfire Records: 1
Reviewed by Bore